The Great Thief

Chapter 1591 - Unexpected Rewards

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

“But we still need to be vigilant. The ones in front are Thief trainers, and the ones coming are all Thieves. What if someone is here in Stealth?”

City Smoke was worthy of his name as Intelligence Chief and immediately thought of this key point.

“Hehe, Smokey you’re not a battler after all. To move in Stealth in front of the Thief trainers is to display one’s skills before experts. If you bumped into a trainer with a bad temper, they would straight up ignore you,” Eagle Cutesie said, showing his knowledge. There weren’t many chances to look down upon the Intelligence Chief of Glory Capital.

“I see…” City Smoke didn’t have much feelings of inferiority or shame. He looked Eagle Cutesie seriously, then continued, “If this can trigger the quest as per usual, then you don’t need to worry about the renumeration. After all, we still have a series of long cooperation from here on out. If it doesn’t…”

“Put your mind at ease; I’ll trigger the quest myself. There have been many people who have triggered it successfully. There’s no doubt involved,” Eagle Cutesie said without a care.

What he did not know was that if the quest couldn’t be triggered then not receiving renumeration was the least of his problems. City Smoke would make his life living hell. There were countless who City Smoke had cheated; the only thing was that a majority of people didn’t know who was playing them.

“Let me call someone over to try it,” City Smoke added. “It’ll definitely be someone with high Charisma.”

The two of them waited for a while, and City Smoke continued to ask about the issue of Ruling Sword. While Eagle Cutesie seemed to regard their cooperation as more important, there was simply no limit to what one knew and what the other said.

Lu Li laughed coldly on the inside. He remained expressionless and continued to look ahead, acting perfectly as an NPC.

Players’ disputes of interests fundamentally didn’t affect NPCs. Furthermore, NPCs wouldn’t stick their noses into other people’s business. Some people even think that NPCs couldn’t hear players before interacting with them.

Evidently, Eagle Cutesie and City Smoke didn’t think that there was anything wrong about this NPC listening to their conversation.

“Hehe… Since you’re so straightforward, I’ll definitely make a friend out of you,” City Smoke laughed, filled with an expression of satisfaction. “I really want to know about Ruling Sword’s elite group, even its core elites. Which are the ones I can get in touch with?”

Eagle Cutesie’s expression changed a bit and he waved his hands immediately.

“Omg, you have no idea how strong Lu Li’s influence is to those below. Other than me, there’s no one else who would dare betray the guild.”

City Smoke didn’t believe a word of this. He even thought that Lu Li as a person was pure nonsense. No matter how confident he was, there was no guarantee that everyone out of the 100 or so elites were completely loyal to him. The traitor standing in front of him was proof of that. Even though Lu Li didn’t have much of an impression of him, he could pass the examination to get into the elite team. This was enough to show that this Eagle Cutesie was not of little importance.

“You just put your mind at ease. Give me a list of names. For each one that is successful, I’ll give you this number. If it’s a core elite, I’ll give you three times that number,” City Smoke offered.

Eagle Cutesie’s breathing quickened immediately.

“Really?! You’re not playing me? This isn’t a small number. Even if you guys at Glory Capital have a lot of money, Sorrowless won’t agree to throw it all at me…”

“Hehe… you guys at Ruling Sword are so poor you are starting to lack imagination,” City Smoke coldly said. “The capabilities of Glory Capital are truly beyond your imagination. The funds of the intelligence department are so great we can’t even finish using them. As long as this money can be traded into valuable intelligence, I don’t even need to apply for more to my superiors.”

Lu Li wanted to both be angry and laugh, but he was more interested in what type of name list Eagle Cutesie was going to provide.

“With core elites, you could try Azure Sea Breeze. He’s always fighting with Lu Li. Lu Li even confiscated his Guild Points once…” Eagle Cutesie swallowed and said with bright eyes. Azure Sea Breeze should have been more important than core elite; that would mean so much money for him.

“That’s enough,” City Smoke’s interrupted as his face went livid. “Do you think I’m stupid? Azure Sea Breeze and Lu Li pretty much wear the same pants. You would think I would believe that he would betray Ruling Sword? Did you know that the two of them were close since the game’s early days?! Do you not know the position of your so-called Ruling Sword elite in the guild?!”

“I…I was just saying,” Eagle Cutesie’s stammered as his mannerisms suddenly weakened. “Then how about Her Tears? He has a lot of money and hasn’t been a regular member…”


City Smoke nearly vomited up blood. His eyes were seeing stars as he felt a burst of darkness rush into his head. He nearly got pushed out the game because his mood was fluctuating too much. With the example of Azure Sea Breeze before, he knew that the person in front of him was acting in his own personal interest, but he didn’t think the name Her Tears would be mentioned. He had even taken into account crazy name suggestions like Wandering!

That was the biggest pain of his entire career. Even until now, he didn’t want to admit that he had been played by Her Tears.

“Are you okay?” Eagle Cutesie asked worriedly. His partner didn’t look too well – hopefully it wasn’t a terminal illness. If he died here, then who would he ask for the money?

“No…Nothing,” City Smoke gasped, then said impatiently, “Let’s move on from the core elite. Let’ talk about the people in your elite team. No need for any ambiguity – just say what you can be sure of. If you can’t be sure of anything then don’t say anything. If the point of contact fails, then there not only will be no rewards, but I will let you feel what Glory Capital’s rage is all about!”


This conversation had taken a different route than expected. Eagle Cutesie was a bit dumbfounded.

“Quickly spit it out! If you don’t have anything to say, then I’ll leave.”

City Smoke decided that next time something like this happened, someone below him could come handle it. He was worried what would happen if he couldn’t suppress his own chaotic power.

“…” Eagle Cutesie reluctantly thought again, and lastly gave out two other names.

Lu Li quickly remembered these two names and sent them to Wandering along with Eagle Cutesie. Wandering was the perfect person to deal with these nasty people. If it was Square Root 3, he would just get rid of them, which would defeat the whole purpose.

“How did you get this list of names? How did you want to deal with this?” Wandering asked with curiosity.

“How did I get this? Hehe…” Lu Li laughed sinisterly, “They were standing right in front of me and plotting against me. How do you think I knew? As for how to deal with it, I will let City Smoke know what pain is. He won’t dare plot against us again. Get someone to observe these three people first. Wait until I finish dealing with Glory Capital then start cleaning them up.”

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