Rebirth from the Ashes

Chapter 692 - Su Yi Died in a Car Crash


Panda Novel

On the bed across the room, the spaced-out Li Jingran let out a scream as she jolted up. Li Jingran glanced at Su Yi and Su Muyan with glassy eyes before burying her face in her palms to weep in regret and fear. She uttered in a trembling voice, “I’m sorry, Yuan Heng. I did you wrong. Stop coming after me, please, stop it.”

Su Yi gave her a look of disgust and turned to Su Muyan. “Come with me.”

Nodding his head, Su Muyan could not be bothered to stay here and listen to her squawks. God knows what she was screaming about. Why could she not go ahead and die already?

Su Yi and Su Muyan were getting out of the elevator to the lobby when they noticed a crowd at the entrance. There were also people, some he recognized while others he did not, waiting in the lobby. Following his appearance, these people came at him like a hungry pack of wolves.

“Su Yi, when do you plan on paying our wages?”

“Su Yi, when are you going to pay our subcontract work?”

“Su Yi! Pay up or suffer the consequences!”

These people were here to collect money. After some due diligence, they found out that Su Yi was staying in this hotel. They informed everyone involved and gathered here to demand money.

“I’ll pay you back. Shen Xi’s my daughter. She’s Cloud Seven and Cai Ni. She has money. Besides, she’s about to marry into the Fu family, the richest family in the world. I’m talking about the Fu family that Fu Qingli and Fu Qingye are in.” Turning as pale as a sheet, Su Yi looked at every angry faze. While shouting out loud, Su Yi gazed around for a route of escape.

However, the crowd was not going to believe a word he said anymore as they had one thing on their mind – they wanted to eat him alive. Surrounding Su Yi, one of them cried loudly before pulling a punch straight to his face.

The crowd then ganged up on Su Yi, beating and kicking him. Su Yi felt his hair pulled, his clothes stripped, and his body taking a beating. Unable to tell how many people were laying their hands on him, Su Yi instinctively shoved the people away to scuffle out of the place.

It was not known how much time had passed or how much of a beating he endured. Su Yi had trouble making out the angry criticisms and accusations as his head was buzzing. With the last ounce of strength he had, he put up a struggle and scampered out of the hotel to the bright daylight.

Su Yi ran as far as his legs could carry him. As soon as he found Shen Xi and got the money, everything would no longer be a problem.

These unappreciative b*stards! His daughter had fallen in with the Fu family. Money was no issue once she married into the Fu family. In due course, he would kill every single one of his attackers in return for the humiliation he faced today.

Su Muyan made a quick getaway the moment the crowd flocked in on them. It was likely he was able to slip away because the debt collectors did not notice him. Hiding behind the fountain at the hotel entrance, Su Muyan was relieved to see Su Yi getting out. However, the crowd was also on his tail.

With debt collectors in hot pursuit, Su Yi fled so fast that his pursuers were left behind.

Staring at Su Yi’s receding figure, Su Muyan went along while locating an opportunity to rescue him. By then, Su Yi had made his way to the middle of the road.

At the corner of an intersection, a big truck came racing at high speed. Su Yi was light on his feet as well. Wham! With the man and vehicle colliding, Su Yi flew off from the impact.

Su Muyan’s pupils dilated while watching Su Yi’s body flung in the air before hitting the ground with a loud thud. For a moment, he froze in shock as his blood ran cold.

Su Yi’s debt collectors stopped in their tracks as the scene unfolded. After exchanging glances, some decided to approach for a closer look while the majority scattered away from the scene in distress.

News of Su Yi dying in a car crash was published online two minutes after the accident. While the source could not be identified, the crash site was horrifying. The videos and pictures of the accident were quickly censored as it was too bloody of a scene.

Yuan Yu was still hanging around when Shen Xi read the news. Su Yi’s road accident made headlines in the local news rather than the entertainment section.

After fixating on his phone for a long time, Yuan Yu sighed deeply as though feeling relieved. With downcast eyes, he murmured, “I guess what goes around comes around.”

He had imagined thousands of ways Su Yi would die, but it never crossed his mind that he would be run over by a truck. Now Yuan Yu understood the meaning behind justice may be late but never absent.

“Yeah.” Shen Xi responded. She calmly looked out the window in a daze.

With things progressing to this point, it was time to tie up loose ends.

“It must be horrifying.” Yuan Yu’s mournful eyes were shifty as if to make out something in the air. “Xixi, my mom died in a drearier circumstance than he did.”

As a young child, Yuan Yu observed the bloody pulp, refusing to believe that it was his mother.

The scene was a thorn that had been killing him inside. He would wake up in pain every time he dreamed about it. Su Yi deserved what happened to him. Yuan Yu wondered if Su Yi experienced his mother’s pain before his death. Did Su Yi repent to his mother for his crimes before he died?

Shen Xi remained silent.

Outside the window, a withered leaf drifted along with the north wind, falling with the snow. The snow was plentiful this winter.

Su Yi’s death made waves among the community, but it became insignificant in comparison as the nation was celebrating Fu Qingye having found his sister. Those who had been praying for the Su family’s death did not take much interest in the news. They merely expressed that Su Yi got what was coming, and that was it.

Su Ruowan sat by the window in a hotel in the capital, grasping on her phone while looking at the floating snowflakes outside the window. Her eyes reflected tremendous hatred and bitterness. Struck by a thought, she let out a weird chuckle.

She rejected the statement that Shen Xi was the Fu family’s daughter. How could she believe that? It was all a ploy to trick those idiotic netizens.

Shen Xi was verified to be Li Jingran’s daughter through a DNA test!

How did Shen Xi, the b*tch, fool the Fu family to lie and falsify documents to defend her?

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