Rebirth from the Ashes

Chapter 733 - His Past (4)

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Yes.” Li Yuan tenderly held her face as he glided his fingers to wipe away the last of her tears. “They died six years ago. Each and every one of them.”

Shen Xi responded softly before hooking him by the neck to bury her head against his ear. Her voice was raspy amid uncontrollable sobs. “Brother, let’s go home.”

Li Yuan picked her up. The tiny girl barely had any weight to her, but to him, she was the most precious and important treasure. Carrying her in the arms, he draped a coat over her and took strides out.

Outside, the snow was coming down heavily.

With downcast eyes, Li Yuan tucked her in as the girl nuzzled against his neck and whispered softly in his ear. “Let’s go to Li Mansion.”

Although taken aback, he nodded with a smile.

Many things and hate had been put to rest. Since she showed up in his life, all he saw was her.

Shen Xi buried her head against his chest. According to Mrs. Yu, Li Yuan had only been to the Li family’s home a handful of times since he was born. However, his memories of the Li family’s home were probably the only warm and beautiful image he held dear.

“She’s my aunt.” While walking ahead, Li Yuan talked to her. His voice may be scattered by the North wind, but she could catch every word. “She often visited me in secret, to give me food, and teach me how to talk.”

His memory of his mother from those days was blurry. Kept on a short leash by the animal, she rarely had the chance to see him. During the exceptional times she could, it was merely a passing meeting as she would be dragged away after barely sharing a word.

On the other hand, it was his aunt that provided a bit of warmth in his life at the time.

It was not often that she could drop by. However, she was great at makeup and had a good relationship with the mute girl who took care of him. His aunt would disguise herself as the mute girl and deliver him food whenever there was an opportunity.

There were a lot of cameras installed in the basement. To avoid detection, she made sure the meeting and chat were kept to a minimum.

Nevertheless, he learned and found out a lot from the occasional and short exchange. Li Yuan started to have an inkling about the world. He was a human, not a dog, nor did he deserve this kind of life.

Perhaps survival was the most basic human instinct. Slowly but surely, he started to understand, know, and ponder more. He even learned to put on a facade.

One night, his uncle, who he only met a couple of times, barged into the basement and freed him from his shackles. In his uncle’s eyes, Li Yuan saw a different emotion from his mother. Li Yuan later found out that it was an outburst after a rage which reached a tipping point.

However, the rescue failed. That animal soon emerged with men when his uncle tried to take him away. Li Yuan watched as the animal killed his uncle. This was the first time death happened before his eyes.

That day, Li Yuan saw many people; some he recognized while others he never met. These people smiled at them and pointed fingers judgingly at his uncle’s corpse.

All the pain that was pent up ran through his veins, bringing along a fire that bumed away his sanity. Li Yuan had never felt such hatred to the core.

It was at that moment that he decided that everyone here had to die!

A few days later, that animal brought him and his mother to his grandparent’s house for the funeral. In front of his uncle’s shrine, the lunatic poisoned his grandparents to death right before Li Yuan’s eyes.

These kind elders were always happy to see him and spent good times together.

Li Yuan nearly lost it. Maybe his survival instincts kicked in as he was able to swallow his anger and resentment.

Later, the animal murdered his mother while Li Yuan watched on helplessly. At that moment, he made the decision to run away and take revenge!

Still, no one was on his side. His aunt was too afraid. In fact, the whole Fifth family feared the animal. After his aunt found out what Li Yuan was thinking, she stopped seeing him for a long time.

Ona dark and cold night of snowstorm much like tonight, his aunt came over and left him a key.

That was the last time he saw her, but it was also the first time he was the master of his own fate. Li Yuan was fortunate enough to escape and slip past their search by crouching in the waters for over 24 hours.

Since then, his life revolved around revenge. He remained alive to kill that animal and avenge all that died for his sake – his mother, his uncle, and his grandparents.

The animal did not end the search and manhunt just because he escaped. Li Yuan had thoughts of ending his life through many narrow escapes and in his darkest moment. He would rummage through the trash bins for food like a feral dog during times of extreme hunger.

Li Yuan could never forget that fateful day when he was feeling cold and hungry after shaking off his pursuers that were on his tail for three days. He was covered in bruises and pushed beyond the edge as he collapsed in front of a trash bin on his last gasp. Li Yuan closed his eyes in bitterness.

He did not want to die just like that. He did not want to leave this dirty and unfair world with a grudge.

Nevertheless, he was left without an ounce of strength, having no more in him to crawl. It was snowing and cold in the empty alley. He could feel the warmth leaving his body and death drawing near.

Li Yuan thought he was about to die at that point.

With footsteps trailing in the alley, he abruptly opened his eyes. Even if he had to die, he was going to drag those people down to hell with him.

To his surprise, it was not them but a little girl. The little girl wore a red padded jacket. The fiery color brought out her cute rosy cheeks. Looking rather lost, she was calling out for her parents in a fragile voice that brought Li Yuan back to reality.

The little girl shouted and moved ahead in a daze, unaware of his presence. It was only when she drew close that she saw him. Shaken, she let out a shriek and tured on her heel to run off.

For some reason, Li Yuan’s heart ached. Everyone feared him. He assumed he must look terrifying then and scared her away.

At the time, he believed his mother and aunt were wrong. The world was not as beautiful and kind as they mentioned. Instead, it was a cruel and heartless place, with no one willing to reach out and help him.

Despite his grievance and animosity, Li Yuan was destined to die here. Like a feral dog, no one would know even if he passed, and hungry dogs in the winter would feast on him after his death..

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