Stealing Spree

305 Student Council Meeting

I don't know what's going on in her head. If it was before I would've rejected her right away. There was no point going after someone single after all.

In the end, the answer that came out of my mouth was that I want to think about it first. In which case, she readily agreed.

By telling her that I will give her an answer in a few days, I will be able to consult someone about this. Well, Kana, as someone also related to this and knows that curious girl better than me, will surely provide additional insight.

Despite answering like that, the curious glint in Otsuka-senpai's eyes didn't waver.

In fact, she's probably thinking that I was only stalling for time and I would eventually say yes to her request of letting her experience it with me.

It's not everyday someone would offer their first time to someone she doesn't have any relation to except being a fellow club member.

I knew there were those others who also got curious or it's just their nature as they were also undergoing puberty. Although a lot would stop after doing it once or after they grew tired of it, there were others who would end up becoming addicted to it that they would ask for more.

What we're doing was different from those. For my girls, I'm their only partner and... it's not just us pleasuring each other. Like Otsuka-senpai said, it included our emotions.

But now, what she was asking from me was just like those types of people. She wanted to do it to satisfy her curiosity.

Either way, I wouldn't be in this kind of dilemma to choose if I like her or I want her to be mine. But as of now, I'm not feeling that way for her. If I find Ishida-senpai as admirable, I find Otsuka-senpai as interesting. And both still couldn't be categorized as me liking them.

Haa... I guess I can't decide because I'm feeling guilty. If we didn't show that to her and if I didn't try manipulating her through taking turns in questioning each other, her curiosity about that subject wouldn't be this high.

If I let her go down that path of asking others for it, it will be my fault if something happens to her. True, it will be her choice but it's my rejection that will push her to that side.

Before leaving the room, I kept observing her reactions and how she moved, she's still the same Otsuka-senpai that was overflowing with curiosity. That smile and that brilliant eyes were still the same as when I first met her.

"Onoda-kun, I will be waiting for your answer. I get it. You only do it with someone you love, right? Kana-senpai and Mirae-chan are like that to you."

"Well, in a sense, it's like that. But this, I feel like I'm responsible for why you're like this. I'll give this a serious thought, senpai. Don't worry."

"You know. When you asked me if I like you, I said no. Because I know that this is just my curiosity about you. Maybe I like you as you are, not in a romantic sense like what you shared with them." Otsuka-senpai paused for a moment to stand up from where she was sitting, closing the distance between us. "Remember that piece you wrote? That's the start of how I became this curious about you. You're too bold to submit it like that as if it doesn't matter what others will think about you. Mirae-chan was angry back then but after a week or two, that girl suddenly warmed up to you. It's truly mysterious. Now, she became as bold as you and Kana-senpai, openly showing her affection to you."

Well, of course, she likes me as a person. Otherwise, we wouldn't be on good terms. Besides, she also answered that apart from wanting to watch it again, she wanted to fill her curiosity about me. But after satisfying it, will it really end just like that?

Haa... Let's not think about it for now. At least, these days, Otsuka-senpai will not bug me about her curiosities.

"Well, coincidence happened that we got to know each other, now you could say that she's relying on me and I'm also relying on her... Let's get going, senpai. I still have to go to the Student Council and you... Ishida-senpai might look for you. You'll find something that will probably take your interest."

She's also a member of the club. It's natural not to leave her out for that occasion.



As we left the room, I watched her departing back. She's already calmed down to the extent that no one will think how excited she appeared earlier. If she can keep that calm then she'll probably become more popular. Surely, her classmates or friends were also getting overwhelmed by her curiosity.

Before going to the Student Council, I emptied my mind first, pushing what I talked about with Otsuka-senpai at the back of my mind.

After what happened between us last Friday, I'm quite excited to see Shizu again. Like I told her, when we're alone, my whole focus will always be on her.

"You're finally here. Who are you to have the gall to make us wait?"

"Now now, Inugaki-senpai. It's not even five minutes since you arrived, don't take it out on him."

"We're also not waiting for long. President isn't saying anything, you see?"

As my eyes scanned the room, every member of the Student Council was present. There's the nagging Vice President who's always in a bad mood whenever I enter his eyes and the Treasurer and Secretary couple who's always sticking to each other whenever they're here.

