The Damned Demon

214 Taking Risks Is Nothing New

Kira's eyes sparkled as Asher's skepticism met her ears. With a soft sigh, she began to sway slowly toward him, a move that would have made any other man's heart quicken, "My darling," she purred, fluttering her eyelashes in a teasing manner, "You're far too paranoid."

Her voice, soft and cajoling, filled the room as she walked around his chair to stand behind him, "Do you know what it's like, to have your wings clipped?" Her voice was tinged with a faint sadness, "House Thorne, they've limited me, kept me under their thumb. They don't let me expand my business, my influence. It's as though they're afraid of what I might become if I step out of their shadow."

Asher scoffed, his eyes narrowing further, "And why wouldn't they? You bring in wealth and fame to them. They wouldn't want to lose such a valuable asset."

Kira nodded, a sigh escaping her lips, "I understand that. But, can you really blame a bird for wanting to fly?"

However, Asher wasn't entirely convinced. He gave a slow shake of his head, skepticism etching his features, "Why would I trust anything a woman like you says?"

At that, Kira pouted, her slender fingers tracing their way to Asher's broad shoulders, kneading gently into the muscles. 

"Why would I ever hurt you, love? Especially considering the fact that I have so much more to lose. You remember, don't you?" Her voice was laced with a heavy dose of seductive allure, "Your scary protector even threatened to send me to the pits of Tartarus if I ever harm you again."

Asher blinked his eyes as he never knew about this. How did Eradicator know Kira tried to kill him? Asher couldn't help but feel that Eradicator was even better at her job than he expected.

She moved closer to him, her slender hands still massaging his tense shoulders. 

"Given that," she continued, "I'd have to be a complete fool to betray your confidence, wouldn't I?" Her voice held a blend of mischief and conviction, leaving Asher to ponder over her words.

But he couldn't help but feel a bit distracted as Kira's delicate fingers expertly worked their way across his shoulders, a ripple of unexpected pleasure surging through him. 

Her touch was at once comforting and disconcerting, the sensation curling down his spine and pulling a reluctant sigh from his lips. 

The sensation was amplified by the subtle fragrance of her perfume, a captivating blend of jasmine and something intoxicatingly exotic, filling his senses.

The fact that she could do all this with just her bare hands was enough to let one realize how dangerous she was.

However, Asher was no stranger to the art of persuasion, nor was he a man easily swayed by the allure of a seductive woman. 

Remaining the master of his mind, he kept enjoying her massage and said, "Very well. I will think about it, but first, you have to prove what you said. I would need you to do something just like what I asked last year."

Even without her persuading him, Asher felt that maybe it was better to stick to her. Even if he comes up with his own information network, it would never be as good and effective as hers. And for someone with his circumstances, he can't risk getting behind.

"Oh?" The low, sultry hum of Kira's voice faded as she ceased her ministrations, her hands sliding away from his shoulders as though her touch was a whisper of silk. 

She stood and glided across the plush carpet, moving with the grace of a practiced dancer to take her place across from him. The gentle rustle of her gown filled the silence between them as she perched herself elegantly on the opulent chair.

A satisfied smile curled on her lips as she gazed at Asher, her eyes sparkling with intrigue, as she asked, her voice a melodious purr, "And who might be the unfortunate soul to earn your wrath this time? Will it be the same method as before?"

Asher dismissed her questions with a wave of his hand, his tone casual, yet firm, "Don't concern yourself with who's on the receiving end," he said, "I'm more interested in the execution. Unlike last time, I will make the effects real. However, they should appear as an illusion afterward."

Kira's emerald eyes blinked, the surprise in them replaced by a spark of understanding, "A real illusion, you say?" She mulled over his words, her gaze distant yet thoughtful, "I can certainly arrange that even if it's quite risky."

Asher's lips curved into a smile as his eyes glinted with a cold light. He then asked, "About the special ingredients you asked for last time-"

Kira waved off his concerns with an air of confidence, "Don't burden yourself with such details, darling," she said, leaning back in her chair, her posture relaxed and comfortable, "Unlike last time, I can't let you do all the heavy lifting. I can procure the necessary... elements on my own."

The soft rustle of silk against silk filled the room as Asher rose from his chair, his posture a pillar of certainty and unyielding resolve, "Then I'll be back soon for the results," he said, his voice resonating with a mixture of authority and anticipation.

A swift, surprised blink flashed across Kira's face as she noticed an unexpected detail. Like a sheathed long sword, a thick, long bulge became visible at Asher's crotch.

