The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

2784 Chapter 2674, internal changes

Su Yu did not say anything. He waved his hand.

Under the Heaven, a ruin was separated, revealing a hidden underground hall.

In the center of the hall, there was a stone box with a seal on it.

At this moment, the seal was broken.

Inside the box, Su Yu and Yu Xiang Wan were still in the same state they were in before they left last time.

There were several corpses of the heavenly court members that had dried up.

One of them was the body of the Chief of death.

He came to the body of the chief of death.

After such a long time, the body of the chief of death still had a thick death domain.

After taking a few glances, Su Yu clenched his fist.

The death domain immediately shattered.

The real death domain was usually attached to the body. It would not be easily destroyed by external forces.

The body continued to grow dim, and soon began to wither.

The body of the chief sovereign of death had been tempered, and it would be difficult for time to extinguish it and for it to wither.

Thus, there was no doubt.

This body of the chief sovereign of death was fake.

In addition, someone had disguised it as a chief sovereign.

The answer to who had done it was obvious.

"Redbud... you actually fooled him."Su Yu couldn't help but laugh.

The Chief of death that he had been searching for had always been by his side!

Now that he thought about it, if this was really the chief of death...

Why did she kill everyone.

Only Hong Yao survived?

The only answer was that she was the real chief of death.

She was a mysterious existence who rarely showed up and almost no one knew the real identity of her.

Yu Xiang Wan, who was at the side, could not help but gape when she heard the truth. "That Hong Yao is actually the Chief of Death?"

When she thought of this, Yu Xiang Wan's hair stood on end. "This fellow's thoughts are too deep. In that case, in her mind, the scene where the corpse went on a killing spree was also made up by her?"

Su Yu smiled. "That's the only possibility."

Hiss --

Yu Xiang Wan suddenly felt goosebumps all over her body. "We've actually traveled with the chief of death for so long?"

If she had any evil intentions and wanted to harm them, it would be impossible to guard against her.

Su Yu nodded his head.

If he had not unleashed the power of the Holy Physique, Hong Yao would have felt threatened.

She would probably continue to hide by Su Yu's side.

"Let me see where she is first."Su Yu closed his eyes.

He had once placed a restriction on the fusion of the seven domains in Hong Yao's body.

However, with this restriction, he could sense her location.

In an instant.

He could sense her presence.

"Dao Yuan?"Su Yu opened his eyes and could not help but be surprised.

Hong Yao was already on her way to Dao Yuan.

"Why is she going to Dao Yuan?"Su Yu was deep in thought as a person appeared in his mind.

The ninth ruler!

Could it be that Hong Yao was looking for him?

"Brother Su, since you can sense her, why don't you capture her? You're only lacking the death domain from the eight Yuan domains,"suggested Yu Xiang Wan.

Su Yu shook his head slightly. "It's too late."

"She's already found a way to destroy the domain."

In a faraway place.

On a floating island.

Hong Yao was holding a sword.

That sword was stained with the blood of the son of heaven.

It was the blood sword that the court master had previously grasped.

At this moment, Hong Yao stabbed the sword into her abdomen.

Her face was suffused with traces of pain.

Suddenly, she sensed Su Yu's probing and looked behind her.

While a trace of nervousness appeared on her face, she immediately sped up and twisted it with force.

The blood of the son of heaven on the sword blade surged into her abdomen and quickly melted the domain restriction.

A moment later, she pulled out the blade, a smile of relief on her face.

"Almost,"Hong Yao, no -- the ruler of death said slowly.

She threw down the blood sword and turned to Face Dao Yuan. Without any hesitation, she quickly left.

Su Yu sensed something and felt regret.

"Forget it. I'll find her after the destruction of the epoch."Su Yu looked at the ruined heavenly court.

He had fought ancient god Nine Dragons underground.

The two of them were far too powerful.

They had forcefully split the Heaven Court warship in two.

The other regions were also riddled with holes and devastation.

"It can't be used anymore?"Su Yu's mood was slightly gloomy.

The creatures of the ruined region had lost all hope and had already lost their shelter.

The Heaven Court was their only choice.

But a fierce battle had destroyed more than half of it.

To survive the end of the age.

It's a pipe dream.

Su Yu took a deep breath, launched the time, Space Domain.

"Reverse Time!"

Two Yuan level domain fusion, natural can burst out unprecedented power.

Visible to the naked eye, the devastation on the surface of the heavenly court is rapidly being reversed to the point of no destruction.

Ten short breaths.

The surface of heaven is restored to its original state.

However, the rift left by the war with the ancient gods of Kowloon, which runs through the heaven, still exists.

It Can't be undone.

One is that the trauma was too great.

Even in the two meta-level domains, it is difficult to reverse the flow completely.

Secondly, there are the powers of the ancient gods of Kowloon and the mortal body, whose existence indirectly affects healing.

Su Yu raised his head to look at the sky.

He frowned deeply.

The Sacred Mountain was already closing in.

They didn't have time to find a second place to hide.

They were in danger.

The evil girl didn't say a word. She bit her finger, and several streams of black blood dripped out.

When they landed in the crack, countless black lotuses immediately appeared from the blood.

They were densely packed and filled the entire crack.

The black lotuses wantonly absorbed the remaining power of ancient God Nine Dragons and the mortal body.

They used this to crazily reproduce.

An hour later, the remaining power inside was completely absorbed.

The black lotuses also thought that they had lost their source of power and began to decay.

Not long after, all the black lotuses self-decayed into black dust.

"Let's try again."The evil woman put away her finger and indifferently said.

Su Yu said deeply, "Thank you."

The evil woman said expressionlessly, "I came here to help you, didn't I?"

Su Yu had said that he needed her.

With a light smile, Su Yu looked at the crack again.

"It will probably take a few days. Senior sister, please help me clean up the heavenly court,"Su Yu said.


The evil woman bent down and landed on the ground of the heavenly court.

Su Yu began to repair the crack.

As time and space flowed backwards, some of the cracks finally healed.

The main reason was that the evil woman had removed the remaining aura inside.

Ten days later.

With a rumble.

The Heavenly Court warship that had been split into two halves was completely restored.

It returned to its former state.

Then, Su Yu looked at the outer space of the heavenly court.

He had obtained enough abyss water from the ancestral witch.

He only needed to fuse the heavenly book characters with it.

However, Su Yu didn't plan to set it up immediately.

His attainments in the Heavenly Book of Darkness needed to be improved.

Moreover, there were some problems that he might need to deal with.

For example, the soul of the ancient god of the netherworld that he had swallowed.

He landed on the ground and used the seven domains to set up an independent space around him that was similar to a barrier.

Closing his eyes, he immediately looked inside his body.

If he didn't look, he wouldn't know. Once he did, Su Yu's expression immediately became solemn.

His body was pitch-black!

All his flesh and blood no longer existed.

Only an empty pitch-black world remained.

The only thing that existed was the heart of the son of heaven hanging in the darkness!

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