Stealing Spree

1065 An Early Morning

“Well then, senpai. Stop believing in things you didn’t hear exactly from me. I won’t lie to you. You can ask me anytime. Just like this.” This time, I put on a gratified smile as a means to comfort Izumi-senpai.

After talking about that topic for a few minutes, Izumi-senpai eventually relaxed her expression. She finally became convinced that I didn’t do whatever she heard and there was no need for her to worry.

Yeah... Even if she said that she’s just worrying about Arisa who could be pulled into my own troubles, it’s to see that she’s not being honest.

Despite her grumpy nature and the blatant hate that she’s projecting on me, it’s undeniable that she’s concerned about my well-being. Otherwise, she wouldn’t ask me right away for it and spend this much time trying to get answers.

It’s annoying to become the subject of that hate but little by little, she’s softening up on me.

“Yes, I will. Goodnight, shameless guy.”

“Mhm... May you have a good night as well, senpai.”

Izumi-senpai looked like she still wanted to say something when I stopped talking. However, she failed to utter it until she decided to end the call after staring at each other for several minutes.

Well, I could press her for whatever that was but there’s no reason to do so. I already teased her enough. Just like that time when I offered her my lap, urging her to speak could result in her being annoyed in the process. That would be detrimental to the progress I made with her, no matter how minuscule it was.

Minutes after that, I finished what I set out to do, replying to my girls who were about to sleep and bit them good night as well.

I also reminded those girls who are still staying up late at night. I guess it’s fine by now. Continuously scolding them about it would just feel like I’m restricting them. They’re not kids who needed supervision, after all. It’s just my overprotective nature...

Upon returning to our bedroom, I only put on a shirt and a boxer before climbing in the middle of the two girls.

Like they said, they were still awake and waiting for me. Kana even helped me climb up as she excitedly talked about how big this bed was compared to the one in my previous room.

We talked for a bit, telling them what I learned from Izumi-senpai before retiring to sleep. It’s a long day and I’m glad I survived it again... Moreover, with Kana sleeping at my side once again, I had proven that my feelings for her truly changed to that of love compared to our first night when I only treated her as someone I stole.



The night quickly passed and before I knew it, Miwa-nee was already in our room. She climbed up in the middle of the bed to wake me up.

As for her reasoning, she didn’t want to wake up the two girls that were clinging to me.

“Your parents are about to arrive. Think you can get up now?” She asked in a rather cheerful tone.

Clearly, she’s very excited for today. Her eyes were already sparkling with much enthusiasm.

But it’s understandable. It’s her hobby that she put down for five years. And today, she’s going to experience it again along with the man she loves and their son.

However, isn’t this too early?

I blinked twice to at least shake off the drowsiness weighing down on my eyes before glancing at our window.

And there, I saw the dark sky still blotted with numerous stars.

There’s not even a hint of the sun rising from the east...

Although she said that we’re going out early to get the best experience; a morning hike, it’s still too early.

“Uh. What time is it, Miwa-nee?”

“Five minutes past three o’clock.” She answered swiftly but in a volume that wouldn’t wake up Akane and Kana. She also endearingly stared at them. Moments later, she gently brushed their hair as she conveyed wordless gratitude and perhaps an apology.

When she noticed me staring at her, Miwa-nee nodded slightly. She’s very thankful for them because no one actually blamed her. Or if there’s even one, it’s Akane. But with the two months that they’re living together in the same house, Akane already let go of whatever hate that she’s still holding for turning me into this... guy with a twisted sense when it comes to my relationship.

I returned the nod and gently extracted myself from the two girls before getting off the bed with Miwa-nee.

Well, waking me up at this time was probably the reason why she told me to sleep early.

Going downstairs, Miwa-nee went to the kitchen, packing what we were bringing on this hiking trip.

On the other hand, I went outside to wait for my parents’ arrival.

I wore a thick jacket and sat down in front of the door.

Luckily, I didn’t need to wait for too long. Less than ten minutes later, the car pulled up inside our backyard.

Coming out of the car, I noticed that the couple was still in their work clothes. Furthermore, my father had bags under his eyes as though he hadn’t slept for two days straight. He kept a confident posture though. It’s as if he’s screaming ‘Sleep is for the week.’

My mom, on the other hand, appeared as beautiful as ever. There’s not a hint on her face. Instead, she’s as excited as Miwa-nee.

“Baby boy. Why are you waiting here?” Beaming a cheerful smile, she closed our distance and put me in her embrace.

“Uhm... We’re somehow asking you a favor, mom. It’s only natural for me to welcome you two.”

“Look at our baby boy, dear. I told you, even without your guidance, he’s going to take up some of your traits. Remember that night you asked my parents? You also waited like this.” My mother pleasantly giggled as she patted my head continuously. Her motherly affection, overflowing.

Perhaps if we continue like this, she’s going to baby me more as though I returned to being the little boy a few years back.

Remembering what Miwa-nee revealed to me last night, I could readily admit that she’s my natural ally. However, allowing me to go down this path was kind of suspicious of her.

Not that I would ask her to revert that back. I’m already satisfied with my life, after all.

As for whether my father had a say in that decision or not, I had no idea.

My mother wouldn’t decide that for her own selfish reason, right? At least, that’s what I’m hoping to have happened. But without answers, I could only guess like this.

“That’s normal. He’s my son, after all. But dear, he’s not a baby anymore. At least cut him some slack.” Fixing his glasses as he walked over to us, my father looked at me with slight pity.

But beneath those glasses, I could notice the hint of envy as he faked a cough, hinting at me to pull away from my mother.

No doubt, he is my father. He’s just as possessive as me. But does he have to be envious of his own son?

Ah... Considering my mother’s previous antics, I could understand where he’s coming from.

“Thanks for the save, dad. You’re the best,” I raised a thumb up to his direction as I slowly extracted myself from my mother’s doting embrace. Much to her dismay and my father’s delight.

Anyway, to not waste any more time, I invited them in and served them coffees.

With our means of transportation secured, all we need now is to prepare. Minoru could continue sleeping, we’ll just carry him and wake him up when we arrive there.

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