Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 1116 - My Face Is as Precious as My Life. Please Do Not Slap It.

“Protect your ass.” Lan Xinyu couldn’t stand Zhou Kaitai’s concern for her anymore. Before he could say the last word to protect his senior sister, she kicked his a**and rushed forward.

Wu Tianlang didn’t expect these people to actually dare make a move. He stood in place, shocked.

“To tell you the truth, I am—” Wu Tianlang decided to speak quickly this time. But unfortunately, no one seemed to allow him to finish his sentences as a slap approached his face.

‘Such white skin.” A thought that even he was surprised flashed through Wu Tianlang’s mind before it was immediately slapped away along with his physical body.

The fair hand that slapped him belonged to Ling Chuxi. “So much nonsense.” Wu Tianlang was only at the realm of True Essence Intermediate Stage, weaker than Lei Wanshan and thus easier to beat up.

‘Why was it so hard to introduce oneself? Couldn’t you let me finish my sentence first? Do you even know how to be polite?’ This was the only thought in Wu Tianlang’s mind as he flew away. He felt very depressed and sad. But very soon, a handsome and fair face full of scars appeared before him. Only then did he know what real depression and sadness were.

It seemed that the eldest young master of the Zhang family who had indulged in the flowers for many years was still very good at grasping opportunities. When he saw Wu Tianlang fly away, he took the opportunity before Wu Tianlang could catch his breath to kick him heavily in the face.

“How insidious and despicable!” Even Ling Chuxi had to admit that when the eldest young master of the Zhang family was truly gifted when he stopped having evil thoughts and focused on pulling a cold knife in the dark instead.

Wu Tianlang’s nose was sore as he felt something warm gush out. He also heard a soft crack in his ear. The bridge of his nose must have been broken. ‘You shouldn’t hit someone’s face! Didn’t you understand this rule? When I stop robbing, I still need to rely on my face to make a living!’ If Zhang Yuhong heard this, he would have probably hit him even harder.

Another fierce battle broke out around Wu Tianlang, though most of the cries came from his people.

They had departed from their hideout with such high spirits. Never would they have imagined that their boss would be sent flying so quickly and ferociously. Their spirits immediately sank deep into a valley. They were, after all, facing the Golden Pill Sect disciples who were now acting like wolves and tigers. They were quickly thrown into a state of chaos.

Wu Tianlang could barely open his swollen eyes to look around as his whole body shivered.

Although those people were wrapped in bandages, they were apparently not seriously injured at all. Their bodies moved like a river dragon, each move coming fiercer than the one before. It would have been great if no one got hit as they could then still continue to fight and defend themselves. But with one hand attack from those people would make it difficult for the receiver to get up again. The countless subordinates of Wu Tianlang wailing in pain on the ground were proof that the other people’s attacks were so ruthless that it was simply outrageous.

Only then did Wu Tianlang realize that he had made a huge mistake. These people were much stronger than he had imagined. Lei Wanshan’s group was not the threat. It was this particular group he had foolishly looked down upon. To think that he had thought that he would be able to take advantage of them… Now, he had ended up like Lei Wanshan instead. No, maybe even worse than him.

He had committed a sin…

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