The Brilliant Fighting Master

Chapter 495 - Golden Fight Loops

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Those familiar with Xiao Xuan turned pale upon hearing that, as if they’d seen a ghost. In two or three seconds, an uproar started.

Undoubtedly, the local people knew nothing about Jiang Chen. He was a stranger to them.

Most importantly, they didn’t see any fight loops on his sleeves, which meant he was a nobody in the Middle State.

“Miss Li, I’m sorry, but it’ll be my job to kill this guy. I’ll take his dead body to the Tai Yue School.”

Xiao Xuan’s smile was fading from his face, his voice extremely cold. There was nothing warm there.

Li Yaqin didn’t speak. She only nodded calmly.

The disciples of the Tai Yue School made way, happy to see Jiang Chen suffer.

Xiao Xuan waved his sleeve. The nine fight loops embroidered in fine silver threads were rather eye-catching.

Jiang Chen had learned what these things meant.

It was similar to the Dragon Rise List. The color and number of the fight loops told a person’s level.

The most basic was a white fight loop.

When one had gained nine white fight loops, they would receive a copper fight loop.

In the same way, above the copper fight loop was the silver, and then the golden.

With this information in mind, Jiang Chen knew more about the strength of Xiao Xuan and Li Yaqin while sizing them up.

From other people in the city, he had also learned that people with silver fight loops were already regarded as strong performers in the Middle State, since there were only a few people who could get golden loops, and they were the strongest people in the state.

“I know nothing about you. The only thing I know is that you’re dead meat.”

Seeing that he had nothing on his sleeves, Xiao Xuan showed his disdain in his look.

For a Cloud Eight like Jiang Chen, it would be easy to get white or copper fight loops, but he didn’t do so, because he thought that only silver fight loops or better were good enough for his state.

But people thought he had none because he couldn’t get silver ones and didn’t want others to mock him for copper ones.

“Bring it on if you want to die,” Jiang Chen said casually.

His bad day wasn’t over yet. He wouldn’t mind letting more blood smear his blade.

“Huh.” Xiao Xuan smiled coldly. He raised his right hand and a sword whooshed into it.

As soon as he grasped the sword handle, he and the sword became one. They formed a sharp light.

He was as cruel as Hu Fei. Without even knowing Jiang Chen’s name or background, he intended to kill the latter.

“How great the Nine Great Forces are.”

Jiang Chen laughed. He waited there, doing nothing, when his rival’s sword was thrust over. He didn’t even touch his sword or knife.

However, at the crucial moment, he closed his fists tightly. The phoenix blood in him boiled, and the dragon force accumulated.

He exerted the first variation of the dragons’ martial arts techniques to the fullest. Like two burning furnaces, his fists caught the radiance.

It was unbelievable that he had caught the blade of a magic sword with his bare hands. It was absurd to the bystanders, but there was one man who didn’t find it absurd—Xiao Xuan.

It was true that he was holding a sharp sword. However, facing Jiang Chen’s fists, he felt like he was jumping into a volcano.

Without injuring his opponent, his blade started to melt. The radiance of Jiang Chen’s fists became more and more brilliant. He could see nothing more than that.

When the fist power had finally been released, the others were feeling the same as Xiao Xuan.

They saw his sword fly out of his hand and him fly off the ground, spitting up blood.

Soon, his body froze suddenly up in the air. It turned out a hand had grasped him by the throat.

“What… what do you want to do?!” Gazing at Jiang Chen’s face so closely, Xiao Xuan somehow felt frightened. He was especially disturbed by his deep look.

“To kill you,” Jiang Chen answered.


Two Venerables in charge of the protection of the Lonely Moon City showed up as quickly as they could. They flew into the air and surrounded Jiang Chen, but they didn’t attack him, because he still had Xiao Xuan.

They were two gray-haired old men, old but strong and as sound as bells. The energy they were emitting was as magnificent as mountains.

“The two Elders of Sword and Mystery.” Someone in the Lonely Moon City recognized them. People were very surprised. Although they knew there were Venerables in the city, they hadn’t anticipated that the Infinite Sword School would send such important elders.

“Release Xiao Xuan. Don’t bring yourself more trouble!”

“I’ll give you enough time to finish a cup of tea. Release him, and the Lonely Moon City will stay out of this.”

The two elders spoke one by one, both in obviously threatening tones.

“I hate others that threaten me the most.”

Jiang Chen flew into a rage. He closed his fists tighter and tighter. Like a beautiful but fragile vase, Xiao Xuan’s neck couldn’t take it anymore. It was broken with a crack.

Before his death, Xiao Xuan had opened his eyes extremely wide, as if he couldn’t believe it was real.

Before this day, he had been planning to go for the golden fight loops and advance further.

Before he had attacked, he had intended to show off to Li Yaqin and prove his skill.

However, all of this lost its purpose as the darkness fell.


Watching Jiang Chen strangle Xiao Xuan, not only the Lonely Moon City, but also Li Yaqin and others in the air were given a good scare.

The disciples of the Tai Yue School, who apparently weren’t a match for Jiang Chen, felt panicked. They told themselves to be careful.

This guy could have been a maniac.

However, it soon occurred to them that they didn’t have to do anything.

The Two Elders of Sword and Mystery simmered with rage. They wouldn’t forgive Jiang Chen by any means. If Jiang Chen had killed Xiao Xuan before they had shown up, it would have been their fault, since they hadn’t acted quickly enough.

Nevertheless, Jiang Chen had waited until they had come into the air, until they had spoken, to kill Xiao Xuan.

How arrogant he was! He had challenged their dignity!

“I’m not in a good mood today. This is the second person I killed. I don’t mind killing a third, a fourth, or even a hundredth.”

Facing the Venerables’ rage, Jiang Chen didn’t chicken out. Instead, he looked up at Li Yaqin, then said in a cold voice, “If you want to court death, bring it on!”

“Stop being so arrogant!”

“Go to hell!”

The Two Elders of Sword and Mystery couldn’t put up with him anymore. Regardless of the gap in their states, they attacked him together. It looked like a competition between them.

Of course, their attacks were irresistible.

Jiang Chen stood there, still. In fact, as a Reaching Heaven State, it wouldn’t work even if he moved. However, a shining brochure flew out of his clothes.

Azure Demon and the black dragon both dashed towards the two elders.


The sudden change shocked everyone once again. The black dragon aside, Azure Demon looked like an inviolable majestic god.

Even the two elders were struck dumb. With their states, they felt the same thing that average people on the coast would feel facing a tsunami—a deep helplessness and fear.

No matter what they did, the tsunami would swallow people, just like Azure Demon and the black dragon’s attacks swallowed them.

When it happened, the two elders had no way to resist it at all. They were heavily injured.

“If you want to fight, I’ll fight!”

Jiang Chen drew his sword out of its sheath. Dashing towards Li Yaqin, he said, “Show me how strong a person with golden fight loops is!”

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