Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 543 - Eating a Free Meal

Luo Li and Fu Chengyu exchanged a glance and also moved their chairs back quite a bit. They were here to follow after Ling Chuxi and gain some medical skills, not to be white mice for toxicology experiments.

Luo Li had long since acknowledged Ling Chuxi as his master, and when it came to learning medical skills, he was open to any criticism. Fu Chengyu made a good doctor due to his own experience with prolonged illness and therefore he also had some unique understanding of medical skills. Since Fu Chengyu’s own Battle Qi flow was gentle and flexible, when it was combined with the Seven String Needle Method to treat illnesses, there were even more unexpected and wonderful effects than expected, so Ling Chuxi also taught him without holding back.

“Do you think that I am unable to poison you just because you sit further away from me?” asked Ling Chuxi with a big smile directed at the fifth princess. It was so hard to find such an obedient white mouse who after being poisoned was even able to resolve the effects of the poison by herself without needing to bother Ling Chuxi. Not practicing her toxicology craftsmanship on the fifth princess would truly be too much of a waste.

Of course, this was also for the fifth princess’ own good. Who else would tirelessly pass down such skills to her as to how to use poison? Where on this earth would the fifth princess find such a responsible master such as Ling Chuxi herself? Ling Chuxi casually praised herself in her heart.

“Heihei, Master, why don’t we have a meal first? Today it’ll be my treat. See? The sky is already getting dark. After eating we can continue our lessons tomorrow,” said the fifth princess with a dry smile as she raised her brows.

“You only know how to eat all day. All you do is eat till you quickly get out of shape, you know?” rebuked Ling Chuxi sternly.

“But Master, a new Five Lakes House was opened in the southern part of the city. They are known to be the best atmaking Five Fragrance Braised Pork. Even the chefs in the palace are not comparable to them. If we go late there will not be any place to sit anymore. We need to go a little earlier. And there are other good dishes as well. Rumor has it that a taste of their food really makes one have an endless aftertaste,” said the fifth princess, exaggeratedly swallowing her saliva as she spoke. This was Ling Chuxi’s fatal weakness, it was only by saying something like this that the fifth princess could temporarily escape her fate of being a tortured white mouse.

“Really?” Ling Chuxi’s eyes lit up. After taking a look at the fifth princess, she changed her tune and said, “Today you have suffered much. You even look a little gaunt. Let’s eat first before we continue.”

The corners of Fu Chengyu and Luo Li mouths both twitched. For Ling Chuxi to change her words so quickly, her stance was too undetermined.

“But Master, didn’t you just say that I was getting out of shape too quickly? mumbled the fifth princess from behind.

“I was talking about your face,” replied Ling Chuxi indifferently.

“My face?” asked the fifth princess as she picked up her mirror in confusion.

“Ah! Master! Why did I become a pig’s head again?” shrieked the fifth princess with a sob.

“Catch up after you have finished resolving the poison. Remember to bring money as well since you said that it’s your treat today,” said Ling Chuxi as she leisurely walked out of the courtyard calmly.

Fu Chengyu and Luo Li shook their heads and looked at the fifth princess with gazes full of pity.

In the following days, as Ling Chuxi was teaching the fifth princess how to resolve different kinds of poisons, one didn’t know if it was because the fifth princess’ innate potential was outstanding or if she was simply being tortured too badly by Ling Chuxi that the pace of the fifth princess’ improvement was ridiculously fast. Even Luo Li and Fu Chengyu who were following along with the lessons on acupuncture methods and medical skills had benefited quite a bit.

However, Ling Chuxi herself felt a little restless. Ever since she reached the Great Fulfilment Pinnacle stage, her cultivation stuck at a bottleneck. No matter how she cultivated, there was not the slightest bit of improvement and the bitterly awaited opportunity to be promoted did not seem to arrive. As for the mysterious cold and gloomy qi in her Qi Ocean, it also seemed to have disappeared and she could no longer feel it.

“What an idol. To eat a free meal with such might, it truly gains one’s admiration.”

“Indeed, it is still my first time seeing someone eating a free meal with such arrogance,” said the emotional voices of Jiang Wuhen and Li Shaoqiu as they walked into the courtyard.

“What are you guys talking about?” asked Ling Chuxi curiously.

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