Stealing Spree

1230 Rising Awkwardness

With her entrance into this tiny room where there’s little to no space to keep our distance from each other, the effort she did to not make it awkward for us earlier suddenly jumped into more than that.

A while later, amidst the sound of running water coming out of the shower head as well as the light humming coming from the steaming tub, I found myself sitting down on a small stool while facing the wall.

Behind me, I could sense Auntie Yayoi squeezing the water out of the warm towel she just used to scrub my back.

As she said, she asked me to let her wash it...

The drizzling sound of water, however, never felt so slow before as though time suddenly slowed down.

Honestly, despite my experiences with different women, I couldn’t wrap my head around the reason for Auntie Yayoi to do this.

Ah. No. I understood a part of it. It’s just too sudden.

True, I had the choice to run out and reject her offer. However, apart from Auntie Yayoi’s posture and expression as well as her insistence to not take a no for an answer, I also found myself stumped which resulted in my mind short-circuiting upon witnessing her enthralling figure in her skin-colored undergarments. They’re almost see-through with the top not even padded which fully emphasized her jiggly mountains. Moreover, I reckoned that if she was to get wet wearing those, they would naturally stick to her skin, resulting in her curvaceous body’s outline being shown.

... Yep, in short, my perverseness acted up that it almost got me hard right away. I couldn’t help but find her extremely attractive. Although it’s not to the point of wanting to hold her right away like with Arisa. It’s the type of attractiveness that made me want to admire her figure all day long.

Her body was clearly that of an adult. Although she might be plump in certain places, her curves perfectly showcased her aesthetic sexiness and beauty.

Anyway, since we’re already in this situation, the only thing I could do at the moment was to endure it. Fortunately, she’s following her words; only focusing on my back.

A few seconds later, the warm towel once again brushed against my back as Auntie Yayoi resumed scrubbing it. Following that, the drizzle from the showerhead which she was holding at the moment contrasted with the warmth of her hands that was being transferred to the towel. It’s cold yet a little comforting. I mean, the alternating warmth and coldness allowed my somewhat tired muscles to contract and relax, giving me relief.

And just like this, two minutes slowly passed. Even if I couldn’t see her expression, her good mood was properly conveyed through the gentle scrubbing.

Soon, Auntie Yayoi broke the silence between us, “How is it, Onoda-kun?�

It’s a simple question but she said it so close to my ear that her breath tickled it.

I glanced back and answered normally, “It’s great, Auntie. Thank you.�

Well, in some media, boys who would be put in this kind of situation would always be afraid to take a glance. It’s like they’re putting their lives on the line if they ever took a peek.

That does not apply to me though. And surely, to everyone in reality. However, only a few wouldn’t be flustered, including me.

I took in her figure once more before meeting her gaze. While her expression remained the same as earlier, Auntie Yayoi appeared slightly redder. It could be because of the heat in this room or there was another reason. Whatever it was, I believed I shouldn’t ask her straightforwardly about that. Even after everything, I still respect her.

“Un. That’s great. Then, do you want me to wash your front too?� Auntie Yayoi nodded in satisfaction. But then her tone changed to a mischievous one.

She’s joking, right?

“Eh? Won’t that be inappropriate?� I intentionally put on a surprised expression.

Upon seeing that, Auntie Yayoi heartily laughed as she placed her hands on my shoulders before slowly leaning to my back.

“I’m joking. I can’t do that to my daughter’s boyfriend.�

She said that but her actions said otherwise. Little by little, her arms gradually enclosed around me, hugging me tightly from behind.

Feeling the softness of her chest pressing behind me, my cock that’s still covered by the small towel reacted. That sensation was irresistible.

This woman was testing my patience... She might be joking about what she said but this... this was clearly intentional.

“Auntie?� Although I could respond differently, I simply called out to her. Just to see what she would do next.

However, before answering me, Auntie Yayoi tightened her embrace, enough for her whole body to press on my back.

Because of this, I noticed her racing heartbeat which had no indication to calm down at any moment.

“Don’t mind me, Onoda-kun...� Auntie Yayoi’s breath brushed on my ear again and following that her cheek pressed on mine upon resting her chin on her arm.

As if it’s that easy. Only virgins would be speechless in this situation, blushing as hard as they could.

As for me... my mind just continued trying to understand her motivation to do this.

“You know, that’s impossible, right?�

Auntie Yayoi giggled once more at that response, “Heh, you’re right. But take this as an old lady’s selfishness.�

“Selfishness. Old lady? I can understand the selfishness but Auntie, you’re in no way an old lady.�

Well, that sounded like an excuse. Miwa-nee also tried calling herself an old lady, after all. But look, she’s still as fine as any of my girls. And Auntie Yayoi isn’t an exception.

And sure enough, Auntie Yayoi was glad to hear that, “Oh, is that so? Then let me retract that. Anyhow, you said you understood my selfishness, are you telling the truth?�

“Yes, I do. However, I won’t expound on that. I may be wrong anyway. You know yourself best. So, instead of basing it on my assumption, I’ll just wait until you reveal it to me.�

“You... You’re really too mature for your own age, Onoda-kun.�

“I get that a lot.�

Well, she was also probably basing that on the fact that we could still casually talk like this despite this situation. Normally one would be too consumed with their lust that thinking straight would be close to impossible.

“Insisting for you to take a bath and coming in to wash your back, it must’ve appeared as if I’m coming onto you, right?�

“Yeah, anyone with a sane mind will think like that, Auntie.�

“Yet, you’re maintaining your composure, Onoda-kun. Am I not attractive enough for you?�

Her tone became a little downhearted there as though she already predicted that I would say yes.

“Auntie, if you think I’m completely composed right now, you’re wrong. I’m close to losing it. Especially now that you’re this close to me.�

“... Is... Is that true?� Auntie Yayoi stuttered.

“Auntie can check for herself but I’ll advise you against that.�

“Wait, you mean...� As her voice trailed, Auntie Yayoi surely did not take my advice.

Well, what am I expecting, right?

She loosened her arm a bit, enough to create a gap between them that allowed her to look down below.

The same as her, I also looked down to check on it.

Yep, it’s still pitching a tent on the towel. In fact, because the towel also became wet from the drizzle of the shower, it’s now sticking to my shaft.

“That’s huge...� I heard Auntie Yayoi muttering a few seconds later, “Is that because of me?�

“There’s no one else in here aside from you and me, Auntie.� Giving another honest answer, I saw Auntie Yayoi trying her hardest not to give a different reaction. She also hurriedly closed her arm, covering it from her sight.

Well, not completely though...

And because of this, the situation became even more awkward. I thought it was about time to end this awkwardness by standing up and jumping in the tub.

However, I was once again a step too late.

“Onoda-kun... I have a confession to make.�

Auntie Yayoi faintly whispered at the same time as she moved one of her arms down there, her fingers perfectly wrapping around that raised towel.

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