Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 357 - Same Diagnosis Outcome

“Master Luo, did you manage to diagnose what problem Old Master Xiao has?” Master Sun asked politely after a while.

Luo Li held his chin and did not immediately reply.

“Just now a few colleagues said that Old Master Xiao’s yin qi was stagnant or that his yang qi was too abundant. However, my diagnosis is that Old Master Xiao had simply worked too hard and accumulated stress, causing the meridians within his body to be chaotic…” Master Sun intentionally showed off as he spoke. If Master Luo agreed with his diagnosis, then he would become even more famous.

“A bunch of nonsense. Bullsh*t, all of it is bullsh*t! With such little knowledge, you actually still dare to come out and practice medicine?! The reputation of being a physician has really been thrown out the window by all of you!” Luo Li shouted suddenly, seemingly uncaring of his image.

Everyone was shocked as they looked at Luo Li with eyes wide and mouth agape.

“The Old Master’s meridians are chaotic because there is another qi conflicting with the Battle Qi in his body, hurting his meridians. It is obvious that he deviated during his cultivation,” Luo Li said.

“Ah!” Luo Li’s words were like a slap on the crowds’ faces.

Everyone’s faces, including Master Sun’s, turned red. Nobody knew what to say and they all subconsciously looked at Ling Chuxi. Master Luo’s diagnosis was exactly the same as hers. Naturally, nobody would doubt Luo Li’s words, which was to say that Ling Chuxi’s diagnosis earlier was accurate.

Recalling their sarcasm earlier on, their faces turned even redder. Xiao Gaode also looked at Ling Chuxi in astonishment. Could this young maiden really have such amazing medical skills? Was this coincidence, or was it really ability? At that moment, Xiao Tianfan looked at Ling Chuxi and hope burned fiercely in his heart. ‘Perhaps, Ling Chuxi can really cure Grandfather!’

As for Master Sun, besides blushing, there was unease in his heart thinking back on the bet he had made just now. Since her diagnosis was accurate, if she was able to cure Old Master Xiao, he would no longer be able to practice medicine and even his clinic would not be his anymore.

“Master Luo, is there still a way to save my father?” Xiao Gaode asked urgently. Master Luo’s description of the situation was one they had also suspected before, but their cultivation was insufficient and they had no knowledge of medical skills. They could only search for doctors all around for assistance. Now that he had heard Luo Li’s words, it was exactly as they guessed.

“If golden needles were used to dissolve that qi within the meridians, with the Old Master’s cultivation level, he should be able to recover very quickly. However, using golden needles to soothe the meridians is something that is beyond my ability. One must puncture the acupoints, then transfer their own qi to Old Man Xiao’s meridians to fix them from the inside.” Luo Li shook his head and sighed, but his gaze subtly landed on Ling Chuxi. Actually, this method of using golden needles to soothe the meridians was not something he did not have any confidence in, however, he also knew why the Xiao family had made such conditions and could also guess why Ling Chuxi was here. He did not believe that this Master of his who would never go anywhere if there were no benefits had suddenly come over to save the dying and support the weak. She definitely came for the Level-9 monster beasts’ spiritual core. Of course, he could not fight with her for it.

Hearing Luo Li’s words, the Xiao family looked dejected. If even Master Luo had no way to deal with it, how many people out there in this world would know such a method?

“Using golden needles to soothe the meridians is the best medical skill passed down for generations in my Sun family. If Brother Gaode trusts me, then let me try,” Master Sun spoke up quickly. Amongst all the people who were there, only he had noticed Luo Li’s gaze on Ling Chuxi. His heart was uneasy. As for Ling Chuxi’s medical skills, even he could feel that they were extremely hard to gauge. If she really took the first step and cured Old Master Xiao, then things would be bad. Therefore, without caring about Luo Li’s reputation, he opened his mouth to speak first.

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