Rebirth from the Ashes

Chapter 395 - Countdown in Life

If someone like Shen Xi could be acquainted with the Head of the Li family and ride in his car, the sun would rise from the west.

Shen Xi getting into this Maybach was good enough for her.

Su Ruowan watched Shen Xi get into the Maybach and sighed in relief. She could now confirm that Shen Xi had no ties with the Head of the Li family.

There were rumors about the Head of the Li family amongst the high society in the Capital that he only used the best and most expensive things. Thus, he probably would not buy a mere million-dollar car.

‘Shen Xi that little b*tch had such an ambiguous tone this morning and piqued my interest all day… How would the Head of the Li family be interested in that sly b*tch?’

There were a lot of cars and people passing by, and the light in the car was dim, so Su Ruowan could not see who was sitting in the Maybach.

Su Mushi swept a glance and was shocked when he caught a glimpse of the man’s frightening gaze in the car. That man had such a powerful and murderous vibe that even from a distance, Su Mushi still broke out in cold sweat.

At that moment, the man in the car took over the girl’s coat and handed her a cup of milk tea. His voice was gentle and joyous, “How’s the exam?”

Shen Xi took a big sip of the milk tea that was her favorite flavor. It was delicious. She looked at him and smiled confidently, “Of course, I’ll get first prize!”

Otherwise, she would fail to live up to his hopes.

Li Yuan smiled and weighed the thermos. “You finished it?”

Shen Xi nodded, then frowned and said bitterly, “Brother, can you put more sugar next time? It’s too spicy.”

He must have woken up early and prepared it himself, so for sure she had to drink it all without leaving a single drop behind. The ginger water did its job because she did not have cramps all day long.

Li Yuan nodded. “Okay.”

Shen Xi was happy and was not at all self-restrained. She completely let loose in front of him. She took off her shoes and found the most comfortable position to curl up in the car seat.

Li Yuan unboxed the small cakes and desserts he bought and put them on the tray in front of her. He watched as the girl ate delightfully and smiled dotingly as he said in a warm voice, “Eat slowly, they’re all yours.”

‘Did she not eat lunch? Why does she look so hungry?’

The temperature in the car was just right. After Shen Xi ate and drank her fair share, she felt sleepy, but she could not sleep yet because she had to go to see Ning Sinian with Pei Xu.

Half an hour later.

The car stopped at the appointed place.

Li Yuan looked at the girl. “When are you coming home?”

When Shen Xi heard this, her heart melted into a puddle. She smiled at him. “Probably in the evening. I’ll try to settle this early. I’ll call if I’m late, so you can eat dinner first.”

Li Yuan smiled. “I’ll wait for you.”

Shen Xi waved at him, turned around, and walked away.

The car stopped there for a long time. Through the car window, Li Yuan saw the handsome teenager who came to meet Shen Xi and felt a fire raging in his eyes.

Kun Lun, who was in the driver’s seat, looked at the man in the backseat through the rearview mirror and could feel the stern murderous vibe. The air instantly became cold and oppressive.

The man’s eyes had a repressed, maddening threat with a strong possessive desire that was terrifying.

When Shen Xi turned around, the car had already disappeared. She covered up the loss in her eyes and looked at Pei Xu. “Let’s change into our costumes.”

Pei Xu nodded. “Okay.”

He thought the disguise would probably involve some makeup or a different style of clothing, like wearing a pair of sunglasses or a mask to cover up his face.

Pei Xu never would have imagined that Shen Xi meant cross-dressing.

When he came out wearing a girl’s outfit, Pei Xu looked at her with an ashen face and felt helpless. “Do I really have to dress like this?”

Shen Xi laughed and pointed at him. “Don’t speak!”

‘Gosh! Pei Xu in women’s clothing is beautiful! He’s like an ice queen. If he’s just a little shorter, he wouldn’t have looked so manly and could pass as a high fashion model!’

