Stealing Spree

296 Disturbed

When I left Shio's room, she's already cheered up enough that I'm confident that she will be fine upon meeting that guy once again.

Perhaps it's for closure or perhaps she will try to see if she still has lingering feelings for him.

Nonetheless, her decision to divorce him was already set in stone. Otherwise, she wouldn't go to trouble the Administration by changing her name back to her maiden name.

When I reached the classroom to get my bag, Satsuki, Aya and Nami were still there. These three wanted to see me first before they go to their respective mentors. Shizu-senpai for Satsuki, Otsuka-senpai for Aya and Haruko for Nami.

After picking it up, I looked at the three alternately before going out first.

When I left the door, I waited right before it to see the three coming out one by one.

"What's wrong?" I asked Satsuki who's the first to show up.

With these many students walking along the hallway, we both kept our distance.

"Is it bad to wait for you?"

"Not really, in fact, I love it," I whispered to her.

Although that put a smile on her face, her next words were sharp, typical of this tsundere. "Then don't ask anymore, idiot."

"Well, I want to hear my Satsuki's voice. It puts me at ease."

"You and your tongue." Satsuki rolled her eyes. "If you have time to tease me… Kiss me right now."

This girl, she's becoming bolder. Or is this her jealousy going out of control?

No. Knowing her, she just wants more skinship with me. Our time last Saturday was not enough for her.

I looked to our left and right. There were just too many eyes. Someone would definitely see us if I did.

"As much as I want to, I can't do it here. I'm sorry."

"Of course I'm joking, idiot. How does it feel being teased?"

"I see. So it's revenge, huh? I'll look for you later. Don't hide from me, alright?"

"As if I can hide from you. See you, idiot Ruki."

Along with her lips, her eyes also seemingly curved into a smile which shows her honest feelings at the moment. She's happy and satisfied that I'm going to look for her later.

This girl. Perhaps she did that for me to have a reason to look for her. She knew that I couldn't stand being teased back. She's getting good at this.

"Get along with Shizu-senpai, alright?"

"I know. She's not… as bad as I thought."

After saying that, she turned towards the entrance of the School Building to go where she would meet Shizu. Seeing her departing back that looks as if trembling in excitement, a smile couldn't help but drop on my lips.

"Your genuine smile is looking really good, Ruki. It's satisfying to see it."

From behind me, Aya's voice suddenly entered my ears. Because I was focused on Satsuki, I hadn't noticed her.

The three girls probably had an agreement on the order of who will talk to me. Nami will be last.

Hina is probably still having second thoughts or she can't adjust yet. Because of her goal to also have Ogawa look at her, she can't go all-in on me yet. Well, it's also because I can't find the right time to be truly alone with her for an extended period of time.

Last week she stayed behind to talk to me, now she's the first one to leave. She only left a message on messenger that she'll go on first.

"Is it? I never saw my genuine smile. I know I look weird whenever I smile."

"Uhm, those weird smiles you're saying was when you're forcing it. It's too stiff. I had a picture of you with your genuine smile."

"Really? How did you capture one?"

"Back when you brought me home. I took one that morning" She then pulled out her phone and showed me. It was when she was already dressed after taking a bath. In that room where she stayed the night, we sat on the bed with her sitting in front of me.

We spent a few minutes talking about things in that position and I remembered how comfortable that time was.

In the photo, my eyes were closed and there's really a smile that could be seen on my lips. It looked a bit of a stolen shot judging by the angle.

"Alright, that's a great shot. I looked like a spoiled child there."

"Hehe. Because you were. The way you clung to me was as if I was going to leave you at any moment. I love looking at this." Aya laughed from the bottom of her heart. This girl's love for me is this strong.

It might look like what happened between us was too fast, we're still at that stage of knowing each other better. Every second that I spend with her is always full of fluffiness.

After that, we spent a little more than three minutes just talking at that side. With our hushed voice and certain distance, only those close by would be able to notice that there's that fluffy atmosphere surrounding us.

