Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 237 - The Purple Pupil

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


Realizing that the black electric eel was coming, the giant python found its backbone, and closed in to the eel quickly. Two enormous beasts, both about a hundred meters long, were creating a stark contrast, as one was black and the other was white.

Gazing nonchalantly, the eel was observing all the animals that were there to snatch the plant. Unfortunately, the electric eel did not seem ruthless enough, so none of them backed down.

Well, Chen Fan didn't mind if they didn't back down. He controlled the eel to head toward the 5-meter-tall plant that had a purple fruit on it.

The purple fruit was the size of a steering wheel. Its lustrous surface gleamed brightly, like jade that was crafted by an outstanding master.

The purple fruit was odorless. The electric eel touched it with its front claw, and it bounced to the touch like a ball.

This act of the electric eel had somehow stirred up the possessive desire within the creatures, which were also there for the fruit. They no longer cared about the enemy or about its surekill hit.


Before the electric eel could even take its stance, the giant white python gave it a stare, then slithered ahead to fight. Chen Fan was caught by surprise. He looked at the snake and thought to himself, this fellow is a strong contender. He was suddenly elated, like an addict who took a puff of opium, or a corrupt official tasked with ransacking a house.

A smile then came to his face. But of course, smiles aside, the giant python wouldn't be able to hold off this many opponents. What's more, their target was actually the electric eel. So, two porcupines and a rough-skinned gray bear slid past the snake and went straight for the eel.

The electric eel's action was simple. It went further away quickly to ensure a safe distance from the purple fruit. Then, a deep blue light started to shine brightly from its body.

Regardless if it was human or animal, they all had an undeniable fear toward lightning, so much so that the first thing that came to mind when seeing lightning in close range was to escape. A few clumsy animals scrambled away, as if to show by example that one can never outrun lightning. Within less than a millisecond, unlucky beasts that were still within the 80 meters perimeter were shocked by the electric eel's blue lightning arc, which was as thick as a bucket. Without making a sound, they all stood like wooden sticks that were planted in the ground, emitting a strong burnt smell.

Now that the electric eel had been improving its strength for the past two months, as it used up all the blue crystals, the voltage released by the electric eel was now as strong as 100,000 volts. The eel's physique was also upgraded by a few levels.

In terms of pure strength, even the giant python was no match against it. To it, killing a few 5- to 6-meter long animal within seconds was as simple as having a meal.

After taking care of those beasts, the dust around the giant python had also settled. The snake was standing still by the defeated creatures, keeping a tight watch on the electric eel.

"Cloudracer, let's scram!"

Chen Fan packed his barrett sniper rifle into the gunny sack and jumped on Cloudracer's back.

"It's time to bail!" The electric eel had the plant in its palm. It gave a shriek, then ran away.

The giant python looked at the electric eel, then at the dead Mystic Panther. It then opened its jaw, which was jammed pack with ferocious teeth, and sank them in the panther's head.


Half and hour later, Chen Fan was sitting in the stone pagoda and playing with the steering-wheel sized purple fruit. Meanwhile, the giant python was leaning against the window sill, looking at the purple fruit intently.

On the table lay a palm-sized light blue stone, very similar to the blue stones that were in the greenwater beast. These stones, however, were obtained from the forehead of the Mystic Panther by the giant python.

Chen Fan ignored the stones for now, since they were rather useless to him now. He had his full attention on the fruit that he was cradling anyway.

Judging from its lustrous appearance, it was impossible to tell what was so special about it. There was not even any scent on it. In fact, it looked like a magnified giant purple grape.

After pondering for a long time and still being clueless, Chen Fan took out the Kun Wu dagger and cut a slice of flesh about the size of a wine cup off the fruit. He then gave it to the electric eel just to see what was so special about it. He had to wonder what was driving so many animals crazy to fight for it.

The fruit was purple on the outside, with clear jelly flesh on the inside and a mild milky scent. The giant python also felt like its heart was sliced as Chen Fan sliced into the fruit. Its eyeball almost fell out of the sockets in anticipation.

