Stealing Spree

334 Better Position (1)

Throughout our talk, there’s one more thing that I noticed about Izumi-senpai.

If something both involved Arisa-senpai and Ogawa, she would be more concerned over the former.

No matter how lovestruck she was, Arisa-senpai's well-being was more important than her relationship. Just look at how brave she was to warn me. Despite her unconscious fear, she still strongly voiced out how I should stop involving Arisa-senpai.

There’s also that little detail about ‘the stupid guy who ruined Arisa-senpai’s school life’.

I guess that’s what’s preventing Arisa-senpai from getting serious in a relationship again. As to how that guy ruined her school life, I had to wait and hear about it from Arisa-senpai herself.

Nonetheless, since I already came out and told Izumi-senpai my intentions towards both of them, there's no point pedaling back with my words again.

She was confused at the moment since she wouldn’t be able to understand what I said easily.

No other guy would talk about ‘loving their girlfriend while confessing how he liked another girl and her friend.

Ah. Perhaps there were some guys like that but it would be hard to find them.

In any case, I wouldn’t stop at stealing her now. Even if she tried to run away today. I would create more opportunities that I could use to gradually pull her away from that coward.

“Senpai, it’s alright to be confused. But I meant what I said… You can expose it if you want. You can be angry at me and stop talking to me altogether. I will not take back what I said. This is me after all.” I moved backward, restoring the one-meter distance between us.

Giving her the space that she needed after I somehow intruded her personal space when I asked her about letting me take care of her instead, it’s something that needed to be done if I wanted this time to continue.

I didn’t know how many minutes had passed but I was successful with making her relaxed enough to respond.

Releasing her crossed arms, Izumi-senpai fixed herself to her seat.

"You're really something, Onoda-kun."

"I'm just being honest with what I feel, senpai. In this regard, I'm the opposite of Ogawa." As I said that, I kept the smile on my lips.

I had no idea what I looked like at the moment but considering she’s not averting her eyes from me, it’s probably normal.

"You’re right. You're the complete opposite of him. Kazuo won’t even confess to the girl he truly likes. Now that you have her for yourself, he’s probably regretting it all the time he stalled.”

Ah. Right. They had no idea that Nami managed to make him confess.

I see.

She became that proactive to chase after him not only for herself but also for comforting that guy…

Look at how lucky that coward is…

However, what did he do in return? He never appreciated this girl’s effort. He’s always running away and leaving this girl disappointed.

“It’s too late for his regret. That’s his fault. And it will also be his fault if you decide to give up on him. You already did everything. You look way prettier than the first time I met you. You even tried to show him that you can cast away your delinquency but all of your efforts were not noticed by him. Senpai, how long will you continue?”

“He will soon move on and by then, he will start noticing me.”

“How optimistic can you be? Well then, before that hypothetical moving on of that coward, I will make you fall in love with me.”

Although that sounded like a declaration of war, Izumi-senpai’s response to it was kinda lukewarm.

She lowered her head and with a defeated tone, she said. “If only he could think like you… Then I don't mind being his second or third… As long as he notices how much I like him."

This girl…Her mind was already adjusted about his harem situation. She’s aware she’s not the only one who likes him. So instead of fighting for the spot of being his girlfriend, she already had this resolve to be his second.

If I break that guy enough, his attitude had that possibility to flip…

Nonetheless, even if his attitude made a 180, I would still continue stealing everything from him. I already got Nami and Hina… Now Izumi-senpai will be next and if I find more girls around who clearly had the hots for him, I will also go after them.

I guess I’m actually a petty guy who would take any offense seriously. But even if I realized this, I won’t back down. He brought this upon himself.

I’m aware that I’m the one who made the first move by stealing Nami from him. However, I’ve already fallen for that girl even before he got cornered and confessed. My relationship with Nami was inevitable.

"I admire how you already resolved yourself to be labeled with a number when it comes to him. Unfortunately, it's Ogawa we're talking about."

Although the first half sounded like praise, the second half sparked pessimism on her part. No one can change that guy but himself. Look at what he did earlier… Even if Hina and I were already entangled with each other, he refused to answer her or even acknowledge that he knew how she felt for him.

That guy is hopeless and letting this girl continue to hopefully wait for him to change, I will take her away from him.

Upon hearing my words, Izumi-senpai lowered her head further, not knowing what to answer. "..."

"Why don't you refute my words, senpai?"

"What's there to refute? I'm aware… Unless he, himself, steered to change, Kazuo will never look at me as more than the delinquent upperclassman."

After saying that, Izumi-senpai released a series of sighs resulting in her shoulders drooping further.

Upon seeing that, my arms naturally moved and grabbed her arms to support her. And when she lifted her head to look at me and react to what I did, I beat her to the punch and opened my mouth to talk first. “If you’re aware then… Can you let me try stealing you from him?”

“Steal? That’s some word you got there, huh? I don’t know. I’m not his in the first place. And honestly, what I wanted to do at this moment is to punch this face of yours before running away from here… Can I do that?”

That’s some honest confession. I’ll give her that. I guess she’s also restricting herself to just stand up and leave me alone here. Perhaps, she’s already thinking of me as some kind of a creep.

However, since she’s not really that against me holding her like this, it’s probably hadn’t reached that point yet.

“If that will brighten your downcast mood then go ahead, senpai. It’s a small sacrifice to make.” I closed my eyes and leaned forward with my right cheek turned in her direction.

As I waited for her fist to land on my cheek, I had no choice but to feel the surroundings.

With the somewhat cold wind blowing from the opened window, cooling up this room, I could only hear some slight movements from Izumi-senpai.

As to what she’s doing or what expression she was making at the moment, I could only imagine.

After a few seconds, Izumi-senpai suddenly burst out giggling at her seat and instead of her fist, I felt her palm on her cheeks as she did the same thing as I did to her earlier.

When I opened my eyes, Izumi-senpai was firmly staring at me. Her eyes and lips were slightly curved after that burst of giggles.

“Idiot. What small sacrifice? Who will fall for that kind of trick from you? If you’re that serious then go on. There’s an upcoming slot for one of my dogs.” As she smugly declared that, her hand moved from my cheek to the top of my head, patting it like she’s patting one of her pets.

“I see. So that groveling 2nd year I saw back then was just one of your dogs.”

“Un. That’s what I’m doing to those unqualified who are trying to court me. What do you think? Are you up for that position?”

“No, thanks. I have a better position in mind, senpai.”

Before Izumi-senpai could react, I already grabbed her hand that was currently patting my head and put it on my shoulder. Afterward, I also reached for her other hand and did the same before I reached out both of my arms to her waist, grabbing it tightly.

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