Her eyes widened momentarily, wondering what kind of man beast he was. Her thoughts trailed off as a teasing smile curled her lips, "My darling," she said, her voice playful and coy, "it seems you should tend to your...little friend's eagerness before you depart this building."

The sound of Asher's chuckle broke the tension in the room, his gaze momentarily dropping to his lower half before returning to meet Kira's, "I wonder who might be responsible for my little friend's condition," he retorted, an amused glint in his eyes.

Even though his mind had remained focused during the massage, his body, evidently, had been more receptive to Kira's touch. And her tempting presence was hardly a calming influence.

Kira's legs raised and coiled onto the chair, her posture becoming even more seductive as she sighed softly, "I am flattered but an older woman like myself could hardly satisfy the needs of a young, virile man like you," she lamented, her words dripping with feigned regret, "But fear not, Azura and Kiera are always eager to cater to your...condition, waiting for you right outside."

"That's a shame, though I am sure Azura and Kiera can help me out in this case," Asher said with a smirk, his eyes flicking over Kira's reclining form one last time.

He carried a flicker of doubt inside about what kind of a succubus she was. The ones he knew would have jumped at the opportunity. 

But he brushed it aside, his footsteps echoing against the lavish floors as he left her chamber.

Outside, in her quiet moments of vigilance, Eradicator often found herself in deep thought, her attention focused on the grandiose building, especially on the top floor. She made a mistake once and was determined to not make it again.


Twilight, sensing how cold and sharp her aura had been for a while, climbed onto her shoulder and gently headbutted her, as if trying to persuade her to relax.

Eradicator's gaze softened a bit as she nestled Twilight in her arms, and idly scratched under the cat's chin, drawing forth a low rumbling purr that echoed in the quiet night. 

However, the moment Asher came out, her aura immediately reverted back to its steely, sharp state.


After Asher had left Honeyed Pearls, he met up with Darren Alleister in an elite restaurant, in a room with privacy. 

Darren was eagerly waiting for him, and the moment he saw him, Darren was about to kneel before Asher when Asher stopped him, "There is no need for all this. I only did what I would do for my vassal," Asher said as he also took a glance at the expensive gifts placed on the table.

Darren wryly smiled as he straightened his back and said with an overwhelmed look, "Your Highness, I know you took huge risks to help me out by protecting my House. I came to know what my father did to instigate the rebellion when he told me my House would no longer treat me as an outcast. He said it was all thanks to your grace, and that is why he also wanted to give you these gifts to show his gratitude," Darren said as he gestured toward the table adorned with gifts.

Asher subtly smiled as he patted Darren's shoulder and said, "Taking risks is nothing new to me, Darren. You have proved yourself during the war, equipping our Dragon Legion with the finest enchanted weapons. I overlooked your father's treacherous actions because I know you will continue to do better and make your House proud. And, of course, Rebecca will no longer have a hold over your House unless your father wants to court death."

Darren nodded with a complicated smile as he deeply bowed and apologized fervently, "I again deeply apologize for my father's treachery. Not only me but my father is also forever indebted to you. Even if my House is not your vassal, my father is ready to do anything for you under the table."

Darren knew how close his House was to courting destruction because of his father's actions. If not for the royal consort intervening for his sake, his future would have been finished. Nobody would respect the son of a traitor, and he would be lucky if he didn't get assassinated by some angry, dangerous people.

Asher inwardly chuckled and felt that it was a good thing he scared Lord Allesiter well enough to bend his back for him. The only reason he saved him was because his House was one of the largest manufacturers of enchanted armor and weapons.

Since he was planning to build an army of his own, he would need huge support from such a House.

Asher gestured to Darren to rise and said as he rubbed his fingers, "I appreciate his sincerity. But I wonder whether he can satisfy a request of mine?"

Darren's eyes immediately lit up as he eagerly asked, "Of course! Anything for you," Darren was brimming with the urge to do even more for the royal consort since he didn't want to make the royal consort feel that he was not that useful.

"How about an armor set for Callisa? Do you guys have experience in making such a huge armor?" Asher asked with a doubtful look.

Darren's expression lit up as he said, "That is not really hard. Even if we don't usually make armor that big, the size doesn't really matter. We would be glad to deliver the finest armor for Callisa as soon as possible. A majestic creature like that can only deserve the best."

"Take your own time, and I guess that would be all for now. Let's eat something, shall we? I am famished," Asher said with a smile as the two sat down for a feast.

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