Panda Novel

After some thought, she suddenly stood up and walked towards the stage.

Bei Xi was panting heavily when Shen Fanxing stood up. Before she could react, she was blocked by the bodyguards.

Shen Fanxing was escorted by bodyguards all the way to the runway. She nudged Ou Ximing, who was standing beside the runway, feeling helpless and anxious.

Ou Ximing lowered his head to look at her. "CEO Shen…"

Shen Fanxing smiled and pointed at the flute in his hand.

Ou Ximing was confused. "What?"

Shen Fanxing said helplessly, "Give me the flute."

Ou Ximing still couldn't react, but he handed the flute to Shen Fanxing.

Shen Fanxing took it and saw Ou Ximing's occasional glances at Lan Xianxian. She shook her head helplessly and turned to say something to the bodyguard beside her.

Immediately after, the bodyguard beside him nimbly flipped onto the stage. Under Ou Ximing's surprised gaze, he pushed him.

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Ou Ximing lost his balance and staggered two steps forward. Then, he was pushed twice by the bodyguards. This time, he was completely pushed into the circle of light.

Everyone turned to look at him.

"Oh, the groom is here!"

"Groom, come and remove your veil!"

"Groom, come quickly. The bride has been looking for you!"

Ou Ximing's outfit today gave off a gentle aura. Standing on the stage, it matched Lan Xianxian's ancient dress perfectly.

When Lan Qianqian heard the commotion, her eyes flashed and she turned her head abruptly. Indeed, she saw Ou Ximing standing there and looking at her.

When she turned her head, her gaze met Ou Ximing's. For a moment, the venue fell silent.

It was obvious that they had not seen each other for a long time and it was not too late for them to look at each other affectionately. In the end, the bodyguard beside her ruined the mood and pushed Ou Ximing again.

Ou Ximing staggered again and took two steps forward before he was pushed onto Lan Xianxian.

Lan Xianxian instinctively reached out to catch him.

Ou Ximing steadied himself and his gaze met Lan Xianxian's eyes again.


"Hey, be together, be together!"

"Oh, bow to the world and enter the bedroom!"


There was a commotion below the stage. Shen Fanxing looked at the two of them and smiled. She twirled the flute in her hand and placed it by her lips. She took a deep breath and started playing.

A familiar song, "The Past and Present Life", sounded. The cheerful sound of the flute caused the atmosphere in the venue to reach a climax.

The joy of reuniting after a long separation overflowed. It was filled with ambiguity and shyness. Coupled with the commotion from the audience, Ou Ximing's ears turned red. Lan Xianxian bit her lips in embarrassment. Her eyes trembled as she looked at Ou Ximing shyly, not knowing what to do.

She wanted to let go of Ou Ximing's hand, but he held her tightly in midair.

"Xian… Xianxian…"

Ou Ximing called out softly. Lan Xianxian blushed and lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Remove the veil, remove the veil, remove the veil…"

The people below the stage started shouting again. They only wanted to see the glory of the bride.

Ou Ximing stared at Lan Xian's face and his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

After staring at Lan Xianxian for a long time, he slowly raised his hand and removed the veil on her face under everyone's expectant gazes.

Even though every detail of her face had been drawn by his hand, the moment he removed her veil, Ou Ximing felt his heart stop beating.

He stared at Lan Xian's face in a daze, as if he had lost his soul.

Lan Xianxian looked up at him, her long eyelashes fluttering slightly, showing her shyness and uneasiness.

From where Shen Fanxing stood, she could see Lan Xianxian's face. Even she couldn't help but pause.

She had an exquisite figure, a slender neck, and a slender waist. Her exquisite features shone brightly, and she was dressed in a red veil. Her black hair was like ink, and she had a phoenix hairpin on her head. Her red agate earrings sparkled beside her ears.

She had beautiful eyebrows and phoenix-like eyes.

Every detail was a masterpiece.

She portrayed Lan Xianxian as a beauty who could make people dream of her. She moved like a goddess from the nine heavens and was as quiet as a goddess.

The moment the veil was removed, the surrounding air seemed to be swept away.

She was radiant and beautiful.

Shen Fanxing fell into a trance.

Lan Xianxian was so beautiful now.

What made her so radiant was the man in front of her.

This was… a wonderful fate.

Who would have thought that the woman who had always felt inferior because of her looks would be so beautiful now?

"OMG… Oh my god…"

"My god… She's simply too beautiful…"

"The phoenix hairpin and the vermillion phoenix are really beautiful…"

"I'm going crazy. I'm dazzled by her beauty. I want this, I want this. If I get married, I must be like her. She's beautiful with a red veil and phoenix hairpin!"

"If I marry a wife, I must give her such an ingenious wedding. She will definitely like it…"

The venue was in an uproar as everyone was mesmerized by Lan Xianxian's makeup today.

The moment Shen Fanxing finished her song, the atmosphere in the venue disappeared. Everyone took out their phones and took photos of Lan Xianxian and Ou Ximing.

Shen Fanxing glanced at the judges and saw a few screens nodding. She raised an eyebrow and knew that there shouldn't be any problems with the competition today.

There was naturally no problem with the 100 votes.

The corners of her lips curled into a smile. She looked at Lan Xianxian again, still finding her unique.

The bride in ancient costume.

She was really quite beautiful.

Just as everyone was getting excited, Liang Chenyi snorted coldly.

"Can you really do that? Don't forget, this is an international makeup competition, not a place for you to act in stage plays. In the end, the final results will be determined by your makeup skills and skills!"

"What do you mean by makeup skills? Isn't it good to be beautiful?"

"That's right. What the public thinks is beautiful is proof of her makeup and skills, right?"

"When Zimo came out, we also thought that she was very beautiful. But now, in comparison, we think that this ancient bride is even more beautiful! Therefore, Mr. Ou's makeup and skills should be the best."

"In addition, Mr. Ou is innovative and daring. Compared to your white wedding dress, a western wedding is much better!"

"That's right. After all these years, too many people have admired Western-style weddings. They have forgotten that the most beautiful thing is the wedding passed down in our country!"

"There are legacies and innovations. Our nation's wedding characteristics can't be more beautiful!"

[6000+. Two songs, Zhou Zilei's pottery flute for "The Elegance of a Millennium". I've liked it for a few years! There's also "The Past and Present Life" played by Miss Fanxing. It's the new White Lady's legendary song!]

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