After feeding the small piece of fruit to the electric eel, Chen Fan went back into the stone pagoda. He transferred his thoughts onto the eel and quietly observed if there was any change.

The fruit was digested within 10 seconds. However, three hours then passed and the electric eel was still the same. As a matter of fact, its stomach was growling with hunger again.

The ever determined Chen Fan took out the Kun Wu dagger again, sliced a fingernail size piece from the fruit and ate it himself, just to see what effects it would have on a human instead. From the electric eel's tasting, he could at least deduct that there was no poison in the fruit, so he knew that he wouldn't be poisoned.

Alas, the results were just as depressing. Chen Fan had no reaction whatsoever, even after waiting a long time. It was not like in the novels, where people find some treasures and consume them, then either feel boiling hot right after or a tingling sensation deep into their bones—or even excruciating pain!

"Since it's useless, let's give it to the python then!" Chen Fan sighed heavily, bringing the fruit to the giant snake, who was looking at it intently.

Cloudracer didn't seem interested, so Chen Fan didn't even leave some for it! Like a weasel spotting a lively little chick, the python's mouth was watering impatiently. Before Chen Fan could fully extend both his hands, the giant python had already come up swiftly and swallowed it.

Once it had swallowed the whole fruit, like an addict with a dose of heroine, the python curled up by the stone pagoda and relaxed. Since Chen Fan had nothing else to do, he decided to control the electric eel and head toward the sea waters of Little Japan, attempting to catch some expensive ingredients for his restaurant.

He had his parents hire five experienced seafood handlers. They worked on the top floor of the restaurant and were in charge of the abalones, sharks' fins, sea cucumber, fish maw and others.

Eaten fresh, these seafood treasures were not as impressive as when they were air dried, where their full potential lies. In fact, air drying seafood catapulted its price even higher.

Japan was known as the kingdom of abalones. The three different types that the country produced were amidori abalone, kippin abalone, and oma abalone, which were the creams of the crop among all abalones.

Among the three, amidori abalone was the greatest, and was even named as the king of abalone. Chen Fan didn't know how tasty it was, but he did know that these dried abalones were sold like gold by the gram.

It was easy to locate the breeding grounds of these abalones from the Internet. All he needed was to research their approximate location.

At this point, Chen Fan was lying down on his bed for a short nap. If only he had looked down, he would have seen that there was some unusual science-defying changes that were happening on the forehead of the giant python. These changes couldn't be explained with physics, similar to the case of the electric eel.

There were purple rays shining on the giant python's smooth white scaly skin. The color of the rays was exactly the same as the fruit. It spread throughout the snake's body in a complicated pattern, like a mirage of Chinese wisteria vines. It was so utterly surreal that it felt like a dream!

After who knows how long, the Chinese wisteria started to bloom and illuminate. That lasted only for two seconds, then the Chinese wisterias started to dissipate, as if all that had happened was just a reverie.


The giant python opened its eyes abruptly. Its originally black pupils were now purple! Yes indeed, the python's pupils had astonishingly turned purple, with a slight glimmer in them.

Literally speaking, the giant python had a fearless and formidable look in its eyes, possessing an enchanting, mysterious energy! Scientifically speaking, the giant python's eyes had undergone some sort of changes that couldn't be explained at this moment!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Not long after the giant python opened its eyes, Chen Fan, who was lying in bed, opened his eyes too. The harvest this time was great, within the seas of Aomori, Japan, the electric eel had found another 500 kilograms of netting abalone and 700 kilograms of JiPing abalone, alongside countless Sesame abalone and sea cucumber.

Nowadays, many of these high-end seafood are artificially seeded and put into the sea to grow and develop naturally. The estimated production figure is normally calculated yearly according to the environment of ocean, but this year it seemed like they were sure to incur a huge loss.

Walking down from the stone tower, Chen Fan was shocked by a huge cobra at the door as he was preparing to have the hotel workers transport his goods.

"My God, since when have you gotten a pair of purple colored contact lenses?" Chen Fan was doubting if he had switched too frequently in between his own mind and the electric eel avatar, causing him to see illusions now.