Well, ignoring what the dog Vice President said, I greeted all three of them politely before turning to Shizu's direction. At least, for the first time, there's not a pile of papers on her table. She's also not in her work mode given the lack of the reading glasses adorning her beautiful face.

"Let's start. Take your seats. Onoda-kun, stand behind me." Putting on that mask of hers again, Shizu stood up from her table and moved to the long table. She then settled herself on the chair at the head while the other three took the seats in her left and right.

And like she instructed, I stood behind her, overlooking the long table.

I see. Shizu, she's planning to hold the meeting that I told her to do. She waited for my appearance before starting it. Perhaps, it was to show me that she's making progress on trying to work with other people and not just her handing out their duties.

Well, this is good too. I want to see Shizu opening up and becoming her own

"President, why is he here?" Like always, Inugaki was trying to take a jab at me.

However, his question was met with complete silence that Shizu didn't even turn her head to glance at him. And as I expected, that made the guy frown before glaring at me. He's determined to throw all the blame at me. My presence irked him but he couldn't do anything except accept that I'm part of this Council.

Instead of answering him, Shizu clasped her hands together and rested her chin on it before opening her mouth to officially start this daily meeting.

I know, she's already tired of answering his senseless questions every time. According to her, that guy kept on asking her the reason why I was brought to the student council by her.

Shizu naturally answered that with the same reason she told me. I am her personal secretary. I'm there to help her personally.

"Today, let's change the format of our meetings. First, if you have any issues or suggestions, bring it up this time and we will all think of a solution on that."

Upon hearing that, the other three blinked their eyes as if they're hearing things. They probably expected that today will just be any other day for the Student Council. They never expected that the President would suddenly change the format of their meetings.

From where I was standing, I could see how they appeared to have the words stuck in their throats. Perhaps, they're already used to the commanding presence of Shizu that they couldn't wrap their heads around this change. They're probably guessing if Shizu was currently sick or whether she woke up at the wrong side of the bed today.

"P-president. What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"What do you mean? Isn't this the normal way? Do you want me to stop this senseless meeting and just hand you your duties?"

"N-no. I didn't say that. It's just surprising..."

"Someone reminded me that working with others will be more productive. I experienced it and proved it to be true."

When they heard that, the three pairs of eyes all turned to me. They immediately guessed that that 'someone' is me.

"I see. Then I will start, President. I suggest we remove him from his position."

"Rejected. Next?"

As if he hadn't learned her lesson yet, the Vice President made a fool of himself once again.

With that immediate rejection, Watanabe, the Treasurer, giggled at her seat. Although her boyfriend immediately covered her mouth to stop her, it was already heard by everyone.

Upon noticing Inugaki's clenched fist, Shizu followed up to completely shut him down. "I'm asking for sensible suggestions or issues that we need to address as the Student Council. Onoda-kun being here doesn't fall in that category. Vice President, is it wrong for me to expect something more from you?"

Being subjected to Shizu's cold gaze, Inugaki shrank at his seat.

In the end, he could only let out a defeated sigh as he bowed in apology to Shizu and me.

I couldn't care less about his opinion. After that disappointing display of Inugaki, the meeting started to flow in the correct direction when the Treasurer and Secretary started putting up issues and Shizu asked for their opinions first before she would put out a solution. Sometimes I will also be asked for my opinion.

In this way, the meeting lasted for at least 30 minutes before it ended with all three leaving the room again to implement some of the things they agreed to do during it.

As soon as the last of the three left the room, from behind Shizu's chair, I leaned down and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. "Great job, Shizu."

Complimenting her like this, a smile bloomed from Shizu's lips followed by a complaint, "This is tiring, Ruki. I don't think I can always do this."

"It must've been hard. Once in a while is enough for now. I know you'll get used to it soon. Perhaps, by then, you won't need my assistance anymore."

Upon hearing that, Shizu bit her lips and didn't reply immediately. Instead, she held onto my arms as she made herself comfortable in my embrace.

This is just the start. In the future, once she fully leaves the shell she created, the real Shizu and the masked Shizu will probably merge. However, at that time, she will also have to resolve herself if she will continue this relationship with me or not. It's inevitable. No matter how much we fall for each other, I will not abandon Akane and the other girls just for her alone.

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