Stealing Spree

1345 SS: Ruki's Christmas (3)

Reading that message, I could admit that I felt a little conflicted about it. Nonetheless, seconds after that, I put the message back in the box and picked it up.

What will I do with it? Of course, I'll store it somewhere I won't be able to see it again.

Rather than hold into it and value it, it's best to bury it deep in my mind. There's no going back to my decision. And for sure, that girl will eventually move on completely.

"Yes. Even if I don't want to say that it's for her sake, it surely is." I bitterly smiled to myself before cleaning up the living room.

After washing and putting away the teapot and cup, I went back upstairs to get my coat and scarf.

Since I couldn't sleep at all and I wanted to forget that Nagisa visited me today, I decided to take a walk. Even if it's too cold outside.

Taking nothing else but my phone and pocket money in case I got thirsty, I left the house.

As always, whatever the season, our street was empty. The roads had already started to be covered by snow and the tracks made by the few people who tread on this path were about to disappear.

Looking up, the slowly fluttering snowflakes were probably a picturesque scene for those who admire them. But for me who'd seen them many times before, I could only feel the cold seeping into my body.

Remembering the current time before I left the house, I decided where to go.

Or so, I planned to go where I decided.

I hadn't even taken a few steps when the door of the neighboring house opened. Appearing from inside was the meddlesome girl who I couldn't discourage from approaching me.

Wearing a pale red winter coat that slightly matched her crimson eyes, a knitted bonnet, as well as an ear muffler to protect her ears from the cold, Shimizu Akane, ran up to me.

"Where are you going in this weather? Don't tell me… you have a date?" Acting shocked and at the same time sarcastic at that last part, the girl exaggeratedly circled around me.

"It's none of your business, don't you think so? Besides, if you have somewhere else to go, you don't need to care about where I will go."

"Who says I'm going somewhere? Mom asked me to pick you up. No, I told her if I can bring you home."

"Is that so? Then I decline. I'm not interested."

"Huh?! Come on. You always avoided me in school, can't you at least celebrate this occasion with us? For old times' sake."

"Like I said, not interested. Look, if I take you up on that. I'm sure you will always use that excuse to get me to follow you. I don't love you. No, I don't know what love is. Look for someone else, that way, I can be interested in stealing you."

"… No! Stop saying that. I will never find someone else. All this time there's only you."

"Then I don't know what to do with you anymore. I told you what's going on with me. Stop meddling with me already." After saying that in a slightly pleading tone, I turned the other way and started walking.

For sure she's about to cry again but what can I do? I'm not interested in her the same way that she's interested in me. Besides, she's aware of how horrible I am as a person. It's been years and she still hasn't stopped…

With that stubbornness, I had already given up reasoning with her. Can't she see how much I've changed?


Continuing on my steps, I perked my ears up in case she chased after me. However, instead of that, Akane shouted another absurd line.

"Ruki, I'll wait for you at your house. You better come back soon!"

So, she's going to invite herself in?!

Well, that's not the first time. Her family was friends with my parents, and to keep tabs on me, my mother gave a spare key to her mother. Although she's not really keeping tabs on me, that meddling girl sometimes uses that key to come in uninvited.

Of course, I always send her away. Even if she's that beautiful, it's impossible for me to be interested in her. She never dated anyone.

Turning around to respond to her, I annoyedly clicked my tongue, "Stop intruding into someone else's house."

"You can't stop me. I'll bring food and drinks. You better come back!"

"Like I said… Ugh… Forget it. You're unreasonable. I'll sleep outside."

"Huh?! Are you an idiot?"

"I am. Are we done here?" I answered in a heartbeat. And sure enough, the girl was taken aback.

However, she recovered swiftly. And while growling, she stubbornly declared. "Grr… No. I won't give up."

"Alright, suit yourself. Ah. Right, I remember something. There's a Christmas cake inside my fridge, bring it to your house. I don't need it."

"You bought a cake?! Okay! I'll set that too!"


I was about to scold her again but the girl already turned around and stepped into our yard.

She then glanced back at me and shouted in a very enthusiastic voice, "I won't! Take care on your steps, Ruki. Don't hit your feet just because of the snow-covered road!"

She didn't wait for my response anymore. As soon as she finished, the girl disappeared into our house.

That girl probably had the spare key with her. And most likely, she's staking out to see when I would leave and timed her 'invitation'.

She really won't stop trying to get my attention…

I helplessly sighed and tried my best to clear my head. Once that was done, I stopped caring about whatever she would do inside.

I left our street and went straight to the train station.

Because of the weather and the current time, only a few passengers could be seen lining up on the platform.

The same as them, I waited for the train to arrive.

Not wanting to stand out at all, I found myself in a corner and waited there.

I said I was only going to take a walk but… with that girl in our house, I better prolong my stay outside and hope that she soon gives up waiting for my return.

I couldn't handle her.

Or more like, I had no idea how to deal with her aside from pushing her away. However, after so many years, none worked. That's why I started avoiding running into her instead. As fate would have it, she's always in the same class as me.

I guess my plan for next school year might come in handy. Choosing a different high school, away from her and the girls that I took advantage of…

We're graduating. I'd rather start a new slate somewhere else than continue keeping them with me.

They already did their part. They also deserve the same freedom that I give Nagisa and the others before her…

Thirty minutes later, I left the train station and began my walk.

Where am I?

Let's see. This should be a fairly popular place for couples… An indoor park with a huge Christmas tree in the middle.

Even just by walking along the path leading here, I already saw a lot of couples flirting with each other.

My desire to steal had started reacting to them. However, I had yet to find a suitable target.

Right… What better use of my free time than to look for someone new?

Maybe I could also spot those girls here, walking with their boyfriends.

Depending on what I am going to witness, I may or may not ruin their date.

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