Panda Novel

Opening the door of the private room, there was a string of voices that could be distinguished clearly in the chaos.

He glanced sideways and saw Xu Qingzhi leaning lazily on the chair with her back facing him.

"I don't have a job now. I'm too short of money. If you have a suitable job, you can recommend a few."

"You've been pampered since you were young. How can there be a job suitable for you? Besides, you've only been released from prison not long ago. Which company would dare to hire you?"



Ye Qingqiu was a pampered young lady. Her temperament and looks were enviable.

In addition, she had always been a maverick in school. She was arrogant and looked down on everyone. Now that she was in dire straits, many people were laughing at her.

Now that she had drunk too much, she had no qualms about speaking.

It was unbelievable that a woman had been jailed.

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Everyone at the table fell into an awkward silence.

Ye Qingqiu still had a heartless expression on her face and nodded thoughtfully. "Oh… you're right."

At this moment, another student came out to resolve the awkwardness. "Student Ye, are you hinting at something? Class monitor, it's time for you to perform well."

"Yes, yes, yes, class monitor, your chance is here!"

"Student Ye has always been born with a noble fate. After being a rich young lady, she can even marry the class monitor and become Mrs. Song. She can have whatever she wants. Why would she need to work?"

Song Zixian's face was cold and his voice was low.

"Stop fooling around."

Ye Qingqiu turned to look at him and suddenly approached him with a smile.

"Why? Are you despising me?"

Ye Qingqiu was always beautiful.

When she smiled, her upper eyelids curved slightly, outlining the shape of a crescent moon. Her natural eyelids closed a little, as if her dark eyes were infected with a bright smile.

Song Zixian didn't look at her face. His expression wavered slightly before he said softly,

"How is that possible?"

"Then why were you so angry just now?"


Ye Qingqiu sat up straight. "That's good."

That's good…

Was this considered an acknowledgment or a statement?

His approval of Song Zixian, his pursuit of her, and his agreement to become Mrs. Song in the future?

Li Tingshen looked at her slender back and a cold glint flashed across his eyes.

He turned and walked towards the washroom.

Ye Qingqiu smiled heartlessly. "It seems that my charm hasn't decreased?"

Song Zixian smiled helplessly. He knew it…

She was always so unpredictable.

Everyone took the opportunity to toast Song Zixian. Song Zixian couldn't free himself for a while, but Ye Qingqiu stood up and walked towards the washroom.

After passing through the safe passage, the noise in the lobby became softer and softer. In the end, as she walked further and further away, she couldn't hear anything at all. Then, she sighed softly.

She came out of the bathroom to wash her hands and rubbed her temples with her cold fingers.

Her fingers that were stained with cold water touched her skin, making her mind clear. She placed one hand on the sink and looked down at the water stains on the sink. No one knew what she was thinking.

It was unbelievably quiet in the washroom. She was alone and there was the sound of her clothes rubbing against her temples.

After a long time, she turned on the tap again and washed her hands. She didn't wipe them with tissues or use her phone. Instead, she walked out of the bathroom.

A gust of wind blew past and her hands turned cold. Her entire body turned cold and her mind became clearer.

There was a smoking corner at the entrance of the male washroom next door. When Ye Qingqiu passed by, Li Tingshen was leaning against the wall with a long white cigarette in his hand.

The white smoke blurred his handsome features, but the darkness and gloominess on his face could still be seen clearly.

The washroom was equally quiet, as though he was alone.

Ye Qingqiu had seen others smoking in the banquet hall, so in order to let the guests enjoy themselves, she did not restrict smoking today.

Ye Qingqiu was surprised. The moment their gazes met, she paused for a moment, thinking that she had seen wrongly.

After receiving confirmation, she retracted her gaze and walked forward.

Everything happened in an instant. It was better than nothing, and it gave people the illusion that it didn't stop.

After sensing that there was someone, Li Tingshen's dark eyes slowly slid to the corner of his eyes. The moment he saw the familiar figure, he narrowed his eyes and watched as the figure slowly walked past the bathroom door.


He had had enough of her ignoring him tonight!

She didn't even look at him seriously.

In the past, she wished her eyes could grow on him!

With a cold laugh, he took a deep drag on his cigarette.

The slender white cigarette was instantly burnt to the bottom before he crushed it against the wall.

His slender figure suddenly stood up from the wall. He strode out of the washroom and grabbed Ye Qingqiu's arm forcefully.

Without any time to react, Ye Qingqiu realized that she was in the washroom where the man was.

The first thing she saw was the man's handsome face. Their breaths intertwined.

He breathed and she breathed. Their breaths intertwined.

Chi Yaoyao was right. This man was indeed a scourge.

Ye Qingqiu looked out of the door before looking up at him with a bright smile.

"What's the matter?"

Her nonchalance made a faint smile appear on Li Tingshen's gloomy face.

He was angry, but he didn't want to show it in front of this heartless woman.

He was angry, but she didn't care.

It made his temper seem too cheap.

His slender fingers pinched her fair and smooth chin. He couldn't help but tighten his grip, causing her lips to part, revealing her pearly white teeth.

His gaze lingered on her lips for a few seconds. His eyes were so dark that they seemed to be dripping ink. He slowly stared into her eyes. Her eyes were curved into beautiful crescents. She was beautiful, but there was no smile in her eyes.

He tightened his grip.

"I'm happy that everyone wants me, huh?"

His voice was low and hoarse, but it carried a seductive sexiness. The last syllable made Ye Qingqiu's eyes tremble imperceptibly.

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