Stealing Spree

730 What about a little break?

By the time I reached the Student Council, Shizu was already alone. The meeting wasn’t held today due to the lack of current issues.

According to her, she let the three members of the student council patrol around and check on things they had to work out.

Patrolling wasn’t in the scope of their jobs normally. I mean, they’re Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. They should’ve been working in the office but no, Shizu was sending them out to patrol.

Well, she could send out the Student Support Club for that but she couldn’t always do so, especially when they’re catering to other clients. Like those two who I chanced upon when I slapped Ogawa with the truth.

“Shizu… Will you drink tea with me? I also brought something to munch on” Instead of bringing the tea to her table like what I was doing before, I set it down on the coffee table in front of the sofa where we always lie on. The snack was courtesy of Himeko, something like a test product for their hotel’s dessert menu. It’s a fluffy bread that’s a great partner for tea.

Himeko gave enough so I also left some earlier on Nami and Kana for them to share with their club.

It might seem like I’m using a different approach but really, I just want this stubborn girl to relax. She’s always pushing her head down on paperwork whether I was here or not. Although I could attribute it to her diligence to finish her work quickly, I at least want to see her relaxing once in a while.

“No, blockhead. Can’t you see I’m busy?”

As expected, that’s her answer. Shizu had her reading glasses on once again, giving her the more studious look but still, that’s just adding to her charm points.

I watched her lower her head again after answering me.

I stood up from my seat and walked towards her or specifically, to the back of her chair.

I reached for her shoulders and began massaging them.

She’s clearly aware of what I was about to do so there’s not much of a reaction from her. Despite having a hint of a smile on her lips, she’s acting unmoved with her hands continuously doing their work.

“A little break won’t hurt, you stubborn girl.”

“Hey there. You’re my personal secretary, mister. You have to call me President while I’m working.”

Shizu looked at me for a second and poked me with the backend of her pen. Although her expression appeared neutral, her sparkling eyes gave her away. She’s amused at this situation.

Although I could admit that I wasn’t that great at massaging, after doing it with Satsuki and, now, with every girl I found that needed some relief with their tense muscles, my skills probably improved a bit.

Shizu was enjoying my hands giving her shoulders a careful treatment.

“Alright, President. Won’t you take a break? I prepared your tea and a snack to go along with it.” With my tone mimicking that of those butlers, Shizu couldn’t help but giggle.

This girl… even though this was her chance to try and steal me from the others, she’s tamer in her approach. She’s more aggressive outside this room but in here… it’s like she’s trying to savor every moment we had.

And that’s definitely because, in her mind, I’m hers alone in this room. Just like I promised her.

Well, I did break that promise last week and I felt really bad about that, just not regretting though.

“If you say it like that, I can’t waste the tea you brewed for me, can I? As my secretary, why don’t you pick me up and carry me to that seat.”

Ah… I guess I spoke too soon. She’s not being tame at all.

Shizu, while sporting a teasing smile on her lips, put down her pen, turned her chair to face me and opened her slender arms wide. She’s like a child asking for her father to carry her.

Since that’s what she wanted, I bent my back a bit and grabbed her sides, just below her underarms. Her teasing smile froze instantly. She hadn’t expected that I would do what she asked.

Before Shizu could recover from that, I’d already lifted her from her seat and enclosed my arms to her back. Unlike Kana who instinctively hooked her legs to my back, the frozen Shizu was as stiff as a stick that if my arms loosened a bit, she would slide down and slump on the floor.

“Is there something wrong, Miss President?” I asked before blowing air into her ear.

Shizu trembled awake as she gradually turned her head to face me. But with our bodies this close together, she had to lean back to properly see me. Moreover, upon noticing that her legs were not aground, she flailed in panic.

“Y-you… Put me down.”

“Hmm? Didn’t you ask me to carry you?”

After saying that, I took the first step. Shizu, not knowing what to do, quickly circled her arms around me and her dangling legs latched to my back. I could clearly feel her raising heartbeat as well as the slight quivering of her whole body.

I then delayed taking another step just to feel the sensation of Shizu pressing herself closely to me. My hands holding her also slid down a bit just before her round bottom.

“R-ruki… why did you stop?” With her strong front broken like glass, Shizu weakly called out to me.

“It’s only a few steps towards the sofa. I still want to experience holding you like this.”

If she looked at my expression this time, she would probably see me smirking while also lovingly watching her every reaction. She’s just so lovely that I’m finding it hard to stop teasing her.

“This guy… You’re always like this. When will you stop teasing me?”

“Why do you want me to stop? You’re the one who asked for this, remember?”

“Then start walking, blockhead!”

“Are you mad? Is my Shizu being mad at me now?”

“I will be if you don’t put me down soon.”

“Ah… That’s the last thing I want to happen. You win. Besides, the tea will really turn cold so… your wish is my command.”

I resumed my steps, albeit reluctant. Even so, it didn’t take long for us to reach the sofa. It’s really only a few steps away from her table, after all.

When I put her down and we faced each other again, I put on a smile but Shizu pouted and tried to act indifferent. She’s failing at that though.

The one in front of me was already the unmasked Shizu. Her whole face was red and hot enough to mistake her for someone who has a fever.

To make up for teasing her, I picked up the teacup and handed it to her. Fortunately, it’s still at the optimal temperature.

Following that, I picked up the plate with the bread and sliced a piece to feed her myself

Shizu stared at it for a bit. But after much deliberation, she gave up and opened her mouth.

After chewing a few times, she sipped on her tea. Moments later, her face showed a delightful expression.

So, it’s true. It’s great with tea.

However, as if she remembered that she was acting indifferent to me, Shizu rolled her eyes and restored her pout.

Alright. I surrender. This girl’s cuteness is just over the top. Wait. I think I’ve already said the same thing to all of my girls…

Well, that doesn’t matter.

“One more?” I asked teasingly to which Shizu answered with a small nod as her cheeks took on a crimson hue.

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