The Great Thief

Chapter 1889 - The Strongest Skill

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

Someone had once calculated the strongest Boss skill in Dawn.

Prince Malchezaar’s signature skill made it onto the rankings and even made it into the top three.

Subjugated Power was cast on any five non-tank team members, setting their maximum HP down to 1, and healing and regeneration to 0. This lasted for 7 seconds.

No matter how much HP you had, if you were afflicted by this, your HP would decrease to 1. It made no difference if other people healed you or if you drank a potion. If you received damage, no matter how little, you would die.

One could only wait until this debuff ended for their HP to return to a normal state.

Along with Subjugated Power was Shadow Nova, which dealt 3000 Shadow damage in a 30-yard radius and would repel people within this range.

Those who were hit with the Subjugated Power and hadn’t run away would be killed in one fell swoop.

Ruling Sword’s team wipe had broken a new record. After just a few minutes of battling, they were all on the floor. Lu Li turned around and walked away as soon as he was hit. Then, he turned back to see his teammates enter into a state of stupidity. He shamelessly turned back around and continued to run away.

Anyone who found that their HP had been reduced to a single point and could not do anything about it would be at a loss.

“What happened? What’s wrong with me? What should I do?”

“What to do? We can’t keep fighting. Everyone, let’s disband after splitting the stuff,” Fat Monkey said dejectedly. He was one of the players who had been killed just then.

It was impossible to disband. Since this Boss was designed by the gaming company, then there must have been a way of overcoming it.

“Those hit by the debuff, immediately run outside of the Boss’ attack range. It’s that simple,” Lu Li explained.

Indeed, Prince Malchezaar had one of the strongest skills, but it wasn’t necessarily the hardest to deal with. After all, the frequency of this skill wasn’t to the point of completely shutting down the players.

Moreover, the equipment that Lu Li had received from his mentor could also be used here. Malchezaar, being from Eredar, was a member of the demons.

Other than the Subjugated Power, Malchezaar periodically summoned an Infernal mid-battle. His Infernal fell from the sky and didn’t have a fixed position. It would roughly be cast at any point within a 60-yard radius around the Boss.

This introduced an element of unpredictability into the battle.

The Infernal itself wouldn’t move, and didn’t have an aggro list. However, it would deal 1000-1500 damage within a radius of 15-yards.

In the first and second period, it would be called upon every 50-60 seconds, while in the third period, it would be called every 20-25 seconds.

The Infernal would automatically disappear 3 minutes after being summoned.

Then, there were the stages. This Boss battle was also divided into three stages. No one knew why this was the case across most Bosses.

However, there were differences from Netherspite. This Boss was split into stages according to its HP. The first stage was 100-60%, the second stage was 60-30%, and the third stage was 30-0%.

The third stage was the hardest, while the first two stages were of a similar difficulty. The third stage introduced another skill called Shadow Word: Pain. It was cast on random target and dealt massive damage, but it could be dispelled. It was much more different from Subjugated Power.

Since, Malchezaar had 1,150,000 HP, the whole battle was a test of the team’s endurance, especially for the healing and ranged DPS players.

Wandering had once again been granted his wish of being a substitute outside the Instance Dungeon. If it was anyone else, they would feel a bit down, but he wasn’t like that. He would rather be a substitute his whole life.

If the Main Tank was strong enough here, then three healers would be sufficient. Otherwise, it would be safer to enter with four healers.

With Azure Sea Breeze’s level and equipment, there was no need to consider having four healers. March Rain, Little Hachi Chan and Darkness as a combination were stronger than another quad-healer group.

As for DPS professions, Shadow Priests were a very good choice. Not only did they have high DPS in the current version, but they were also potent Magic users.

A majority of ranged DPS professions were better suited than melee players against this Boss. Ranged players could easily stand outside the AOE range of the Boss if they were afflicted by Subjugated Power.

There were only four melee DPS players – Lu Li, Water Fairy, Moonlight and Sakura Memories.

The rest were all ranged output.

Choosing the appropriate potions here would be helpful to the team. Other healing-oriented teams could rely on more consumables to improve DPS, such as Whetstones, Wizard Oil and other elixirs. If the team had less healers, then it needed to rely on consumables to improve recovery. Stoneshield Potions would also be necessary to relieve pressure on the Main Tanks.

Stoneshield Potions could be used in the second stage where the Prince would increase his damage towards Main Tanks.

Lu Li and the others spent a whole day defeating this Boss. Some of the mechanisms were different from what Lu Li recalled, and they needed to constantly adjust and discuss countermeasures.

Malchezaar rewarded skill points, which were taken by Darkness.

Darkness was a lucky player. Most of the time, she was a substitute, but when she entered an Instance Dungeon, she would always receive equipment or skill points.

A Life-steal Gem was given to Moonlight.

For Thieves, they couldn’t run if they didn’t kill their opponent, so there was no use for life-steal.

Unfortunately, there were no Enhanced Skills Book. Prince Malchezaar was Karazhan’s final Boss, so they didn’t expect him to be so stingy.

Then, there was a Thousand Seal Ring, which was Dark Gold grade.

This could be generally used by all players, so Lu Li gave it to Sakura Memories.

Of course, this type of general equipment didn’t truly belong to anyone. If Sakura Memories wasn’t competing, she had to lend it to Moonlight or Mu Qiu. At the moment, level 70 equipment hadn’t been popularised, so they had to live frugally.

Sunfury Bow of the Phoenix – Dark Gold Bow.

Even though this could be used by both Warriors and Thieves, Remnant Dream still wielded a level 68 weapon. As such, Lu Li gave it to her without hesitation.

Lu Li’s heart felt heavy after seeing the Sunfury Bow of the Phoenix. If the Boss dropped a weapon, then there would likely be no second weapon, and Prince Malchezaar’s best item was naturally Gorehowl.

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