Rebirth from the Ashes

Chapter 563 - Ran Like Mad

“He’s looking for his family.” Shen Xi got up and urged Li Yuan to have a hearty breakfast before nudging Fu Qingxuan to leave. “When did you come with your mom? Why didn’t you let me know in advance so I can welcome you properly?”

Her darling Madam Yun was only being polite. Fu Qingxuan aside, Shen Xi was surprised Madam Fu actually accepted the courtesy invitation and came over.

“My mom wanted to come.” Fu Qingxuan rolled his eyes as if he would believe his mom truly wanted to come because the fact was, she would rather not but made it sound otherwise.

“Oh.” Shen Xi turned a blind eye to his eye roll as he would know better if his presence was welcome or not, but one thing was for sure, Fu Qingli was certainly going to be on her *ss about it again.

Toffeecito tailed behind them.

Shen Xi only realized it was following them when she was at the door. Getting down to scoop Toffeecito up, she looked at Fu Qingxuan and said, “You should go ahead. I’ll be right behind you.”

Instead of going off, Fu Qingxuan stayed there and watched her carry Toffeecito back into the courtyard. She placed the cat on Li Yuan’s lap before tapping its head for it to stay and keep Li Yuan company.

Toffeecito did as it was told. As if it understood the human language, it meowed and rubbed against Li Yuan without any intention to leave.

Fu Qingxuan was not having it. He yelled, “Toffeecito.”

Toffeecito took a glance at him before burying itself in Li Yuan’s embrace, showing Fu Qingxuan its classy bottom. The cat even flicked its tail in a display of aloofness.

Fu Qingxuan was about to blow up. Godd*mnit! Even a cat was picking on him. Was he so much of a pushover?

Shen Xi was in stitches as Fu Qingxuan stormed off with a flushed face. The young master sure was immature to embarrass himself by calling Toffeecito. Surprise. Toffeecito had not formed a bond with him!

The pair got home one after the other while Yun Jinping, Granny Yu, and Shangguan Yanqiu were cooking in the kitchen.

Although Yun Jinping did not want the guests to be working in the kitchen, she let Shangguan Yanqiu be since she could not talk her out of it. It never occurred to her that the high-society madam from a privileged life knew her way around the kitchen. Yun Jinping was in quite a bit of shock.

Shangguan Yanqiu was only two years older than Yun Jinping. They hit it off and had a lot to talk about. Shangguan Yanqiu might be from higher places, but she was nice and easy to get along with. The women bonded on a sisterhood level.

“Jinping, there’s this doctor named Jiu Zhou in China. Do you know him?” Shangguan Yanqiu was chopping the vegetables when she recalled she owed the child a meal.

The kid took great care of her for a week, but she never had a chance to host him for dinner at their home. This remained a regret of hers.

“I know of him, but I don’t know him personally.” Yun Jinping nodded. “He’s a great doctor. I heard that he’s a miracle doctor living in seclusion. He cured the son of the Ning family despite the child being in a coma for many years.”

“He’s an amazing and handsome young man.” Shangguan Yanqiu had a gentle smile on her face. “He’s thoughtful and sensible, albeit a little indifferent.”

“Have you met him?” Yun Jinping asked.

“Yes. He provided medical care for a week when I was sick.” Shangguan Yanqiu knew that the kid had a heart of gold despite the cold front he put up. It appeared he deliberately shied away from people.

“Our little Tangtang has vision problems. We sought medical attention for her, but the doctor only met Tangtang. We hadn’t had the pleasure to see him.” Yun Jinping grinned.

Ever since the emergence of the miracle doctor in the capital, Xixi figured out a way to reach out to the doctor to treat Tangtang.

Nevertheless, Dr. Jiu Zhou left Fu Qingxuan with the research after learning about the circumstances surrounding Tangtang. He had not come up with a treatment plan yet.

While looking around the kitchen, Shen Xi approached to hear them talking about her. She stopped in her tracks.

Standing nearby, Fu Qingxuan looked at her. “I want to meet Dr. Jiu Zhou too. Could you ask him for me?”

Shen Xi rolled her eyes at him. “Do you think a miracle doctor like him has time for an ordinary person like me?”

Fu Qingxuan believed Shen Xi could see him if she wanted to. Shen Xi seemed to have many secrets. He gave her a firm look. “Yes.”

