Rebirth from the Ashes

Chapter 462 - All Bark and No Bite

It was unclear whether it was because Xia Mi was staring, but the other mentors turned to Shen Xi in unison.

The mystery mentor had not said a word since the ranking began. He had gone with the flow, observing the majority vote.

Among the five mentors, three of them may rate a certain trainee a B, and Shen Xi would follow suit. If it were an A, she would go along with an A as well. Shen Xi would only tell the trainee to keep up the good work if an opinion was asked.

Out of nowhere, Xia Mi cued Shen Xi to give comments on Ye Weiyang. Was it because Xia Mi could not stand a fake amidst them and wanted Shen Xi to make a fool of herself?

Everyone knew the mystery mentor Yun Xiao was placed into the production by the investor just for show. Sure, the mystery mentor had the veto, but it only served to a certain effect. Moreover, the remaining five mentors could counter her veto through a majority. The fulfillment of the veto still depended on the mentors’ consolidated input.

At the end of the day, this person could not do much except oversee the production. Yun Xiao was only keeping an eye on the show, mentors, and their own trainees on behalf of the investor to make sure their trainees had enough screen time on camera.

As well-known celebrities in showbiz, the mentors looked down upon fixed competitions or backdoor conducts of any kind. It was unfair towards those who had actual talent.

Nevertheless, there was nothing they could do about it. This was a common practice in the entertainment world. The investor called the shots after all!

As the investor of the program, Cosmos Entertainment stuffed six contestants and one mentor into the show. The production team never mentioned anyone with a guaranteed winning spot, but they were probably just keeping mums about it. What was the point of Cosmos Entertainment investing in the show without a sure deal that their own would make it to showbiz?

Having come to that conclusion, the mentors mentally prepared themselves for Cosmos Entertainment to inform them of the predetermined winners.

With the camera facing her, this was the first time the invisible Shen Xi was put in the limelight.

Standing right in front, Ye Weiyang nearly buried her head in her chest. Xia Mi’s critiques sent her into a tailspin.

Once again, she managed to screw things up. Why was she so useless, messing things up? She had been so careful.

Ye Weiyang had practiced many times prior to walking into the set. Yet, why was she all over the place when it came down to it?

This was her chance, perhaps the only chance she would get to turn her life around. Ye Weiyang failed to seize the opportunity.

She was beating herself up in frustration and remorse. However, she was at a loss about what to do with it.

“Raise your head, Ye Weiyang.” Shen Xi observed the fear in the girl across the room. She finally understood where Ye Weiyang was coming from when she once mentioned her low self-esteem and fear of getting up on stage in an interview.

This was not just low self-esteem; the girl thought nothing of herself.

A clear, stern, but encouraging voice rang in Ye Weiyang’s ears like a clear stream rushing into her heart and soul. Taken aback, Ye Weiyang bit her lips but still did not have the guts to pick her chin up.

“What are you afraid of?” Shen Xi asked.

Plucking up the courage, Ye Weiyang lifted her head and faced the person wearing a half-face mask. With her fingers twiddling harder, she faltered, “Make… Making a mistake.”

Shen Xi probed further with an irrelevant question. “Could you tell me your age?”

Ye Weiyang cautiously answered, “Fifteen.”

Shen Xi grinned. “You’re only fifteen. Even if you made a mistake or took the wrong path, you still have time to take corrective actions. You’re only fifteen, not fifty. What’s there to be afraid of? Time is on your side.”

Ye Weiyang widened her eyes abruptly while her mind was thrown into confusion, trying to figure out the meaning behind Shen Xi’s words. Nevertheless, she still paid attention to what Shen Xi had to say.

“You have a great voice, and there’s no doubt you’ll become a singer.” The only thing Shen Xi could do was give her encouragement and pep talk. “You’re young. The sky’s the limit when it comes to your potential. Keep up the good work. You will do good.”

Ye Weiyang had been trying to avoid an emotional outburst on stage, but right now, she allowed tears to well up in her eyes. The person’s sincere and affirmative eyes gave her a push to move forward. She regained the determination she once had when she first agreed to join the show.

It was like something in her suddenly clicked. She looked at the young mentor and solemnly gave a bow before speaking in a resolute voice, “Thank you, Mr. Yun. I will continue to try my best.”

She still had a chance because it was not over yet. She was not eliminated and only assigned to Group F. There was another round of evaluation after this.

The only thing she could do was keep going, surviving one round at a time before she was eliminated.

Shen Xi had never commented at length before Ye Weiyang, but instead of earning praises and admiration, she was met with disdain and contempt.

Su Muyan in particular, who had been courteous and gracious to the trainees, channeled all his resentment from Cosmos Entertainment for stealing the program from the Su family to Shen Xi. The sight of Shen Xi disgusted him. Yet, he had to play nice in front of the camera and the public eye.

Who did the mystery mentor think he was? The piece of sh*t would not be the boss of them if the Su family did not have a funding issue.

Cosmos Entertainment was not bright enough to send someone smart. The so-called mystery mentor was letting the whole world know it was a rig by not hiding his motives in front of the camera.

Yun Xiao immediately stood up and cheered on Cosmos Entertainment’s trainee following the harsh critique from Xia Mi. The guy did not appear as proactive when a fault was found on other trainees.

Not only was the mystery mentor playing favorites on camera, but he also pretended to have the know-how. Yun Xiao probably heard Xia Mi’s comment about a good voice and jumped on the bandwagon. It was all bark and no bite. This guy was only embarrassing himself.

Su Muyan was not the only one with a bone to pick. The few other mentors had more or less the same idea.

Based on Shen Xi’s non-responsiveness except to urge trainees to keep it up, the mentors concluded that she did not know anything about music and dance. It appeared Shen Xi was not from this line of work.

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