Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

When Su Yan returned to the hospital room, Su Qian was chatting happily with Huo Nan, who was sitting on the edge of the bed. Mother Su was also standing to the side with a smile on her face, eager to see how close Su Qian and Huo Nan were.

Through the window of the ward, Su Yan thought that it was indeed different after they had physical contact. Su Qian and Huo Nan would subconsciously act intimately with each other, and there was even an indescribable intimacy between them.

When Su Yan entered the room, Su Qian's eyes lit up. "Big sister."

Su Yan placed the food in front of Su Qian and Mother Su before turning to Huo Nan, who was still sitting beside Su Qian. She smiled and said, "I have tuition later, so I'll be leaving now. Take care of yourself, sister."

Before she left, she turned around and said meaningfully to Huo Nan, "Huo Nan must take good care of my sister."

After leaving the ward, Su Yan felt that something was wrong after taking a few steps. Someone was following her. Su Yan stopped in her tracks. She took out a small mirror from her bag and pretended to touch up her makeup to check the situation behind her. However, it was very quiet at the back. There was obviously nothing unusual.

Su Yan did not believe it. She could feel that the gaze that followed her like a shadow was so sticky that it was like a poisonous snake staring at its prey.

Kidnapping in broad daylight?

Kidnapped? Su Yan suddenly paused as she recalled the time she was disfigured in her previous life. She was dragged out by Su Qian because Su Qian said that the store they frequented had new clothes. She wanted to go take a look, but not long after, the store caught fire. In her panic, Su Qian pushed Su Yan into the fire, causing her disfigurement.

At that time, she thought that Su Qian wanted to harm her, but now that she thought about it, she felt that things weren't as simple as they seemed. It was impossible for Su Qian to do such a thing alone. There might be traces of someone else behind this.

Su Yan turned into another corridor and quickly entered the second ward. She picked up Shi Qing's call. After a while, hurried footsteps could be heard from outside, mixed with a panicked conversation.

"Where is she?"

"I saw her walk over just now."

Through the curtain of the ward, Su Yan saw two short, sharp-faced men. The two men talked for a while, and finally, they decided they should not alert the enemy, so they left together.

Su Yan did not dare to go out. In fact, her legs were weak. After ten minutes, the two of them appeared in the corridor again.

"She's really not around anymore?"

"We might have really lost her."

"Let's report to the higher-ups first."

After their conversation, they finally left.

Shi Qing's voice came from the other end as well. "Where are you in the hospital now? Don't move yet, wait for me to look for you." Shi Qing's voice was urgent, losing his usual calmness. When she heard Shi Qing's words, Su Yan first told him her location before relaxing.

When she was tense, she would not feel anything. However, once she relaxed, the fear and aggrieved feelings that she had just felt rose. Su Yan's voice trembled slightly. "Shi Qing."

She sounded like she was crying. Shi Qing's breath stopped for a while. The hand that was holding onto the phone started to exert force, and the phone made creaking sounds as if it could not bear the burden. "Wait for me. I'll be there soon."

Shi Qing's voice was firm and powerful, giving Su Yan some strength. She held onto the bed beside her as she squatted down and said softly, "Alright, I'll wait for you."

I'll wait for you. It was just a casual sentence from the girl, but it made Shi Qing pause in his thoughts. After a long while, he barely found his voice. "Wait for me."

The call did not end. Su Yan squatted on the ground and pressed herself into a ball, as if this would give her a sense of security. Listening to the man's breathing on the other end of the call, Su Yan's heart finally calmed down.

Because she was not sure if the people outside had really left, Su Yan's voice remained low. "Do you think the people following me are from the Yun family?"

Shi Qing did not expect the young girl to calm down so quickly, but he replied, "It's possible. The Yun family has been in City A for some time, but there has been no news from them. We cannot rule out the possibility that they have been making preparations."

"What is their motive for coming to me? To silence and eliminate me?" Su Yan's probing guess was also the most reasonable explanation at the moment. Shi Qing became more and more worried. He hated that the car was driving too slowly and could not bring the girl back to a safe place.

Su Yan didn't mind that she didn't get an answer. After a while, she asked again, "Ah Qing, what happened to you back then?"

"What did you call me?" Shi Qing was so agitated that his voice went out of tune. Realizing that he had lost his composure, he hurriedly added, "What did you say just now?"

Su Yan did not expect herself to address him so intimately just now. Her face instantly turned red, and she coughed before saying, "It's nothing. I just feel that since we are engaged, we should be closer when addressing each other. I'll call you Ah Qing from now on, okay?"

Shi Qing took a deep breath.. After a while, he replied with great care, "Alright."

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