The Damned Demon

162 Prosperity Or Pain?

The hot, hellish winds blew over the Tower of Hell as the Head Warden sat in his exclusive study hall. 

The room was adorned with shelves upon shelves of ancient scrolls and books, some dating back centuries. The walls were decorated with a few paintings depicting the battles and accomplishments of legendary demons, a testament to the rich history of the Demon Kingdom. 

At the center of the study stood a massive wooden desk, its dark and polished surface a map of the tower carved with painstaking detail.

The air was thick with the scent of aged parchment and the faint aroma of rare plants. A large, ornate window behind the desk overlooked the vast expanse of the kingdom, providing a breathtaking view of the lands below.

Duncan Doru, a focused and imposing figure, sat in his high-backed leather chair, his fingers steepled as he awaited the arrival of Rebecca and Asher.

His silver hair was tied back in a neat ponytail, and his piercing red eyes seemed to see through to one's very soul. He radiated an aura of authority and wisdom that commanded respect from all who entered his presence.

As the heavy oak doors to the study hall creaked open, Rebecca and Asher walked in side by side, their footsteps echoing softly through the hushed room. They both looked around, taking in the grandeur and history of the space before focusing their attention on the formidable figure seated before them.

Bowing their heads in unison, they greeted the Head Warden with due respect,

"Warden Doru," Rebecca began, her voice steady and respectful, "Thank you for granting us an audience."

Asher followed suit, his voice respectful as he spoke, "Greetings, Master Duncan."

Duncan Doru nodded, his steely gaze surveying the two demons standing before him. With a wave of his hand, he gestured for them to take a seat.

Rebecca couldn't wait to hear from the Head Warden that this entire nonsense would be dropped since there was no clear winner. She had bigger things to worry about than this.

Duncan regarded them both with a contemplative expression, then spoke, "I must admit, both of you have done well in guiding your respective candidates through the first trial. As such, there is no clear winner between you."

Rebecca's lips curled into a smug, barely-concealed smirk, confident that things were proceeding as she had planned.

However, Duncan continued, "That being said, I am particularly impressed by Asher's performance. Despite his youth and inexperience, he managed to train those five young demons from less fortunate backgrounds to pass the trial. This is no small feat."

Asher's smile broadened, while Rebecca's nerves shook beneath her cool exterior. She didn't expect the Head Warden to bring up this point to praise Asher.

She begrudgingly acknowledged that Asher's success was indeed unexpected, but refused to accept that this brat was more competent than her.

Her mind raced, cursing herself for inadvertently setting him up for success by assigning him the worst candidates. If she had known the outcome, she would have acted differently.

Duncan's voice brought her thoughts back to the present, "Because of this, I have decided to appoint Asher as the Junior Floor Warden of the first floor."

Asher raised his eyebrows in surprise, while Rebecca's eyes widened with disbelief. She couldn't let this stand, so she respectfully countered, "Warden Doru, wouldn't it be more prudent to allow Asher to gain further experience before entrusting him with such responsibility?"

Duncan considered her words, then responded, "For the first floor's trial, I believe Asher is qualified enough to mentor the candidates. And since I already have thought about what you said, I am letting him start small."

Asher smirked inwardly, amused by Rebecca's desperation. He hadn't expected Duncan's decision, but it suited his purposes well. 

As Junior Floor Warden, he wouldn't need to spend as much time mentoring candidates as Rebecca. However, he had one more request. "Warden Doru, may I take in disciples as well?"

Rebecca shot him a venomous glare, realizing that Asher intended to poach promising talents. She couldn't believe that Duncan would entertain such an absurd request from someone who wasn't even a fully-fledged Floor Warden.

Duncan, however, slowly nodded. "You may select five candidates to become your disciples each month, while the remaining quota may be allocated to Warden Rebecca."

Asher smiled graciously, thanking him, "Thank you, Master Duncan."

This was more than enough to gradually increase his influence within the tower.

Rebecca's resentment intensified, but she found solace in the fact that she still held the position of Floor Warden. She would not let this bastard overshadow her.

With a final nod, Duncan dismissed them, "You two may leave now." 

Rebecca and Asher rose from their seats and exited the study. And as they came out, Rebecca walked past Asher with an intense glare while he said from behind, "I look forward to working with you, Warden Rebecca."

Rebecca clenched her fists but didn't turn around as she kept walking. With how her poor son was lying in a coma, she didn't want to let him gloat at her expense. For now, she should focus all her efforts on finding a cure for her son.

"How rude," Asher commented with a dark smile.

Asher strode through the grand entrance of Demonstone Castle, the imposing structure standing tall as a testament to the power and prestige of the ruling family. His personal maid, Merina, walked dutifully behind him, her footsteps soft while his echoed in the vast halls. 

The guards, recognizing Asher's status, bowed deeply with respect as he passed by, their eyes filled with a mix of admiration and respect.

