Rebirth from the Ashes

Chapter 385 - Like This Feeling

Kun Lun quickly brought over the hardboiled egg and gauze, then carefully placed them on the coffee table.

Shen Xi hugged Toffeecito and sniffled. She looked at Li Yuan’s long, slender fingers as he picked up the egg, cracked the shell, and began to peel the eggshell bit by bit.

From her angle, she could see the man’s picturesque side profile with delicate eyebrows, a tall nose, nice pink lips, and his perfect jawline.

Li Yuan asked her, “Have you eaten dinner yet?”

Shen Xi was staring at him. When the man spoke, his Adam’s apple moved up and down on his long, slender neck, which was incredibly sexy and made her feel hot. She nodded her little head and gave a faint “mm” mm.

Li Yuan noticed the girl’s burning gaze and smiled slightly. His voice became more alluring. “What did you eat?”

Shen Xi replied, “Instant noodles.”

Li Yuan asked, “Are you full?”

Shen Xi replied and moved her body forward to reach for the egg, but in the next moment, she retracted her hand because of the heat. She quickly touched her ears and pouted. “It’s so hot!”

Li Yuan saw her adorable expression as if touching her ears would cool her fingers. She looked so silly and cute. He put down the egg in his hand and held her hand to check on it.

The girl’s skin was so soft. Her white fingertips turned red and she frowned in pain. Li Yuan lowered his head and blew on it.

Shen Xi held her breath. The cool wind on her fingertips blew into her heart and her heart raced. The tips of her ears turned red.

“Is it still hot?” Li Yuan asked her.

Shen Xi lowered her head. “Yeah, keep going.”

It was fine just a while ago, but her whole body felt hot and could not cool down.

Li Yuan came closer to blow on her fingers. His slightly cool fingers brushed her burned fingers as he asked her seriously, “Do you have ice packs at home?”

Shen Xi suddenly felt guilty and shook her head, then pulled her hand away. “It’s fine now.”

Li Yuan saw her panicked look and laughed out loud. She was shy and looked adorable because her earlobes were pink.

Shen Xi sat there obediently and looked at him. “Brother, isn’t it hot?”

The eggs were just boiled and removed without being cooled in water, so they were particularly hot, but he did not seem to feel anything.

Li Yuan’s voice was low. “Nope.”

Shen Xi did not believe him.

Li Yuan looked at her. “If you don’t believe me, you can feel it yourself.”

Shen Xi stretched out her hand in disbelief. Just when she was about to touch the egg in his hand, Li Yuan slapped her hand and laughed out loud. “Silly girl! I lied to you, it’s hot.”

She tilted her head in confusion and asked in a soft voice, “Then why don’t you feel anything?”

Li Yuan laughed. “Maybe my skin is thicker.”

Shen Xi said, “Really?”

Li Yuan let out a low chuckle. His magnetic voice was simply provocative.

Shen Xi leaned in closer. Her eyes were sparkling like little stars as she stretched out her index finger to poke his cheek and muttered, “Let’s see…”

The moment her soft finger touched him, Li Yuan felt numb as if he felt an electric shock. He turned to look at the girl’s curious face. His breath felt a little hot. “Saw it?”

Shen Xi worked up the courage to pinch his cheek and pinched her own in comparison. She pondered for a moment and shook her head. “It’s about the same.”

Li Yuan could not help but laugh. His smile was pleasant as he looked at her and said, “Lie down and close your eyes.”

Shen Xi’s heart skipped a beat. The man was holding the egg wrapped with gauze. She then obediently laid on the sofa and closed her eyes.

“Is it hot?” Li Yuan asked her.

Shen Xi’s voice was soft and she answered lazily like a cat. “Nope.”

It was still a little too warm, but it was comfortable.

Toffeecito was watching from the side and wanted to jump on Shen Xi’s stomach when she was not paying attention, but Li Yuan grabbed the back of its neck with one hand. “Go catch the rat.”

The kitten sat on the coffee table looking dejected. It glared at Li Yuan before turning its butt to him and jumped off the coffee table.

Kun Lun, who was ordered to catch the rat, searched everywhere with a bitter face. ‘Why am I the only one who has to suffer?!’

He knew that his boss was in a bad mood today and wanted to vent his anger on someone.

Li Yuan was fully aware that Shen Xi was using the rat as an excuse to cover up her racing accident, but he still got Kun Lun to catch the “rat” in the house. ‘This is too much! I’m a human, not a cat! How can I catch a rat?!’

Kun Lun could not catch the “big rat” that Shen Xi had described.

After the hot compress, Shen Xi’s eyes felt more comfortable. She took a shower at home and stood in front of the mirror looking at her less swollen eyes, then patted her face.

‘This is the last time I’ll ever do such a life-threatening thing again.’

Li Yuan probably knew about what happened earlier, but he did not say anything or ask any questions. He quietly listened to her lies and stayed with her.

She liked this feeling.

Shen Xi did not need someone to comfort her, nor did she want to be lectured. She knew what to do and what she needed was someone’s company, support, and understanding.

Toffeecito was already waiting for her on the bed. When it saw Shen Xi darting over, it deftly leaped up and dodged her attack. The kitten stood on the bed looking victorious and wagged her tail playfully.

Shen Xi scolded the little rascal. She opened the window and poked her head to look next door. When she saw the lights next door were still on, she felt a warmth in her heart.

Her phone notification rang twice. Shen Xi rushed to her phone and saw that Li Yuan had sent a voice message.

The man’s voice was always elegant and magnetic regardless of the time. “Are you scared?”

Shen Xi typed. [Mhmm.]

In the next second, Li Yuan called her.

Shen Xi answered the call. “Brother.”

Li Yuan asked, “Do you want to listen to a lullaby or a bedtime story?”

Shen Xi smiled sweetly and held her phone while she laid in bed. She said softly, “Anything.”

Li Yuan smiled. “Since I sang you a lullaby last time, I’ll tell you a bedtime story this time.”

Shen Xi’s heart was surging with joy. She nodded and said, “Okay.”

The man’s voice was deep and beautiful. Every word he said reverberated in her ears and struck her heartstrings. It had a magical healing ability that miraculously calmed her restless heart.

Shen Xi did not know when she fell asleep. Only when she woke up did she realize her phone battery was flat and it turned off.

It was not yet dawn.

Kun Lun looked at the man who had been sitting by the window since last night and went up to him. “Boss, it’s almost dawn. You should get some rest.”

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