In time, she stepped forward and turned to face me. "Uhm, Ruki. See you later."

"Yes see you later, Aya, have fun and learn well from Otsuka-senpai."

Seeing that introverted girl becoming more confident of herself, her previous gloomy look was already a relic of the past. I look forward to more time with her.

"Ruu, can you accompany me to Haruko-senpai?"

After a while, Nami appeared from the door.

"Sure. What's the matter?"

"Nothing, I feel a little bad letting you leave earlier."

Ah. This girl, it's not like I held it against her, we had the same understanding of the situation back then.

"Nami. Is this your way of making an excuse?"

"Ugh. Don't out me easily, Ruu. I thought hard of making an excuse to have you walk with me."

"This girl. You can be straightforward with me. It's not like I'll reject you."

"You don't understand, Ruu. A girl has to be like this sometimes."

"Alright, alright. Besides, it's rare to see my Nami acting cutely like this. Let's go."

Walking side by side, those who heard the rumors about us will probably add another detail to it if they saw us. But that's trivial now. It's been a while since I got some nice quality time with her. These few minutes of a walk would surely provide that to us.

When we reached the Club Building, I immediately saw the room where Izumi-senpai, Arisa-senpai and Ogawa should be waiting.

Through the glass from the door, Nami definitely saw Izumi-senpai in there but not the others.

"So that's where you will meet your mentor. How is Izumi-senpai as a mentor, by the way?"

"Not excellent but also not bad. You know her better than me. She's more of a delinquent so there's not much she can teach me."

"Then what about Arisa-senpai?"

Of course, I also told them about us and I somewhat expected this question from a mile away. Although I didn't tell her that Izumi-senpai's aim was to make Ogawa fall for her, she could easily guess it and her reaction was more lukewarm than I thought.

She felt bad for him, true. But at the present, Nami is already mine. There's no issue for her anymore that the other girls were trying to approach him.

That's how Ogawa already lost against me without him knowing how.

"Arisa-senpai is… what can I say? Great. I feel comfortable spending that time with her and I want to know more about her."

"I see. It looks like my Ruu has another target to take down."

"Don't say it like I'm going to assassinate her."

"Depending on the context, that can also mean the same. You playboy…"

"Alright, you win."

"Since I won, let's spend some time here…"

Nami suddenly stopped her tracks and stood before the same empty clubroom where I took them last Thursday.

She checked the surroundings first and made sure that no other students would pass by before opening the door and pulling me inside.

Of course, I didn't reject her. If she didn't stop, I would stop myself to spend some quality time alone with this girl.

"I missed being alone with you." She started before slipping her arm to my back.

"Should I walk you home later?"

"Yes! You can't back out from that, Ruu."

"Of course, I'll message you. Let's take the train, is it fine with you?"

I promised that I will go home with her, this time, I can grant her that. But to be more cautious, we can't risk it to ride the same bus she always takes every day.

"I will also suggest that." Nami gave an approving nod before her eyes glittered and her lips parted as if it's inviting me. "Now that's out of the way... We have a few minutes, Ruu."

"I know. I will make sure we'll both be satisfied during these few minutes."

After saying that, I picked her up and put her down on that same sofa we used. Looking at her slightly erotic look with her luxurious black hair sprawled beneath her, I took her glistening lips and gave it a good suck before letting her take the helm in our passionate kiss.

As we went deeper with our desire for each other, my arm naturally moved and slipped inside her uniform, tracing her smooth and silky skin as it climbed upward, traversing the distance to her twin peaks.

Although she's still a bit clumsy, Nami's hand went from my face to my back before going down to my bottom. Her hand trembled as she started her own exploration.

Amidst our passionate kisses, we're gradually becoming more indulged at the thought that the possibility of someone disturbing us wouldn't happen.

However, that's where we're wrong.


As if jinxing it, two loud bangs at the door rang out, pulling us immediately out of our trance.


That voice. It's Ogawa.

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