Stealing Spree

124 First Date (3)

The theater wasn't that crowded when we went in. That gave us a chance to choose for a better seat. Akane was too excited to see it that she literally pulled me into the front row.

Well, it's her day so I let myself be dragged by her. Throughout the movie, she will sometimes comment and then ask me what I think. Even if she was too focused on it, she still wanted me to enjoy the movie with her.

Because of that I didn't disappoint her and watched it in earnest.

The movie was about a girl and a guy who was separated by a distance of lightyears. Right. It's sci-fi. The girl somehow found the guy's holographic phone that was swept away by a black hole and was then sent to the girl's planet. From there they started talking to each other. At first, the girl was skeptical and thought the guy was joking about him being on a planet she didn't recognize. As to why they can understand each other, I guess that's one of the many plot holes of the movie, they just naturally talk to each other in the same language.

So the plot goes, a girl meets a boy. Then the development happened when that holographic phone was tracked by the boy's civilization that led to them sending an expedition force to retrieve lost technology to prevent leak.

The girl's planet was destroyed in the process but she was saved by the guy's instructions, leading to her drifting away in space in a pod, with her only companion being the guy on the other side of the holographic phone. He told her how to disable the tracker and that ended the pursuit for the lost technology.

Well, since his planet couldn't track it anymore, he also started searching blindly as to where the girl is.

He kept blaming himself that if not for him losing that, she could be living peacefully at her planet.

So along the way of searching for her, he already resolved himself to take responsibility for what he's done after making sure the girl will live on.

Though the movie ended in an open state when the guy finally found her drifting pod and saved it from getting pulled by a dying star's gravity, it gave the chance for a sequel.

And Akane's not liking that. She was complaining to me how the ending did not satisfy her. That's just the strategy of producers to make more money out of it eh. If the movie became popular then they would earn more from it.

Leaving the theater with the still upset Akane, I pulled her into an ice cream stall to get her favorite ice cream. And that somehow calmed her down. The sky was already dark so I decided to just take our dinner at the hotel. In the end, I couldn't find somewhere I could take her.

When I told her that, she just shook her head and said it's fine as long as I am with her. She's already satisfied with what we did for today. Dedicating my whole day for her, she's more than satisfied.

After finishing the ice cream, we went to the hotel I made reservations from. It's not a fancy hotel but it's a high class one, at least. Every guest they had wore formal suits or fashionable outfits, good thing we prepared for that.

After checking in to our room, I first observed it, this is the place we will be staying for the night and this night will be just about her, no other distractions.

In the end, we even forgot to take our dinner because once we entered the hotel room, we were immediately pulled in by the atmosphere around us. It didn't just end with one or two rounds, like savoring the moment we have alone like this, Akane became too wild in the bed that after everything, she just fell asleep on top of me.

This first date of ours might not be perfect but yeah, as long as I made her happy, that's enough for now. We can do it again next time and I will do better by then.

When the morning came and the time to checkout arrived, we met an unexpected person.

Err. Well, Akane didn't know her but I just met her this Friday at her club.

Donning a white gown that looks expensive at a glance, she really looks like a rich Ojou-sama and that gown really suits her, paired with her pearl accessories.

Itou Maaya.

"Ojou-sama, you're here."

One of the receptionists of the hotel went out of her station and greeted her.

Only now did I notice that every staff member was respectful to her. I didn't check who the owner of this Hotel was but I guess, just from their attitude, it's quite obvious now.

"Someone you know, husband? She doesn't look like she's one of your girls."

Akane curiously asked me, she looked at Itou and immediately determined that.

Well, there's really no reason to start with her.

"No. But she's the little sister of one of my targets."

I told Akane, if it's about this, I never once lied to her ever since realizing how special she is for me.

Itou, after nodding and dismissing the staff also looked around the lobby. We're checking out of the lhotel so she immediately saw me. I thought she wouldn't remember me but upon noticing my gaze was also on her, there's a mysterious glint in her eyes.

"You, Onoda. You're here..."

Eh what do you mean by I'm here?

When I couldn't answer her, her gaze then locked onto Akane. Err. If I compare the two, Akane will win just by the looks department. She doesn't need those expensive clothes to accentuate her beauty but yeah, if I imagine Akane also wearing that kind of dress, most men will fall under her feet.

"Itou. Yes, as you can see. We're checking out."

I answered her like normal without hiding the fact that I stayed at their hotel with a girl.

"Ruki, who is she?"

Akane acted like she hadn't asked me yet to get Itou's attention.

"A schoolmate, I'm her sister's acquaintance, so we somehow knew each other."

I answered Akane before turning to Itou. I couldn't read the expression on her face but I guess she's probably thinking about what we did at their hotel.

"Ah. I told Himeko about what you said, she told me to tell you to visit her in her club if you can."

These two sisters' circumstances is a mystery to me. Is it a family rivalry using the two? That's something out of a drama, right? But the concerns I picked from both of them for the other party were genuine.

After all this, I'll try and open up Himeko, to understand them and to help them if possible.

"Really?! Then tell me which club is it?"

Itou's eyes glimmered brightly. Looks like as long as it's about Himeko, she will be like this. She even forgot that I'm here with a girl and we had just checked out after staying the night here. She also didn't ask how I got acquainted with her sister.

But really, she didn't even know Himeko's club?

"Poem Appreciation Club. It's next to the Book Club."

"I don't know where that is, can you guide me tomorrow?"

This girl, it's only below your club's floor.

Could it be?

I looked at her and I could somehow read her expression now, she's showing anxiety and uneasiness. She knew where that was, but she needed someone to be there with her. She's afraid to meet her alone.

"Accept it, Ruki. She looks like she really needs your help."

Akane interjected, she's just watching our conversation and maybe observing Itou as well, I'm gonna ask her what she thinks later.

"Alright, should I go to the Game Club to pick you up?"

I'll also be attending my first official club activity at the Literature Club so... she will have to wait until it finishes.

"Yes please! And thank you, uhm, can you introduce us, Onoda?"

Err. Right, why didn't I think of introducing them to each other.

After I introduced them, they somehow hit it off together. Two beautiful girls like that, I guess, they have something in common that makes them feel comfortable with each other.

After 15 minutes, we finally left the hotel. Akane wore a smile like she just met a long time friend.

"What happened? You both became surprisingly close this fast."

"Ehehe. I also don't know but we could never run out of topics. It's like our minds were alike."

With her silly giggle, Akane told me everything she found out and what she thought about Maaya.

I didn't ask her about it but I guess she noticed my slight attraction to the girl. Akane is now trying to actively help me.

They both have the same situation in school, someone who keeps getting chased by the boys. Asking them out at every turn, so they somehow put up the facade that will make them harder to approach which lessened those occurrences. Akane used her friends as a shield and the rumors about us while Itou just acted aloof when in fact, her true nature is someone outgoing and very energetic. The one who cheered when she won that shitty board game was the real her.

I see that's why it's that easy for her to talk to me. I guess she thought I was harmless back then. I'm not the other 1st years who were there just because she's there. I also didn't look at her that much during my visit to their club.

Then along the way to the station, Akane continued relaying to me about everything. I thanked her and gave her another kiss which made her blush immediately.

Even if we already did more than just a kiss, Akane still gets flustered whenever I kiss her unexpectedly.

During our train ride, Akane recounted everything that we did and everything put on a smile on her lips. Our first date is a success. She loved it and well, I also enjoyed a whole day with her.

But yeah.

There's another appointment I have to go to today. Satsuki.

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