Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 401 - What Exactly Are You Trying to Do?

Ling Chuxi, Ling Yichen and Baili Han disembarked their carriage as well. Even though they did not have any good feelings toward the first prince, they still had to give him face anyhow.

“Miss Ling, Master Ling, Master Baili. You have fought well for the country’s glory in the great assessment competition. From there, my beloved Nan Xia Country was promoted to a Tier 1 Vassal Country. The whole nation is rejoicing because of this. I myself felt so excited that I could not sleep for a few nights,” said the first prince with a blissful sigh.

“Your Highness has overpraised us,” replied Ling Chuxi, pretending to be touched. Didn’t she know exactly what kind of person the first prince was? Naturally, she would not be deluded by the illusion he was conjuring right now. But she could not quite understand the reason behind it either. What exactly was this fellow really trying to do by rushing over here on a special trip? To win them over? That couldn’t be right. She felt like she had clearly declined his efforts more than once. He certainly had not rushed here to throw an olive branch at her given what happened the last time. Why would he come here to run up against a brick wall again? Was his nose not crooked enough after being hit? Ling Chuxi felt something was amiss, but she could not say what it was specifically. She would observe matters first and look into it deeper later. Ling Chuxi was already cautious in her heart.

“Miss Ling, Master Ling and Master Baili, I have prepared a banquet and some light wine at a restaurant in the town just ahead of us to congratulate all of you on your victorious return. I hope everyone would do me the honor of attending,” said the first prince with a sincere look on his face.

The envoy and the rest were already so excited, they were speechless. They could only nod their heads continuously. Ling Chuxi was not so expressive herself. She smiled indifferently and said, “Since First Prince is so sincere, then we will show our respect by obeying your wishes.” Ling Chuxi wanted to see what the first prince had up his sleeve. There were some matters which could not be avoided. So why not be more proactive instead? It would be easier to resolve things this way.

The small town ahead of them was not a prosperous one. The only so-called restaurant there was a modest double-story wooden building. As they entered the restaurant, they saw that the first prince had indeed ordered for a banquet to be prepared. All they had to do was take their seats.

After they were all seated, the first prince ordered for everyone’s wine cups to be filled to the brim. Then he announced fervently, “Miss Ling, Master Ling, Master Baili. Congratulations on your victorious return. I propose a toast to respect and honor your achievement.” The first prince then grabbed a cup of wine and gulped down the entirety of its contents at once.

Ling Chuxi picked up the cup of wine before her. A rich scent from the wine assailed her nostrils, causing her to narrow her eyes slightly. In an instant, she understood the real reason why the first prince had come all the way here.

Something was very wrong with this wine!

Even though the wine had a rich scent disguising its slight and unusual odor, Ling Chuxi could still smell it. This wine was poisoned!

Ling Chuxi turned to look at the first prince. She honestly could not figure out why he would want to harm her and the others. They had just won the championship in one swoop at the assessment competition, which meant their fame had been greatly boosted in the country. Whatever scheme the first prince was plotting, why would he strike at a time like this? Even if he could not win the Lings over, what about Baili Han? He wasn’t even letting Baili Han off the hook. What was all this about?

“Miss Ling, Master Ling, Master Baili. Please, help yourselves!” instructed the first prince jovially as he turned over his cup of wine to imply they should do the same. There was not a single drop of wine left in his cup.

“Yichen, Baili. His Highness has gone to such great lengths so as to make a special trip here to welcome us and wash the dust off us. How could we disappoint His Highness’ good intentions?” Ling Chuxi said as she turned to face Ling Yichen and Baili Han, hinting to them discreetly with a look in her eyes.

Both of them got her hint and were even more on alert.

‘Hmph. I would like to see what it is that you have up your sleeve.’ Ling Chuxi held up her cup of wine and gulped it down at once. Generally, the more potent the poison, the more obvious it was to detect its breath and complexion, but the smell of poison in this wine was so weak. Furthermore, the first prince had also drunk a cup of it himself. Even if he had taken an antidote before this, this was enough proof that the poison in the wine was not so potent as to seal one’s throat upon drinking it.

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