Speed Is King

Chapter 139 - Battle!


The entire room shook lightly.

"What's happening?"

"What's going on?"

The hundred or so Diamond Sponsors were taken slightly aback at the strange shaking. However, a few of them were instantly alarmed, and began contacting their organizations urgently.

"Does it matter who our enemies are?" Jul'Taras said while arching her eyebrow at Monkey King. "A lioness doesn't worry about which specific group of rabbits in the rabbit tribe is planning a coup. She just…"

"Tames them all as pets and feed them carrots everyday." Jessica Sands interrupted Jul'Taras. "Rabbits are cute, okay. No cruelty to rabbits please."

"You're still not over your century-old dead rabbit? He's probably reincarnated into a tiger or something by now." Jul'Taras asked Jessica with a hearty laugh as she drew her beautiful and exquisite looking sword and glanced at the rest of the Diamond Sponsors who had no idea that a demoness was about to pounce on them.

"Mr Pickles is definitely NOT a tiger." Jessica Sands said firmly as she too prepared for combat. However, instead of a weapon, a pair of glasses appeared on her face, giving her a strikingly cute and nerdy look. "He's much too cute to be reborn as a tiger. I think he's reborn into a panda."

"A panda? Haha!" Jul'Taras laughed again. She truly was taking the upcoming battle lightly.

"Errr girls. Don't forget that Hegara Kinstan and his cronies are here." Monkey King interrupted their banter. "In addition to a hundred fifty other King level warriors, by the way."

"Exactly. Why aren't you armed then? Are you going to let us fight by ourselves without lending a hand?" Jul'Taras asked with mock disbelief.

"No, of course not-"

"You couldn't be scared, could you?" Jul'Taras' mouth opened up into an adorable "O" shape.

"Of course not! It's just that if we fight and wreck this place… We might have to pay a lot of money to the Gaming Commission as compensation!" Monkey King finally blurted out his main concern.

"Oh, that! Don't worry about that. You don't have to pay a single cent. I'll handle it. In fact, if we play our cards well, we might end up getting a HUGE amount of ranso- ah, I mean, compensation." Jul'Taras giggled lightly.

"Ranso- I mean, compensation? Well well, if you put it that way…" Monkey King stood up from his seat and strode forward.

His full battle armor materialized and a powerful looking rod appeared in his right hand.

"I've been really itching to have a good, bloody fight. I will deal with the enemy myself, in my own way." Monkey King said with supreme confidence befitting an Elite among Elites. "Buff me if you have the spells, but don't interfere."

"Hohoho. Monkey, you're sooo cool!! Here! Take my speed and damage buff!" Jessica Sands' eyes shined in excitement as she cast two powerful enchantments on Monkey King.

She was rather disappointed when she couldn't witness an exciting battle between Monkey and Jules earlier. But seeing Monkey King take on a huge bunch of King level warriors, possibly including Hegara Kinstan, would definitely make good the loss!

Jul'Taras hesitated slightly before casting her own defensive buffs on Monkey King. A globe of bright silver light shined from her left hand and then drifted slowly to land on Monkey King's forehead.

"Silvermoon Blessing?" Jessica Sands glanced at Jul'Taras and raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Are you sure you want to use it here? You know that it's not easy to get that Silvermoon Blessing!" Her raised eyebrow seemed to say.

Jul'Taras merely shrugged. "I guess so. I can't cast it as and when I like anyway. And when I sensed that it was available, it just felt right for me to use it on him here." Her simple shrug seemed to say in reply.

Jessica Sands nodded in understanding.

"Jules had just given you a powerful defensive buff. You can fight to your heart's content. And make sure you finish-"


Monkey King parried a powerful hammer blow from a three-meter tall green-skinned troll which appeared completely out of nowhere. It had short but deadly looking blades protruding from its shoulders, elbows and knees, as well as a pair of wicked looking tusks.

"Do you truly think I'll wait till you're done buffing yourselves before I attack?" The troll growled.

"Neo-Zantroll. Why am I not surprised." Jul'Taras said lazily from behind Monkey King. "You and your kind never fail to find suicidal missions to sign up for, don't you?"

Monkey King skillfully spun his powerful rod and launched a ferocious counter attack!



The Neo-Zantroll blocked Monkey King's first attack, but totally failed to do anything about the second.

"Have a taste of my Ruyi Jinggu Bang!" Monkey King shouted as his attack flung the massive Neo-Zantroll's lifeless body away across the room.

However, there was no time to celebrate as the next ten King Level warriors were already upon him.

A series of well-coordinated and perfectly timed attacks began to rain down on Monkey King. Swords, whips, clubs, hammers and even a couple of arrows fell upon him in a deadly blur. It took every single ounce of concentration from him to be able to barely block all of the attacks.

"Those guys coordinate their attacks really well. They must be a veteran squad." Jessica Sands commented casually as she stood behind Monkey King and fully enjoyed herself watching the fight.

"Yes, they are definitely old timers. And that Neo-Zantroll was definitely part of their group as well. Look how they are failing to follow up critical blows that could have definitely slipped past Monkey King's defense. It's like they're leaving the gaps for a different but absent member to capitalize." Jul'taras said.

As a certified nerd and a powerful warrior herself, she could read fights like reading a child's book. All of the fighters' tendencies, character, and habits were so clearly displayed to her that she didn't have to focus much to immediately gather several crucial points about her observed targets.

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