Stealing Spree

846 Released

The few minutes we spent dining together for breakfast became a lively moment. And that’s because everyone, including Minoru, rained down praises on Edel's prepared dishes. What she made was simply a treat to everyone. And no, it’s not a foreign breakfast but something she picked up from her late grandmother.

When Edel was still living with her grandmother, she taught or rather, passed every skill she acquired as a housewife to her granddaughter. And that wasn’t limited to cooking sumptuous meals and dishes. It extended to every household chore and what she could do to keep a house welcoming and relaxing for visitors and residents alike.

Through that, it’s not wrong to say that despite her foreign beauty, Edel already possessed the qualities of a traditional housewife of this country. Even Miwa-nee admitted that in terms of the quality of their dish, Edel beat her to a punch. It’s just too good that she even compared it to a famous restaurant’s prized dish.

Due to that, Edel, who initially only warmed up to Haruko and me, got the recognition and appreciation of two ‘housewives’; Akane and Miwa-nee. Before we prepared for school, the two pulled Edel to one side of the kitchen and started asking for pointers or exchanging ideas with her.

Although Akane voiced out that she’s slightly envious, the thought of learning from Edel prevailed and enlivened the girl that even though she couldn’t offer more except for my preferences that she committed to her memory, the silly girl stuck close to Edel all morning. And that continued on our way to the train station. If not for being from a different school, Akane would probably follow her even into her classroom.

Unfortunately for Akane, they had to separate. Nonetheless, she managed to get Edel’s number and added her to their group chat.

With Edel’s addition to it, if the girl braved it and started interacting with them, it wouldn’t be wrong to imagine that they might soon arrange a get-together for a cooking lesson or housewife training.

And if Nao also joined them, sweets or pastry creation would also be in order.

Furthermore, since some of them were resourceful or rich enough to prepare something, arranging a venue wouldn’t be a problem.

For all I know, Mizuki, who loved her meatbuns or any food in particular as long as it suited her taste buds, would be more than willing to prepare a huge kitchen for it – even if she wouldn’t study like them. Because for her, her priorities had already been straightened. She would be focusing on the company or business side to become more successful. She’s going to value the efficiency that would be created if not everyone would act like a housewife.

Well, that’s just my assumption based on her personality. Who knows? She might also want to pick up one or two skills then surprise me and relish my stunned expression.

… Uh. Anyway, I will certainly look forward to witnessing all of that. But if that really happened, will they even let me in to observe?

Thinking about their personalities, it might result in a unanimous vote to keep that under wraps and when the time comes, they would one by one prepare a surprise for me using the skills they acquired, just like what I just thought Mizuki would do.

Hmm… That sounds more exciting. Even if that idea hadn’t been conceived yet, I was already looking forward to it.

“Edel-senpai is such a gem, husband. I think I will start calling her onee-chan.”

After separating from Haruko and Edel, Akane exclaimed as we settled down on the train seat. She still had brilliant stars sparkling in her eyes; still having a hang-over from digesting Edel’s pointers and some of her knowledge.

For Akane to turn like this, it just proved how strong Edel’s ‘housewife’ trait is… For her to have another hidden trait like that apart from being a doting and protective older sister to the other four in the Poem Appreciation Club, Edel was like a hidden champion possessing a lot of different skills.

It makes me wonder what more I can discover or expect from the girl…

“Will she even accept a rowdy little sister like you?”

“Eh? Am I rowdy? I’m just passionate. I think I’m already her fan.”

“Really, now? For my Akane to be this fervent when it comes to another girl or individual, it’s clearly a first.”

“A first… You might be right, husband. But knowing that she’s also… one of us is another factor. I’m already satisfied with having only Fuyu, Futaba and Eri as my friends outside our relationship.”

“I see. So, it’s like that, huh?”

Right. Since I was mostly focused on ‘us’, I somehow put little mind to their other friendly relations outside of ours. Now that they’re in this complex relationship with me, they’re probably limiting those who could be a threat if ever they found out about us and how abnormal the relationship we’re cultivating and building is.

“Un… With a big secret such as this, most of us will not risk having it blown open by befriending someone we don’t fully trust. We’re even in slight danger from Fuyu’s suspicion. Do you remember, husband? Watch out for her even if you’re under disguise to meet the others.”

Akane reminded. I naturally said yes to that. Fuyu surely hadn’t dropped her suspicion on seeing me with another girl inside their campus… I mean, because of Akane’s constant mentioning of my name and even running to me during our middle school, that girl had probably already committed my features in her memory. That’s why simple disguises wouldn’t work on her…

Well, she’s looking out for her friend so that’s admirable, at least.

Anyway, with our topic moving from Edel to Fuyu and other topics branching off from that, our train ride ended relatively smoothly. Before we knew it, we were already at their drop-off station.

Actually, I hadn’t planned to send her to school today. I was still a little concerned over Edel. I wanted to assist the girl if ever she staggered from the soreness she was hiding or enduring.

However, something came up that changed that plan. The three also gave their opinions about what I should do and they all gave the same answer.

Of course, I still tried deliberating whether to follow their opinion or not. In the end, Haruko and Edel teamed up to convince me that the former would assist the latter in my stead. Additionally, they reminded me to stop being a worrywart again and do what I have to do.

Well, I always tend to focus on who or what’s near me but after careful thought, I also eventually reached the same answer as them; to go and meet Otoha who already regained her freedom back.

Her release from being grounded was delayed for another day because according to the message I received from Hitomi, some kind of cleansing happened in the Kaneko Household following the return of the House Head or Patriarch; Kaneko Hirokage.

As for what cleansing meant, it’s probably related to the leeches she mentioned previously.

A few minutes later, we reached our destination. Not minding the envious eyes of the other students walking alongside or passing by us, Akane placed a kiss on my lips before showing her lovely smile before stepping inside their campus. “See you at home, husband.”

I smiled back and watched until she disappeared into the school building before turning my heels and leaving that crowded street.

After arriving at a rather deserted place, Hitomi’s familiar car stopped beside me. Moments after it stopped, the door of the backseat burst open as Otoha jumped at me, delight filling her gorgeous face. “I missed you, Ruki!”

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