Stealing Spree

235 Back to the Gym Storehouse

"Next activity, can I ask you to observe it again and if you feel like I'm going overboard again, tell me."

After that few minutes wherein they asked for my opinion, Eguchi-sensei and Orimura-sensei finally let me go.

Leaving those words before I left, I ended up being their lookout for the activity they concocted.

Well, they're both troubled that they always tire out their students and they are constantly being reprimanded by the higher-ups of the school because of that.

The way they talked to me, especially Eguchi-sensei, was far too different than how she carried herself in front of the class. Now that reminds me of how Shio carried herself at first until she revealed that fantasy-seeking part of hers.

As I left the Gymnasium, my feet led me to one of the Gym Storehouses, the one I organized with Rae last week.

We already agreed that if the PE ended an hour earlier, we will meet there to complete our agreement. Though we met each other at the club, the short times we interacted made her more curious about me. I'm guessing she will be asking me about why Kana stayed with me this Monday when I walked them to the bus station.


As soon as appeared from the door of the Gymnasium, Chii called out to me from the side. She's still in her Gym clothes and probably never went back to class after we separated when the two teachers called me.

"Did you wait for me?"

Answering my question with a nod, she then murmured her reason.

"... I thought you're in trouble, so..."

"Oh. Did you eavesdrop at our conversation?"

I closed the door behind me and walked over near her.

There were still a few students walking about in their Gym Uniforms but most already went back to the changing rooms. At least, I couldn't see someone from our class anymore except Chii here.

"That... It got me worried."

She answered. After that, she explained that she didn't hear anything since she's just eavesdropping from the door.

But yeah. For her to show this kind of concern this time. Looks like my constant teasing on her somehow affected her.

"Thank you, Chii."

I said with unmasked gratitude as I stepped forward a bit more which closed the distance between us.

I wanted to reach for her hand but I refrained from doing so. Though she's like this now, what I did to her before was like a scar that couldn't be erased in her mind.

"You don't need to... Well then, I'll go back and change. You should too."

Chii couldn't look straight at me as she kept her head bowed even when saying it.

"Alright. I still have somewhere to go to, go on ahead without me."

Rae is already waiting for me there. As much as I want to keep Chii here and talk to her about us, now's not the time.

"... You're going to meet someone."

With how much she observes me, she's probably aware who it is I am meeting this time.


"... I see. Goodluck with Mirae-chan, Onoda-chi."

With a forced smile on her face, Chii started walking back to the School Building. I couldn't stop her. If I didn't have the prior engagement with Rae, I would probably do.

And I'm right, she really knows who I am meeting this time.

I watched her receding back until she disappeared from my sight before I turned my heels to the direction of that Gym Storehouse.

For now, I can only do that. But knowing she still cared for that much for me, it made me happy.

When I reached the Gym Storehouse, the surrounding was very quiet. The PE already ended and the classes of the other years were still ongoing.

This is really an ideal time to meet up the catch is we have to go back before the 7th Period starts.


Rae's voice called out to me as soon as I came into her view, she was sitting near the door of the said Gym Storehouse. Unlike last week where she was wearing the Gym Tracksuit, this time she's wearing the same Gym Uniform which consists of a short-sleeved shirt and jogging pants. Bloomers are... kind of a relic now. They long stopped using those for girls' PE uniforms.

Even so, seeing her in that shirt, she's probably worried that it would be too hot like last week. With the signature glasses of her, Rae looked more charming than before.

"Did you wait? I got held off by the teachers. That's why..."

Though it sounded like an excuse, that's what really happened. Excluding that little time taken from talking with Chii.

"I see. It's fine. It's not even ten minutes anyway. On the contrary..."

Rae stood up and looked around us before she took my hand and led me inside the opened Gym Storehouse.

I don't know if it was purposely left opened or Rae opened it herself. That's not important after all.

As soon as we entered, she closed the door once again. We're now back to the same situation where we're once again alone. Inside this very same place where I took her first kiss.

