Rebirth from the Ashes

Chapter 339 - Won’t Go to Jail

Yun Jinping looked at Shen Xi in disbelief. “Bet a little?”

Tens of millions was a small amount of money to her?

Shen Xi nodded without any guilt. “Mom, for us, ten million is a big amount, but for them, it’s just like spending a hundred bucks.”

Shen Zhangqing also helped in the persuasion. “Honey, for rich people, ten million is really nothing. The world’s richest man can earn ten million per second, so ten million really isn’t a big deal to them…”

Yun Jinping looked at the father and daughter who were singing the same tune and asked another question. “Then are you sure you won’t go to jail?”

When she heard that her daughter was gambling, she was scared to death. Su Mushi told her that if they called the police, everyone involved in the betting would go to jail.

Xixi was her precious girl, so what would happen if she were caught and gone to jail?

Shen Xi explained seriously, “No, absolutely not. If anyone’s going to jail, it’s the Su family first. I only bet five hundred. If you don’t believe me, you can ask my class. All my money is with Dad and my company.”

Yun Jinping heard that Xixi would not go to jail and that calmed her heart immensely. She wiped her tears and said, “Then tell Mommy, will you still do this again in the future?”

Shen Xi shook her head meekly. She kneeled in front of her mother and stretched out her arms. “I was wrong, Mom. I won’t do this again. If I gamble again, you can chop off my hands!”

Yun Jinping said, “If you dare gamble again, you might as well just kill me!”

Shen Xi smiled at her. “Mom, so are you pleading for Su Mushi?”

Yun Jinping sneered. “I’m not helping him. He’s not a child and everyone should be responsible for what they did, so he should pay whatever he owes.”

Gamblers deserved to lose whatever they have because they chose to gamble their life away.

This boy even set up a gambling site at such a young age. He certainly was not a simple character, so he should be made to pay to teach him a lesson.

“Then why were you so serious? You scared me to death! I thought you were soft-hearted and wanted me to spare him.” Shen Xi hugged her mother’s arm and pouted. “Mom, you shouldn’t listen to anything the Su family says in the future. All of them are no good.”

Shen Xi was scared to death because she thought her parents were helping Su Mushi to plead for mercy.

It turned out that her mother was so angry for fear that she would be convicted for illegal gambling.

“I know.” Yun Jinping just thought about her daughter’s year of suffering in the Su family and decided that no matter what the Su family said, she would not be soft-hearted.

Shen Xi looked at Shen Zhangqing.

Shen Zhangqing quickly raised his hand and said angrily, “I won’t either. If I see Su Yi, I’ll cut him!”

Yun Jinping knew the truth but still had some doubts. However, after finding out that her daughter would not be going to jail, she finally relaxed and went into the kitchen to cook.

Shen Xi took an apple and nibbled on it as she walked to the second floor.

Shen Zhangqing stopped her and said with a sullen face, “How much did you bet?”

Shen Xi was tight-lipped and said with an innocent face, “Five hundred.”

Old Shen pointed at her. “Your mother might believe you, but do you think you can hide it from me?”

Shen Xi knew that she could not fool Old Shen, who had decades of experience, so she put her hands together and begged to be spared. “Dad, I was wrong. I won’t do it again.”

“I don’t care how much you actually bet. If you dare to dabble in gambling again, just see how I’ll beat you up! You scared your mother to death today!” Shen Zhangqing thought of his wife when she went to look for him with swollen eyes from extensive crying and felt heartbroken.

Shen Xi thought, ‘This son of a b*tch Su Mushi! I won’t let you get away with this!’

She then nodded seriously and saluted him. “Yes, sir!”

Shen Zhangqing sighed helplessly and gave her a piece of advice, “Corner a dog in a dead-end and it’ll bite back. Don’t push too hard and be careful of their retaliation.”

The Su family was vicious. They would certainly not give up such a large amount of money without a fight.

“Okay,” Shen Xi lowered her head and bit into her apple.

She did not plan to push them into a corner just yet because she had not had enough fun. She could not let the Su family die so quickly and wanted them to have a taste of despair and suffering.

“Xixi, no matter what you do, just remember that Dad will always be on your side,” Shen Zhangqing patted his daughter’s little head and looked at her.

Ever since his daughter returned from the abusive Su family, Old Shen had a feeling that his daughter had grown up and had her own mind. She was also better than him.

There were many things that his daughter did that he could not help, so all he could do was to make lots of money and be her sturdiest backing.

“Old Shen, don’t be so melodramatic. I’m going to cry.” Shen Xi said as she felt her eyes getting misty. Having a father that understood and supported her unconditionally was a remarkable feeling.

“Okay, go do your homework. I’m going to help your mom in the kitchen.” Shen Zhangqing stood at the bottom of the stairs and watched his daughter stomp up the stairs and into the room before he turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

All he wanted was to be a happy family of three. His greatest wish was for all of them to be happy and together.


After yesterday’s chaos in the house, the Su family was finally peaceful.

Su Mushi walked around the room anxiously. He paced back and forth while fidgeting and glancing at his phone.

He had put down his pride today and went to Shen Xi’s adoptive parents. He got on his knees and pleaded with them to ask Shen Xi to let him go so that the group of lunatics in the International Class could also let him off the hook.

It went better than he thought. Shen Xi’s adoptive parents promised to help him plead with Shen Xi and panicked when they saw him on his knees.

He knew that with his acting skills and his eloquence, it would be easy to deceive these old folks from the countryside.

Shen Xi always listened to this pair of old farts. As long as they cried and pleaded with her, she would definitely give in.

His father even said that the old couple was very difficult, but Su Mushi did not find them difficult at all. He found it quite funny when he thought about their meetings earlier today.

Shen Xi’s adoptive father was an uneducated brute. After he found out the truth, he agreed to help him immediately.

The adoptive mother was an unknowledgeable old woman. After listening to him, she was soft-hearted. When she heard him mention jail, she was so scared that her body started shaking. How laughable!

Time passed slowly. Su Mushi had been waiting for their call. Finally, at 10:00 pm he could no longer wait.

‘These useless old farts still haven’t called me back! Did they manage to convince Shen Xi?’

Since there were no calls from them, he would once again lower himself to contact them and ask about the situation. With a heart filled with disdain for the Shen family, he held his phone confidently and then dialed the number.

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