Second Marriage: My Strongest Bodyguard

Chapter 123 - Alert Attitude

At eight o'clock in the evening, Bryana chatted with Monica in the new room for Monica which was next to Raymond's special room. they talked about their experiences while working with Dean and occasionally also talked about Kareen who was always ignored by Dean when he was accidentally alone in the room.

"Dean is a man who always keeps his word and is very loyal. Kareen will never break through his defenses," Monica said as she moved clothes from the suitcase into the closet.

"But he's not strict with Kareen, it makes me hard to believe. After all, Kareen is a greedy girl. Already got Raymond, still chasing Dean. I don't want Raymond to hate Dean," said Bryana who was sitting on the edge of the bed while watching Monica who was moving clothes.

"Raymond won't hate Dean. You don't have to worry," Monica said casually.

"Is it true?" Bryana looks in disbelief and remembers her past with Alex. "But Raymond immediately hated Alex when he found out that Elsa was secretly in a relationship with Alex."

"That's because Elsa and Alex are playing dirty. if Dean and Kareen weren't like that, Raymond wouldn't hate Dean," Monica said with confidence because Raymond already knew about Kareen's obsession with Dean.

"If they mess up, I'll kill them," Bryana said angrily.

"Hahaha..then don't let your husband be tempted. You have to make him love you even more," Monica exclaimed, chuckling at Bryana who looked emotional.

"Hmm, that's for sure," Bryana said, then sighed. She watched Monica who was now arranging the make-up equipment on the dressing table. "Honestly ... I hope Raymond opens his eyes wide and sees you who are much better than Kareen. I will be very happy if Raymond proposes to you instead of Kareen," she continued angrily.

Monica smiled faintly and felt very happy for Bryana's support, but all that was uncertain because Raymond had never confessed his love for her.

"For that matter, I dare not interfere maybe Raymond has other views for Kareen, maybe he also sees the good side of Kareen," she said.

"But if Raymond left Kareen and suddenly wanted to marry you, would you accept it?" Bryana asked with a probing look at Monica who was standing with her back to her about five meters away.

"Bryana, that's impossible. Don't make this up." Monica smiled faintly with a sense of pessimism in her heart.

"But he's worried about you

Did you see the message he sent this afternoon?" Bryana exclaimed.

"Maybe he's worried because my life is in danger, not for a feeling," Monica said as she walked over to Bryana. "Drinking hot chocolate and eating biscuits, it seems very suitable because it's raining outside," she continued to distract.

Bryana sighed, glancing at Monica who was changing the subject. 'I will continue to make sure that sis Raymond will marry you, not Kareen. I know you have feelings for each other, but you are still prestigious,' she thought.

"Let's go out, I'll make hot chocolate for you," Monica exclaimed as she stood up and grabbed Bryana's left hand.

"Okay, but I'll just make milk. it can make me not nauseous anymore," said Bryana with a smile and stood up.

"Ah yes, I forgot. Now you have Dean junior in your belly. I can't imagine how cute your child will be," Monica said with an amused smile.

"I don't know, I can't even imagine it but for sure, I don't want anything to happen in this pregnancy, if I remember the past when I was pregnant with my second child, I'm very scared," Bryana said suddenly anxious when she remembered how Alex made her lose her fetus.

Monica walked leisurely while leading Bryana out of the room saying, "your womb will be fine. I'm sure your baby will be born healthy. Forget the scary past, because now your husband is Dean who a kind and caring, unlike Alex's cruel one."

Bryana nodded and returned to optimism, although anxiety often overtook her. Hem, maybe it was a premonition of the evil that Kareen planned for her and her womb.


Arriving at the kitchen, Bryana and Monica met Dean who was making milk for Bryana.

"Wow, hot Daddy is making milk for a sugar mama, hahaha...!" Monica teased Dean who was only wearing shorts and was shirtless.

"Why don't you get dressed?" Briana asked with an annoyed look.

"I'm hot, what's wrong?" Dean asked again.

"She doesn't want Kareen to see your burly body," said Monica, who liked to tease Dean.

Dean smirked and looked at Bryana. "I'll wear clothes after this. Okay, don't be angry. now drink the milk," he exclaimed with a smile handing Bryana a glass of caramel-flavored milk.

"Yeah, I'll drink later," said Bryana, reaching for the glass of milk. "Now hurry back to your room and get dressed. Don't show off your burly body in front of Kareen!" She cried curtly.

"Oh God, yes I'll wear clothes," said Dean.

Monica just laughed and shook her head at Bryana who was too possessive. She didn't think that being pregnant could make a woman who used to be her boss with a firm and flat attitude, turn into a spoiled and possessive woman to her husband.


Monica and Bryana sat relaxed on the sofa in the living room while watching tv. They enjoyed each other's drinks and occasionally ate snacks in the form of biscuits and pastries. Monica enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate, Dean enjoyed a cup of coffee, and Bryana still left her special maternity milk on the table.

"Why not a drink?" Dean asked looking at Bryana who was watching TV.

"You made too much in that jumbo glass. I will not be able to spend it," said Bryana.

Dean sighed, trying to be patient. "Well, just drink half," he exclaimed.

Bryana nodded and drank the special milk for pregnant women to finish half a jumbo glass. "Huh, it feels sick."

"Next time I'll just make something different," said Dean, looking at Bryana with pity, who was holding back from throwing up because he was too excited. He always felt sorry when he saw his wife was in an uncomfortable condition.

Kareen, who had been in the room for a long time, felt bored. She got up from the bed and walked out of the room. The girl saw that Dean, Monica, and also Bryana were relaxing on the living room sofa while watching TV.

'Wow, looks like I have to pretend to be nice to them,' she thought with a sly smile.

She walked over to those who were relaxing in the living room.

"Can I join?" Kareen asked with her fake smile.

"Of course, please sit down. Don't hesitate, just treat it like your own home," Bryana replied with a fake smile too. She moved to seat closer to Dean, while Kareen sat on the other sofa right next to Monica.

Kareen glanced at the table in front of her where there were two cups of coffee and hot chocolate, and half a jumbo glass of milk which she believed was Bryana's.

'Has she drunk the poisoned milk? Wow, I'm sure that sooner or later her womb will weaken as she regularly drinks that poisoned milk,' her mind cheered happily. Dany had exchanged the poisoned milk for pure milk and all the sly girl's efforts would only be in vain....

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