As Asher continued deeper into the castle, a royal servant hurriedly approached him, bowing with an air of deference, "Your Highness," the servant began, his voice slightly breathless, "The queen requests your presence in the Pillar Sanctuary. She is currently in the company of the High Seer."

Asher simply nodded in acknowledgment, his expression unreadable. 

As the servant took his leave, Asher's mind raced with the implications of the summons. He suspected that this meeting was about finalizing the date for the Sacred Union between him and Rowena.

Merina, sensing Asher's thoughts, spoke up with a hint of excitement in her voice, "It seems the High Seer has finally found an auspicious date for your Sacred Union with the queen, Your Highness," she said, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "I shall prepare the appropriate attire for your meeting with the High Seer."

Asher glanced at Merina, a faint smile playing on his lips as he nodded, wondering whether fate was giving him a helping hand.

Clad in an impeccably tailored black robe, Asher made his entrance into the Pillar Sanctuary, an awe-inspiring chamber adorned with intricately carved pillars reaching towards the vaulted ceiling. The dimly lit room exuded an air of mystery and reverence, perfectly befitting the meeting that was about to take place.

Seated on an ornate throne before the High Seer, Rowena looked breathtaking in her black royal attire, the intricate embroidery accentuating her regal beauty.

As she caught sight of Asher, her eyes softened, and she gestured for him to join her. Asher approached, feeling the weight of the room's atmosphere as he took his seat beside Rowena.

Asher bowed his head respectfully, addressing the High Seer as he greeted him. "Honorable High Seer Alaric, I am grateful for your presence and guidance," he said, his voice carrying a tone of deep respect.

High Seer Alaric, a venerable figure with a long white beard and wise eyes, acknowledged Asher with a nod. He was garbed in ceremonial robes that spoke of his lofty position in the kingdom, "Welcome, Your Highness," he replied, his voice resonating with the authority and wisdom that came with years of service to the realm.

Alaric's gaze shifted between Asher and Rowena, a hint of awe in his eyes. "In all my years as the High Seer, I have never witnessed such a powerful union between a man and a woman," he began, his voice filled with reverence, "It is my great honor to suggest a date for your Sacred Union but…"

The atmosphere in the Pillar Sanctuary shifted as the High Seer's voice and expression took on a grave tone, "While I was considering the most auspicious date for your union, I discovered something concerning about your fates," he revealed, the solemnity in his words causing a ripple of unease.

Rowena's brow furrowed with worry, while Asher clenched his jaw in silent frustration. He hadn't expected the High Seer to potentially derail his plans with this revelation.

Sensing the anxiety in Rowena's eyes, High Seer Alaric quickly reassured her. "It is not necessarily a bad omen," he said, his voice adopting a contemplative tone. "Fate is a complex tapestry, woven from countless threads that twist and turn unpredictably. But one thing I can discern is that the two of you are destined to face a series of harsh trials together in the future."

He paused, allowing the weight of his words to sink in. "If you succeed in overcoming these challenges, your union will bring forth happiness, prosperity and strength. However, should you fail, misery, pain and death will follow in your wake. The choice rests in your hands; only you can determine the outcome."

As Alaric spoke, Rowena's hands tightened around the fabric of her dress, her heart growing heavy with concern. She turned her gaze towards Asher, seeking solace and reassurance in his eyes.

Asher met her gaze, offering her a comforting look. Internally, however, he was frowning. He had a few inklings of how things might go awry in the future, but he had always loathed prophecies and soothsaying. That was how he ended up here.

Nonetheless, the High Seer's words only served to strengthen his resolve to become powerful enough to face any challenge head-on and accomplish his goals.

As the High Seer's words hung in the air, the Pillar Sanctuary seemed to grow even more oppressive, leaving Asher and Rowena to ponder the trials that fate had in store for them and the choices they would have to make to shape their future.

Seeking to lighten the mood, High Seer Alaric continued, "Fear not, for the trials I spoke of concern the distant future. As for your immediate path, I have found an auspicious date for your Sacred Union." He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before announcing, "It will occur when the Blood Moon and Sun unite in the sky, a rare celestial event that will take place three years from today."

As the High Seer revealed the date, Rowena's worried expression eased, replaced by a slight blush that crept up her cheeks. She couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and anticipation, her thoughts drifting to the momentous occasion that awaited them in the future. Her heart fluttered with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety as she considered the significance of their union.

Asher, on the other hand, found solace in the High Seer's last few words. An inward smile graced his features as he realized that, despite the revelations of potential trials, the Sacred Union with Rowena remained on track, even if it was further away than he had anticipated. 

This delay, he mused, might even afford him more time to consolidate his power and prepare for the challenges that lay ahead.

The Pillar Sanctuary, once filled with tension, now seemed to become a bit relaxed after his reassuring words.

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