Qingli was not able to get through to Dr. Jiu Zhou, but she could. Fu Qingxuan was convinced she was close with Dr. Jiu Zhou and that he would have time for her.

“Thank you for thinking so highly of me.” Shen Xi did not wish to continue with the conversation. She walked into the kitchen. “Mom, what can I help you with?”

Yun Jinping and Shangguan Yanqiu both looked back at the same time and spoke in unison, “Run along now.”

Shen Xi, “…”

Was she no good? She could pick some greens and wash them. Just look at the contempt on Madam Yun’s face.

Yun Jinping waited until Shen Xi left munching on green turnips before whispering to Shangguan Yanqiu, “My girl is great in everything except in the kitchen. She blew up the kitchen the last time she was in here. That’s enough to freak me out.”

Shangguan Yanqiu looked nervous. “What happened?”

Yun Jinping relayed Shen Xi’s act of bravery in the kitchen and lamented, “When she gets married, she would’ve to live with me or get a husband who cooks.”

Shangguan Yanqiu smiled. “She could hire a cook.”

Yun Jinping shook her head. “It’s not the same taste as doing it yourself. My darling Xixi loves my cooking.”

Gazing at the doting look on Yun Jinping’s face, Shangguan Yanqiu lowered her gaze to hide her sadness and envy. If her Lil’ Xi was around, Shangguan Yanqiu would probably have the same relationship as Jinping had with Xixi.

She always wanted a sweet little girl of her own. The boys at home had nothing against a girl. A daughter was the best.

After lunch, Yun Jinping went to the office to attend to an emergency. She told Shen Xi to take Shangguan Yanqiu and Fu Qingxuan out for some fun.

Shen Xi might be living in the capital for a few good years now, but her whole time was spent on dancing and school. She was not familiar with the city to know where the good places were. It was a wiser choice to seek out the locals such as Song Wenye and Pei Xu.

She gave Pei Xu a call, but the person who came was Yu Qiubai.

Looking rather dashing, Yu Qiubai wore a modified Han costume and paired it with a folding fan. Like a gentleman out of a scene in the movie, he was suave.

As the local, he drove them to various tourist sites and gave the full tour-guide service – explaining all the know-how at his fingertips with eloquence in all subjects, on top of arranging the itinerary well.

The last stop of the afternoon was the Garden of Integrity.

As it was the height of the summer, every tourist attraction was packed with crowds. With the Garden of Integrity being one of the must-sees, cars were not allowed within a kilometer radius. There was no parking anyway even if cars could enter. Hence, they parked the car somewhere nearby and walked over.

They would have to get past Li Mansion on their way there. Yu Qiubai pointed at the huge and ancient architecture and sneaked a peek at Shen Xi before saying, “The compound here is Li Mansion. It’s not open to the public.”

Fu Qingxuan looked daggered at the compound. Li Mansion. Was that not where Li Yuan, the b*stard, lived?

“Does Li Yuan stay here?” Shangguan Yanqiu inquired.

She knew Li Yuan was younger than her eldest son by two months. The boy was on good terms with her second eldest son. She had met him once. He was good-looking and gracious, not to mention a good kid.

“Yes.” Yu Qiubai took a glance at Shen Xi.

He was not surprised that the Fu family knew Li Yuan.

Li Yuan had a bit of a clash with the Fu Family’s eldest son, Fu Qingli, the year he expanded his business abroad. It was said the competition made them both rivals who knew each other best.

Yu Qiubai shared the history of Li Mansion’s structure as if he was reading the back of his hand. Once they arrived at the Garden of Integrity, he went to buy the admission tickets.

“I’m going there to buy some water.” Shen Xi pointed at the opposite convenience store and informed Shangguan Yanqiu.

“I’m coming with you.” Fu Qingxuan went in pursuit of her before quickly turning back. “Mom, wait for us here. Don’t go roaming around.”

Shangguan Yanqiu shook her head and sighed. Was she a child? Roaming around? It was not like she would get lost. She watched the two children cross the road one after the other and enter the opposite convenience store.

Not a car was in sight at the scenic spots. Apart from tourists, only tour buses were allowed here.

It was not long before a silver Bentley arrived from a distance. Since there were only people here, the car was conspicuous on the empty road.

Shangguan Yanqiu moved her gaze from the convenience store to the car. As the Bentley drove by, she caught a glimpse of the figure in the vehicle. Taken aback, she ran after the car like she was mad.

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