A short while later, we switched locations to the bathroom. Akane ran off upstairs to get us a change of clothes while Rae and I continued inside.

Although being there alone with me triggered shyness in the girl's mind, she never let go of me and still relished what transpired in the kitchen.

At the moment, we're already half naked, staring at each other's reflection in front of the mirror above the bathroom countertop. I only have my undershirt and boxers on. The coat of my winter school uniform had been taken off already.

As for Rae, given that she took off her top earlier, she's practically naked from the waist up. She's partly covering her chest with her arm. However, once she found my eyes fixated on her, she slowly dropped it, exposing herself to me.

"How beautiful…" I unconsciously muttered making the girl panic a bit as she didn't expect to be complimented like that.

Her glasses fogged up once again and she started wiping the lenses clean.

"We'll take a bath. Let me put that away for now." I stopped her and gently took her glasses from her hand and placed it down on top of a soft towel.

She's still as beautiful without it but given that her eyesight wasn't the best, she couldn't help but squint her eyes to see properly.

"… I can't see clearly." The girl murmured, partly stating a fact and partly hoping to get it back.

"It's fine. I won't leave your side. Besides, you're also taking a bath without it, right?"

"But… I want to see you."

Upon hearing that, it naturally brought another smile to my lips which urged me to stand behind her and enclose her in my embrace. I leaned down a bit, kissing her cheek before saying, "What about I keep being this close to you? Also, you'll still see me later in our bed. Be patient for now."

"Uhm. Okay, I will…" Rae pouted looking a little unsatisfied. But soon enough, she caught my lips. From that, she gradually conveyed her acceptance and let go of the little stubbornness that she had just exhibited.

And while we were locked in it, she turned around and faced me to start taking off my last articles of clothing, leaving me naked. Likewise, I unclipped her skirt and let it fall down to her feet before I picked her up and moved us inside the bathroom area.

Just like this, even though Akane was set to join us in a while, I had us start the first instance of us bathing together.

Around two minutes later, given that we hadn't pre-heated the tub, the first thing I did was fill it up and let it heat up.

At first, Rae appeared nervous and excited at the same time.

Yeah. No matter how many frisky or intimate situations we had been in, first experiences just like this would still give her a different reaction. My lovely knowledge girl remained standing where I put her down and refused to move at all. It's like all her bodily functions had been frozen yet her thumping heart says otherwise.

It's audible enough that I could already imagine thinking about a lot of possibilities on what's going to happen.

I could've started teasing her again but… seeing her alluring body from behind, I quickly changed my mind. Instead, I approached her again, wrapping my arms around her. Then, at the same time as she reacted to my warmth, I whispered, "Let me take a guess… Do you feel lost on what to do?"

Rae lifted her head to stare back at me. She's still squinting to properly see my face. Nevertheless, that didn't diminish her beauty in my eyes.

A second later, she nodded, "Will you scold me if I say yes? It still feels surreal to me. And I… I have no knowledge about this situation. This is a first for me…"

"What's there to scold? It's normal. I'm not expecting you to be used to this right away. I may be shameless but I know too well how innocent most of you are. Oh. Don't deny it. I know that my Rae is just as innocent. But at the same time, you're quick to adapt. And I'm aware that all of those were done for me… For that, I'm extremely grateful."

Midway through my sentence, the girl tried to rebut me. I quickly put a finger on her lips, preventing her from doing so. And once I was done, the girl in my arms convincedly let go of any thoughts of correcting me. Instead, her lips stretched into a pleasant smile as she replied, "Grateful? Really, you're an idiot, Ruki. I fell in love with you. That's enough reason for me to do that."

As she said that, her stiffness gradually loosened and the girl leaned closer to me.

My cock already recovered from earlier. However, I had no intention to turn our situation into the same one at the moment. It's not bad having this kind of bonding too, right?

Also, with our hearts bared like this, our emotional and physical connection was being strengthened simultaneously. And no doubt… even though my attraction started from my desire to steal her from knowledge-centric ideals, at this moment, my love for this girl is as unwavering and intense as what I feel for my other girls. And with that, any doubt was nonexistent in my head.

I love her and I want to be in her future.

"Well, I'm always an idiot and I can't help it. Accepting me alone should be hard for most girls yet… here you are. If I can't be grateful for that, I'll probably be worse than a bastard." I embraced the girl tighter before turning on the knob of the shower. And as the water started washing over us, I continued, "But no matter. I know that you're going to match it with your own gratitude, right? So, let's call it quits here."

"Pfft. So, you're aware of that, huh? I'm getting ready to slap you with everything you did for me to even out the odds. Too bad, it's not needed anymore… Even at this moment, you have just added another one to that. Thank you for helping me regain my calm, Ruki…"

A slap would be a good idea for a shameless guy like me but as I expected, she's just as perceptive, if not much better than me.

In any case, using her words to further lighten the mood around us, I put on a smirk, "Tonight, I'll only accept a kiss as a thank you. Likewise, I'll express my gratitude through a kiss. How's that?"

"You kiss monster. That's a deal!" After giving my lips a bite and calling me by the same nickname Satsuki came up for me, Rae's laughter then filled the whole bathroom. Then, she circled her arms to my nape and tiptoed to properly initiate another deep kiss.

As the droplets of water drizzled against our bodies, the two of us continued exchanging bodily warmth, giving the situation a more picturesque feel.

When Akane showed up a minute later, the girl opted not to disturb our moment but instead joined us when Rae finally noticed her.

And there, our bathing time commenced and I shamelessly volunteered to wash their bodies which… to no surprise, was accepted by the two women.

As soon as I finished, they once again teamed up to wash my body before the three of us dipped inside the heated bathtub.

"I'm sorry, husband and Mirae-chan. I can't hold myself back…" Halfway through it, Akane declared as she pulled herself up, mounting me. My cock slid in smoothly and occupied her depths perfectly being choked by how she controlled her tightness. The pleasure was sky-high that both of us moaned from the electrifying sensation of being connected.

Rae, who failed to react right away, clicked her tongue at first. Her eyes once again got ignited with her competitive spirit. She stood up, grabbed my head, and plunged my face into her sacred place.

Having no intention to stop Akane and even started moving my hips as well to match my silly wife's rhythmic pace, I never had to think twice about what I had to do for Rae. My arm circled on her waist pulling her closer as my mouth and tongue did their work, pleasuring her more intensely than the first time I'd eaten her. Later. Once we finish here, I'll be taking care of her as I promised.

In any case, although our time in this bathroom started on a mellow and peaceful note, our lust and love once again won, steering us to the same situation where our desires ran ablaze.

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