"Are we starting with my time or yours?"

I asked but I guess I don't really need to. The answer is already in front of my eyes.

Rae was looking up at me, with the same curiosity-filled eyes. I gave her an assignment back then to understand what she felt after our kiss but she never gave me any feedback except those kisses we shared again whenever I will show up in the club.

"What do you think? I kept coming onto you these past days. I honestly can't wait for this day to come again."

She nudged her glasses to fix it and there's a hint of a seductive smile on her lips.

By closing the door, we're once again subjected to the heat of this room. Soon enough, we would start sweating again and during that time, her shirt would once again stick onto her body.

"Then let's start with your time. Your time is supposed to let you relax with me while I teach you how to start thinking for yourself."

"But I'm already doing that, there's only some occasion where that habit will resurface."

"You're right. Then what does my Rae want to do?"

"Learn more about you of course. Kiss me, Ruki."

This girl has unknowingly turned to a kissing deviant. It's not that I hate it, I welcomed it, even.

Since she asked for it, I didn't wait anymore and pulled her into my embrace. Her soft body naturally leaned onto and her arms circled to my back. In this kind of position, I took her lips into a kiss.

With how much we already did it, Rae's tried to take the lead as she quickly started to suck on it.

From near the door of the Gym Storehouse, I instantly noticed one of the mattresses we organized before was down on the ground near the back of the room. I don't know if someone used it but since it's conveniently placed there, I slowly pulled us towards it.

Rae also noticed that. She broke our kiss first as she slowly sat on it while pulling onto my arms.

In less than ten seconds, our lips once again overlapped each other and continued a more intense kissing session. Soon enough, I could feel both of our bodies started to heat up.

With her body sticking closely to me, her soft mounds were clearly pressed on my chest.

"I gave you an assignment last week. Did you find out the answer to that?"

I asked when our lips separated a bit to catch our breath. Her lips were already redder than before from how intense I sucked at it.

"I did find an answer to that. Even now, I'm feeling it in my chest. Do you want to feel it?"

This girl... Is this an invitation to grope her?

"By feeling it, you mean?"

Just to be sure. I had to ask her.

"Ruki. I know you're not this dense. I want you to touch me. That way, I can understand this feeling I have for you."

Ah. That's really an invitation. This girl... Somehow, I don't feel like this is the right direction to take for her to understand her feelings. Though I probably don't have the right to say this. This is what I always use after all.

"I told you to think it through, Rae. Are you really sure about this? I wouldn't be able to stop if I did start on that."

"This is for the sake of learning more about you, Ruki. Please?"

She even added a 'please', if I rejected her here, she might turn that curiosity elsewhere.

I guess there's no other choice but to go through this.

"You don't need to add that. I'm just making sure you're not getting carried away with our current situation."

"I've thought this over countless times during the week. And I also expanded my knowledge about this situation we're in."

Rae firmly said as she once again planted her lips on mine. The way her tongue moves we're now as skillful as Kana's. Despite her lack of experience before, she's learning too fast...

I returned her kisses and only when we separated again did I have the chance to answer her.

"I see. If that's the case, I won't hold back Rae. I'm going to touch you."

Upon hearing it, Rae nodded her head and bit her lips.

I cupped her cheeks and planted a kiss once more. This time, it was soft kisses to let her relax. During all our talks, she's slowly tensing up. Maybe because of the excitement or something else.


As soon as I felt her body loosened up, my hand moved from her cheeks and soon landed on her soft mound that was still covered by her gym shirt and the underwear beneath.

Rae let out a soft moan as soon as she felt my hand pressing on hers.

"You can tell me if you want to stop, alright?"

After reminding her once more, instead of just pressing it, my hand moved to grab it. The softness of her breast instantly filled my palm with that satisfying sensation.

Rae nodded and the reaction on my touch was instantly shown on her face. It was already crimson red and her breathing turned more erotic.

This girl... I wonder what I should do with her?

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