Rubbing his eyes violently, he was sure that it wasn't an illusion. The eyeball of the huge python had indeed become a thick purple. Very ridiculous, wasn't it? Yes, no doubt, it was really ridiculous...

The purple fruit actually had the effect of changing the pupil? Wonder what would be the response of girls who wore colored lenses regarding this. They would love to look trendy by such technology, even though they have no eyesight problems, especially after discovering about the fruit which could change the color of their pupils?!

"Look down, bow your head!" Chen Fan signaled to the white giant python to lower its head. Then, he looked at the huge eyeballs of the python unbelievably, his hand covering his mouth.

"Yes ... it's true ..." Chen Fan closed his jaw with his hand, as otherwise, he couldn't speak.

Its purple eyes shone even brighter than the gems here, and could reflect the projecting gold threads within the retina.

"Yes ... it's true ..." Chen Fan suddenly opened up his mouth wide, like a yawning hippopotamus.

"It's true ..." a soft voice had echoed in the air continuously. Its accurate pronunciation made Chen Fan's heart stopped suddenly.

"You ... you ... can talk?" Chen Fan's gaze froze. His teeth were shaking, and he was making a sound like a woodpecker pecking a tree.

"You ... you ... can talk?" The two huge eyeballs of the python continued to scan around aimlessly, accompanied by the rhythmic sound of its opening and closing jaw.

Chen Fan had now fainted completely. If he hadn't spent so much time with the python, he would've immediately directed the electric eel to kill it. Talking beasts are something only found in spiritual fantasy literature and are known by a common name, with no exceptions, which is "Monster"!

"No, no, even parrots, starling, and a grackle could talk!" While Chen Fan loitered back to the second floor of the stone tower, he mumbled like someone with a mental illness!

The reason parrots could imitate various types of sound was due to their developed muscles that were next to vocal organs and under the control of the brain. Thus, he could undertake complicated vibrations. Besides that, since the hard shells on top of their tongues had been removed, it had became much softer could move freely and even pronounce different syllables.

In fact, many animals had such skills. For example, when a cat cat-calls, the noise it makes isn't a mere howl. Then, what about this gigantic python?

Despite the fact that the syllable it had just made was slightly sturdy and soft like an imitation show of cats, it had definitely pronounced the human language accurately and precisely. Unlike parrots, it could imitate correctly after only one time of hearing. It didn't even need to be taught for a few times repeatedly.

All these factors had shown that its vocal canal and intelligence level were drastically different. The current issue which Chen Fan worried with the most now would be wondering how this level of intellect developed in this python.

The IQ of parrots was incomparable even to that of a 3 year old kid, who could only imitate speech, but was unable to express itself with the use of language. Regarding the wisdom of a python, Chen Fan was unsure, but he felt that it should far exceed the parrot. Then the next issue could be, could the python speak fluent Chinese? After a long time?

"Possibilities are high. That plant must be some tool to develop human intelligence, one that could open up animal minds after eating them. So, I want to be a guest teacher and teach the python Chinese." This statement was said loudly by Chen Fan after he woke up from bed.

Babies usually start to associate words with corresponding things during their ninth to twelfth months, most even understand the meaning of the words. Then, they are able to send out some simple words to express their meanings.

As time goes on, the babies' vocabularies would increase more and more, until they could say sentences composed of multiple words. Although these sentences were very simple at the beginning, there was no syntactic rule.

After all, the babies began to use sentences to express their meanings. After that, the structure of the sentence would get more and more complicated with an increased number of words. Content of the expressions would also become more abundant and complex too. To teach a gigantic python to talk, Chen Fan planned to teach it some Chinese characters first, then only slowly increase the difficulty.

"I!" Chen Fan ran to the giant python and pointed at himself while speaking in Mandarin.

"I!" The gigantic python imitated his pronunciation accurately!



"Gigantic python is a puppy!"

"Gigantic python is a puppy!"


There's no way not to admit that the ability of a python in imitating was brilliant, as it managed to understand by hearing only once. However, Chen Fan would still need to teach it word by word, no matter how smart it was. After all, how could it learn calculus equations, when it didn't even know what was one plus one?

