Stealing Spree

713 Adorable?

Upon arriving at their street, the first thing I noticed was the police car parked at an appropriate distance from their house. It was on the lookout in case someone would attempt to abduct Auntie Yayoi again.

I silently gave a nod of approval as we continued on our steps. I saw a policeman at the wheels and when he noticed us passing by, he nodded. He’s someone I saw at the police station yesterday so we got an easy clear. Besides, a boy and a girl wouldn’t even look that suspicious, normally.

When I pointed that out to Mina, she heaved a sigh of relief as her walking pace increased, almost running towards her house. That worry that I calmed down when we’re at the bus burst out once more.

She had to see Auntie Yayoi safe and sound before she could rest her mind.

Well, I guess I also wanted to check. Although I didn’t think I would be returning here this quick, I could still remember how devastated Auntie Yayoi appeared yesterday. Hopefully, she has already recovered from it.

“Mom!” As soon as she opened the door, Mina, like a little child who hadn’t seen her mother for years, ran towards her mother who was also smiling brightly upon seeing her.

Auntie Yayoi took Mina in her embrace and pampered her while at the same time, reassuring Mina that nothing bad happened to her.

Well, that just showed how Mina loves her mother. Even though she was already told that everything would be fine, she couldn’t help but run here to confirm it herself.

As I watched the mother and daughter exude a picture of warmth, I noticed Auntie Yayoi’s eyes gradually settled on me, a gratified expression on her face.

I smiled back and bowed my head slightly at her.

After Mina calmed down, Auntie Yayoi filled us in on what happened next after I left yesterday. That Iwasaki escaped to the airport but he got apprehended before boarding the plane. As for the three stooges, they’ve been surrendered by the gang they belonged to.

Whatever deal they made with Iwasaki was part of confidential evidence that we couldn’t access yet since it’s still unverified. Either way, the police reassured Auntie Yayoi that she wouldn’t become the target of that gang since it was revealed that the guy that I knocked out yesterday was working independently.

The gang that wasn’t that large was mimicking Yakuza activities even branding themselves as the Kamakura Family. But ultimately, they’re small-time law-breakers that were avoiding the eyes of the police. Because of the high-profile stunt that pompadour guy did yesterday, they had to be even more low-key or their little Yakuza-play would end without any accomplishments or glories in their name.

As for her salon, Auntie Yayoi would continue operating it but for the sake of her safety, while the case was running, she’d get a protective detail.

Mina then went to her room to get a change of clothes as well as her uniform that she would use for tomorrow, leaving me behind with her mother.

I got a little bold asking if I could come with her to her room but Mina pinched my hand and sent me a chilling glare, silently saying ‘behave, you pervert.’.

Auntie Yayoi laughed at my attempt.

“Onoda-kun, don’t be disheartened, that’s just how Mii-chan is. She’ll come around.”

“Un. But Auntie, Mina is too adorable when flustered, isn’t she?”

“That’s a given. She’s my daughter, after all.”

“Oh? Does that mean Auntie can also be that adorable?”

“Absolutely! You know, when I was her age…”

I only expected an answer of yes or no but before I knew it, Auntie Yayoi began narrating her experiences of being cute. Yep, she called herself cute. Compared to the mature demeanor she had shown me yesterday and today before this, Mina’s mother could also be that cheerful. It’s like I’m seeing the Mina of years ago before everything crumbled around her.

Naturally, I noticed how she would pause and frown, possibly remembering unpleasant memories. However, Auntie Yayoi would shake her head and clear that up as she continued her tale in a lively tune.

As I had a lot of experiences just being a good listener, Auntie Yayoi got even more enthused seeing me so absorbed in her stories.

“Oh right, there’s also that one. During the 1st week of being a 1st-year high school student, three boys, one from each year, confessed to me at the same time. I might’ve been too beautiful for them that they didn’t even wait for a week to pass. Don’t you think so?”

Now that sounds like a brag. This Auntie… even if her stories weren't really at the standard of being adorable, the way she confidently told me about it was what I could see as too charming.

“Yes, yes. Then did Auntie accept their confession?” I nodded continuously and egged her to continue with her story.

“No, of course. Who are they? I don’t even know their names. A few days after that, I was hailed as the Queen of Rejection.”

Auntie Yayoi proudly puffed out her springy, bountiful chest with her hands on her waist.

That smug aura she’s exuding was too different from the graceful woman I saw yesterday.

“That’s a ridiculous title.”

“Right? What do you think, Onoda-kun? Aren’t I adorable?”

Auntie Yayoi scoffed before her lips curled into a cutesy grin as she cupped her face while slightly leaning forward.

Now, this was her attempt to truly look adorable. I slightly averted my gaze from her in fear that I would be tempted to pinch her pristine nose.

“… To be honest, I have no idea what part of that story made you adorable, Auntie.”

Auntie Yayoi was shocked. “Huh?! Is it not? Weird… Mii-chan always likes my stories that she’s treating them at the same level as fairy tales.”

Alright, let’s dismiss how Mina saw that at the level of fairy tales for now. I couldn’t make a connection on how that could be equivalent to being adorable?

Somehow, the more I listen to her, the more I find this woman too goofy. Hopefully, Mina’s extroverted self didn’t resemble her mother’s.

“Wait. Wait... Onoda-kun, what have you done?!”

Suddenly, Auntie Yayoi issued a low shriek as if she realized something.

“Forget everything I said. Those stories… Erase it from your memory. Understand?” She then stood up, grabbed me by my shoulders and pushed her face closer, perhaps an attempt to intimidate me.

I could see her face twitching in shame and her fairly flawless complexion turn red from the embarrassment.

She could be an airhead as well, huh?

“I can say yes but… I have to be honest, Auntie. You have to knock my head a few times on the table and hope for me to have a concussion serious enough to induce memory loss. Otherwise, everything I heard will remain in my memory.”

“Don’t turn me into a criminal, Onoda-kun.”

“Exactly. I’m sorry but I’ll treasure those memories. But no worries, you’ve just proven it. Auntie is as adorable as Mina.” I put on a playful smile enough to make her blush further. I know, I am digging my grave here but I just couldn’t help it. It’s that damn urge to tease again.

Once my words registered in her mind, Auntie Yayoi’s hold on my shoulder then tightened as she deliberated whether to knock me out or not.

“Huh? What are you two doing? Mom? Ruki?”

As if a divine intervention saving me from impending death, Mina reappeared from the curtained area, a bag in her hand, as she incredulously stared at our current situation.

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