Stealing Spree

1277 Condition

When it comes to pretending to be someone's boyfriend, no doubt I am kind of an expert at it. It’s just an act and if it needs to be a little believable, I won’t hesitate at all.

Although the most recent one ended with me stealing the girl completely, it was still a flawless act nonetheless.

“I’m sorry but I’m not following. Can I ask the reason why?”

Accepting right away was out of the question. Given that she called me here for this, there must be some important reason why she wanted someone to act.

Juri averted her gaze again and perhaps for the first time since meeting her, I saw her fidgeting. It’s as if she’s already considering whether to tell me her reason or not.

Sure, she must have some reservations considering I also held back on telling her who I am with.

But since she’s the one asking for a favor here, it’s only right that she informs me of what I need to know so I won’t act like a fool.

Seconds later, her fidgeting stopped and she coolly lifted her gaze. While wearing a bitter smile, she started.

“It’s like this… My agency’s supervisor set me up to have dinner with someone from the magazine company today. Something like he wants to get to know me.”

“Can’t you refuse?” I asked. I looked at her and noticed how she was really uncomfortable with the idea. She should have that choice, right?

Or is it that thing that’s prevalent in the entertainment industry? Something like currying favor to the higher-ups. That supervisor was trying to serve up her talent just so they could get some advantageous terms with the magazine that they were going to publish.

I heard that’s only happening in the entertainment industry, however, considering how closely tied the modeling industry is to it and how they’re reliant on the bigger companies, it’s not impossible for the same thing to happen.

Anyway, one thing I can say to that is… What an idiotic decision from their agency’s management.

Didn’t that woman mention her confidence in Juri? Or is this pre-planned even before this day?

Well, no one could answer those questions but this girl in front of me.

“I can but…” Juri bit her lips, lowered her head, and started rubbing her arm. She’s probably starting to feel cold or it was just a revolting idea to consider.

I stood up from my seat, stepped forward, and grabbed her wrist before sliding it down to let her palm rest on mine. Once that happened, I gripped it tightly which led the girl to look up.

“Onoda-kun… I—”

“I think I understand what you’re going through, Koizumi-san. However, how will introducing me as your boyfriend solve it? Will they call off the dinner just because of it? Won’t they just disregard it even if you’re truly dating someone?”

I cut her off and quickly went on to the possible outcome of this in case I helped her.

“Right…” Juri nodded. Surely, that already passed her mind. However, she probably only heard about that today. Otherwise, I would notice that there was something wrong with her earlier.

The air around her now had a hint of despair. It’s like she was backed into a wall with no path to retreat and the only chance she could think of was if someone would extend their hand for her from above.

And that’s where I would come from.

In any case, this issue must’ve been the reason why her fashion sense seems disconnected this time.

“… I can refuse but Onoda-kun, that will just delay it. Sooner or later, someone will ask for it again. You might not know about it but this is how it is in this industry. Unless I want less work in the future, it will be hard to disregard those invitations.”

Juri continued as she elaborated as to what was going to happen in case she chose not to accept those invitations.

“Is it really just going to be dinner?”

“Yeah. I’ve actually gone to some of it before. They’re nice, at least but most of the time, their eyes and the way they wanted to feel my hand lacked the propriety that I expected from them, given their standing. That’s why…”

As her voice trailed there, I sensed the hand that I was holding returned my grip. Through that simple action, she managed to convey the rest of her sentence. Furthermore, she also stood up, to level her eyes with me.

I put on a gentle smile and reached for her cheek, “I see. You don’t want to experience it again.”

“Un. I’m glad you understand me, Onoda-kun.” She forced a smile despite the feeling of bitterness. And slowly, she closed our distance and placed her forehead on my shoulder.

Due to that, my hand slid from her cheek to the back of her head. She didn’t find it uncomfortable though and in fact, she became more relaxed now that she was leaning onto me.

“Alright. I think I can see what you’re trying to accomplish by asking me to act as your boyfriend. Correct me if I’m wrong, but are you hoping that it will stop the same invitations from happening again in the future?”

“Yeah. At least, they won’t see me as the untouchable ice queen anymore.”

“Untouchable ice queen? Now that’s some title.” I jokingly said. An attempt to further lighten the mood.

Well, she’s not untouchable and she’s also never an ice queen. She’s more like the spring breeze, cool and refreshing.

“Oh, you tell me… Whoever created that title for me, I’ll get back to him or her in the future.”

That’s a little funny. I couldn’t help but laugh at it which infected the girl. Soon her clear laughter filled the room.

It’s great that we reached this point. But then, I still haven’t said yes in her favor, right?

What should I do?

First, I better ask her to whom she would introduce me.

I waited for the lighter mood to settle for a while before raising that question.

Lifting her head, I noticed the troubled look she had earlier was already gone. And with a small smile on her lips, she answered, “To the one inviting me. He’ll be coming here later. Maybe after the photoshoot. He’s supposed to pick me up and send me home.”

Now, that’s some bastardly move. They’re truly cornering her, huh? What a great agency.

Well, I shouldn’t get worked up by myself here.

“I see. I have one last question, Koizumi-san.”

“What is it?”

“If the agency is setting you up to do this, won’t it be better for you to transfer to another? I heard someone got poached by the SS agency. Though she’s not a model like you, she’s a valuable asset.”

Juri quickly answered, “I signed a contract and it still has a year before it expires.”

“Ah. Right. There’s a contract. My bad. Alright then, if I can help you with my act then…”

This was a girl asking for my help. And like Yua said, I wouldn’t be this concerned about her if I wasn’t the least bit interested. As for my driving force to accept this favor, let’s just say I like her better than that spring breeze. Cool and very refreshing.

“Will you accept it?”

“Mhm. On one condition though.”

“… Say it then. You’re the one going to help me, I’ll repay you in any way I can.”

“Ah, don’t worry. I won’t ask you to give me money or do something for me. Just this… forgive me if I ever showed a lack of propriety during the act.”

“That… are you planning something?”

Upon hearing that, Juri somehow appeared surprised. Well, it contained the word ‘propriety’ after all.

“Not really but if we’re going to act, we better up the realism, right? Also, I hope it won’t be in front of other people.” As I said this, the fingers of our connected hands intertwined followed by the other hand sliding to her back. I pulled her closer to me, embracing her in the process.

Juri tensed up a little. A few seconds later, her shoulders relaxed and I sensed her arm sliding to my back, accepting my embrace. She then moved her slightly before saying, “Un. I accept your condition… I’ll overlook any lack of propriety from you. But only on this occasion, understand?”

Upon hearing that, I failed to hold back my laughter which eventually infected her again. As both of our laughter filled the room. Juri and I took a step back, releasing each other. However, our fingers remained intertwined which kept us connected. Like this, we slowly sat back down on the stools and spent the next few minutes just formulating a plan for later.

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