Pei Xu thought Shen Xi was making fun of him, but upon seeing her serious face, it did not seem like it. “Do I have to…”

Shen Xi nodded. “Do you still want to see Ning Sinian? If you don’t dress like this, what will happen if the Ning family discovers you?”

She initially thought of just applying some makeup for him, but just in case, it was safest to dress up as a woman. With her skills, the Ning family would never find out that it was Pei Xu.

Shen Xi dressed herself up as a guy with a mature temperament. She had a reserved and noble aura that was consistent with her doctor’s identity.

She looked for Situ Zhangyou and came to the hospital to check on Ning Sinian as a Chinese medicinal sage. She would do a checkup on the patient, but more importantly, she wanted to bring Pei Xu to see Ning Sinian.

The Ning family was unreasonable and kept blaming Pei Xu for Ning Sinian’s accident. They hated his guts and wanted to tear him apart, eat his flesh, and drink his blood.

Pei Xu wanted to see Ning Sinian, but the Ning family would never agree, so they thought of other ways. Otherwise, Pei Xu would never get the opportunity to see Ning Sinian again.

Thus, Pei Xu accepted cross-dressing. As long as he got to see Brother Nian, nothing else mattered.

The Ning family was already waiting in the hospital. They arrived early and even got the family butler to wait for this miracle doctor at the hospital entrance.

The Situ family was the top medical family in China. If their young master introduced this doctor, they would be excellent. As long as there was a glimmer of hope, the Ning family was willing to try anything.

The butler entered the ward on time with Dr. Shen and his assistant.

Ning Sinian’s parents looked at the young man that was only about twenty years old. He was handsome with such a cool and extraordinary temperament, so much so that they ignored his age.

Ning Sinian’s father was amazed by the young man’s aura and secretly thought that this young man was surely a hero. He looked at the man respectfully and took a step back. “Dr. Shen, please come inside.”

Shen Xi nodded slightly at him and walked in.

Pei Xu followed closely behind and relaxed slightly when he was not recognized.

Aunt Ning sized him up for a long while. At that moment, he had a sudden admiration for Shen Xi’s foresight as he had no doubt that he would have been exposed if he had not cross-dressed.

He was close with the Nian family and Aunt Ning used to treat him like her son. She used to joke that she could recognize them both by looking at the back of their heads.

A patient was lying quietly on the hospital bed.

In the past two years, this was the first time Pei Xu came to see Ning Sinian. Pei Xu saw the lifeless man who was lying on the bed with an oxygen mask. He felt suffocated from his remorse.

Uncle Ning was talking to Shen Xi about Ning Sinian’s recent situation. There was a deep agony in his eyes and his voice was bitter and hoarse. “The doctor said Nian can’t hold on much longer, at most a few more days…”

Aunt Ning, who was standing by his side in tears, suddenly looked at Shen Xi and desperately beseeched, “Dr. Shen, you can save him, right? I’m begging you, please! Please save my Nian… We’ll give you whatever you want! I’m begging you…”

She then got on her knees in front of Shen Xi before Shen Xi could react.

Pei Xu wanted to help her and instinctively call her “Auntie”, but realizing his current identity, he withdrew his hands.

“I will try my best,” Shen Xi said as she helped her up.

She came over to see Ning Sinian for Pei Xu, not because of them.

However, she finally understood why they were magnanimous towards Xu Wei and even allowed their son to endure such humiliation. They accepted and protected Xu Wei only because the doctor had notified them of their son’s condition.

In other words, Ning Sinian’s life was counting down, and his poor parents’ last hope was the child in Xu Wei’s womb.

Uncle Ning pulled his wife and told her not to bother the doctor.

Shen Xi examined Ning Sinian carefully. She felt something was amiss because generally speaking, two years of being in a vegetative state would not wither down a person this much as long as they received proper nutrition.

She bent down slightly to feel Ning Sinian’s pulse. After a while, her pupils suddenly constricted.

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