<strong>GAR  </strong>

Gar and Rika dropped by the Market for an hour, but it was crammed with Anima, and everyone was drinking off their tension. Gar couldn't relax, worried that someone was going to touch or approach Rika. And besides, once he'd done the circuit of hugs and congratulations with the Protectors and seen that the peace of the Rite was holding, he only had eyes for her anyway.

He couldn't think of anything he'd rather do than walk in the quiet night with her.

Well, not many things, anyway.

So when the tables had been moved and the music and dancing started in earnest, he pulled Rika aside, weaving her through the tables towards one of the doors. He'd tried to find Elreth and Aaryn, but they weren't on the top table, and he couldn't easily see them in the crush. Who knew which elder might have pulled Elreth aside, or which tribe wanted her ear. So he'd told himself he'd find her in the morning when he met with Aaryn.

As soon as they were out of the market and the noise and lights of the celebration began to echo instead of overwhelm, he felt his shoulders go slack. Rika's too.

She'd started to smile. Having everyone back in clothes definitely made her more comfortable. And besides that, several Anima had approached to thank her for her contribution, and to meet her. There were plenty of side-long looks and suspicious whispers, too. But the feast atmosphere was catching. Even though Elreth had declared the following day the feast day, the Anima wanted to get a jump on it.

There would be a slow start for most tomorrow, Gar thought.

As they started down the trail towards the Royal meadow, Gar took Rika's hand.

She let him take it easily and squeezed his fingers, stroking his forearm with her other hand as they walked. But there was still a hint of tension in her.

He supposed he couldn't expect her to relax completely. Not yet.

"You were amazing tonight," he said quietly when she didn't speak.

She looked up at him like she wasn't sure whether to believe him or not. But then she smiled. "Not as amazing as you. I mean, the whole Alpha thing can be a little overwhelming at times. But when you were telling them all off about being bigots… holy cow, Gar, I was… that was seriously cool. You were so strong and… sure of yourself. I couldn't believe they didn't all roll on their backs, or whatever. You were like something out of Braveheart."

He huffed, and looked away into the trees, trying not to preen under her compliments. He didn't know what Braveheart was—beyond the obvious—but he didn't care.

His mate thought he was strong.

Tingling pleasure began in his stomach.

They talked about the Rite and what the different traditions had meant as they strolled back to his tree. Rika seemed fascinated, and more than a little excited by it all—more relaxed than he'd seen her since he brought her into the Tree City.

But then they reached his Tree and walked inside and she kind of stuttered to a halt in the middle of the living room.

Gar had been heading to the kitchen to get a drink, but he stopped, turning to check her.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she said slowly, watching him. "I think I just… it just hit me that I'm really here. That this is real. And you're… that you're here, too," she said. "That we're in this… together." And then her throat bobbed.

Gar's joy shivered. She looked like she was about to run again.

He turned to face her and reached slowly for her hands. She watched his fingers curl around hers and lift her hands up between them.

"Rika, I'm never going to push, remember? If you want to sleep in a different bed, in a different room, it's all fine. Whatever you need. I promise. Just… don't pull away from me. Please? We can sit up down here all night if you want. I just want to share this with you. Because all these incredible things are happening at once, and there's so much more to come… I don't want to miss any of it with you."

Rika held his eyes, her forehead pinching into lines. "I don't want to miss anything either," she breathed. "But there's so much, Gar. My people are coming. And I'm… I'm so scared about what that means for us."

Gar nodded. "Me too," he murmured.

They stared at each other for a long moment. Then her throat bobbed again and Gar worried she was about to pull away. But instead, she stepped into him and put her hand to his chest, right over the top buttons on his shirt.

"Just be patient with me," she said. "I want to try something. But I don't know how it will go. Can I just try?"

Gar tipped his head. "Of course. Try what though?"

He prayed she was talking about what he thought she was talking about.

"Can you sit on the couch for a minute?"

Only a little disappointed, Gar did as she asked, turning to sit on the couch, facing her. Then he waited.

Rika bit her lip, scanning him from head to toe as if she were trying to work out a puzzle.

"Can I ask?" he said finally when she didn't speak or move. "What exactly are we trying?"

Rika's eyes rose from his chest to meet his eyes, and a spark came alive in them. "Can you take off your shirt?"

Not in any mood to wait to be asked twice, Gar's smile rose as he dismissed the buttons and leaned forward, grabbing the shirt at the back of his neck and pulling it forward and off. His hair got tousled and he raked it back as he threw the shirt aside, then sat there.

Rika's eyes lit up and she nodded. "Okay, this is definitely going to work," she said breathlessly.

Gar frowned. "What will work… on what?"

Then she raised her eyes to meet his and swallowed again. "I just wanted to check, but it's true, Gar. I'm sure of it."


"I'm not scared of you. I want to be close to you. I want… I want you, Gar."

At those words, Gar's mouth dropped open and his heart danced and kicked, higher and faster than even the Protectors had danced in the Hallowed Grounds.

His mate wanted him.

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