"Well, today's class is up to here, and you've to do some revisions at home." According to his watch, it was already half past five in the evening, time to deliver some seafood and have dinner.

"I still need to give a name to the python." When he boarded the submarine, Chen Fan glanced at the stunned eyes of the giant python, feeling that it had to be matched with a nice name.

After having sat in the submarine for ten minutes and reaching the dock, Chen Fan could still not think of any nice names. All were either too boring or too exaggerated. Thus, he decided to check in a dictionary that night.

While he took out his phone and was about to call those hotel workers to come over with some seafood, his phone rang with an unknown number.

"Hey, is this Mr. Chen?" Coming from that phone was a sweet female voice. Her voice was so flirty that it gave him goosebumps.

", who are you?"

"We are the account manager of Rundong Auto Trade. The Lamborghini you ordered is here and the Maybach 62S Zeppelin has been here for five days now. When do you plan on picking them up?"

"Oh!" Chen Fan was enlightened and nodded his head. He was so busy with the exploitation of the oil rig and that purple fruit nowadays, no one could contact him without knowing about his online ID.

"I'll be there approximately in two hours!"

Those cars were actually ordered by him one month ago and, since they're half-customized, their delivery had been delayed up to now. The seafood transporting truck had only arrived twenty minutes later. Chen Fan followed up and sat on the co-driver seat, waiting to take a free ride home.

The driver was a young man in his twenties. He had just retired from the logistics support department in the Shenyang Military Region a few months ago, where he used to drive a petrol truck. Now, he was in charge of the transportation of seafood for the hotel.

Xiao Zhou joked to Chen Fan that the bunch of women in the hotel had been crazy in wanting to meet him, to the extent of scaring the single men off and no longer daring to pick their partner out from them. For sure, Chen Fan knew of the reason. This attention was because he was rich.

Yet, he still joked on himself by saying, "It seems like being too handsome is a burden!"

Xiao Zhou smirked helplessly while looking at the front of road. Even soldiers were not that attractive in society nowadays.

Though the cargo was heavy and extra-long, Xiao Zhou had experience with military trucks, so he could drive the truck like a bike. It only took twelve minutes for him to stop at the hotel's distribution pathway.

As Chen Fan walked into the crowded lobby, those observant servers had immediately spotted him out of the crowds. They shamelessly approached him in a very flirty manner.

After sending the women off uneasily, Chen Fan took a lift up to the fourth floor. It was Sunday today, a day of which was Yunmeng's day off. At first glance, her figure that was sitting in front of a desktop in her short black-collared uniform made him think that she was a secretary hired by his mom!

"What are you playing?" Chen Fan put on a bad smile, tipped out his feet, and amplified his voice spontaneously.

"Ah!" Yunmeng was both delighted and surprised. Then, she carved out a beautiful smile on her face and smiled while saying, "I'm playing QQ pet now, do you only know how to scare people off, Chen Fan brother?"

"Hehe, where are my parents? Why don't I see them around?" Chen Fan softly held her shoulder from around the pure white cushioned chair she sat on, which he now figured was no problem to sit more than one person on.

"Maybe they went to the top floor to check on the dry goods." Yunmeng looked at Chen Fan with her big eyes and blushed slightly. She even felt a little bit guilty for being so intimate with Chen Fan.

At that moment, Xiao Xue, who was dozing off before, now ran towards them recklessly. That gun didn't leave any side effect, and even the nauseating wound had been covered well by its snowy white fur, making no one the wiser. Xiao Xue had grown, now reaching 1.6 meters long and 1.2 meters tall.

"Hmm..." Chen Fan snorted from his nostrils, then rested his hands on Yunmeng's youthful waist.

"You ... when did you come?" Yunmeng blushed even more and couldn't even talk properly now.

"Not long ago!" Chen Fan did not know what was in Yunmeng's mind for sure, but he slowly enjoyed the temporary warmth and peace of holding her softly in his arms without going overboard.

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