Rebirth from the Ashes

Chapter 326 - Your Life Is Over

Chapter 326: Your Life Is Over

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“I’m not yours.” Qi Xiu got up, looked at Shen Xi coldly, and said, “I won’t promise you anything, nor will I be at your mercy. Give up on whatever it is you’re thinking.”

No one in this world would be nice to him and help him for no reason. Those who came to him had all kinds of motives.

Naturally, this girl in front of him was no exception.

However, she was smart enough and came clean with her intentions, which gave him a good impression. She was unlike some hypocrites that threw money at him or tried to be friends with him, but at the end of it, they just wanted to use him.

Qi Xiu was adamant not to be used. The only thing he would never compromise on was his music. He wanted free reign over his music and did not want to be bound or held down by anything. No one could change this.

Shen Xi wondered what hurt him so much, or who cheated and used him that made him so uptight now. “You haven’t listened to what I have to say yet. How do you know what I’m going to say to you?”

“I don’t want to hear anything.” Qi Xiu put the guitar on his back and stuck his hands in his pockets as he quietly waited for the police to come over.

Shen Feng was exasperated by Qi Xiu’s attitude. He pulled Shen Xi over and lowered his voice. “What kind of person is that? You helped him, yet he doesn’t show any gratitude and is being so rude!”

“Shut up!” Shen Xi pinched the palm of his hand as she did not want to offend Qi Xiu.

Qi Xiu was the future king of Chinese music and the hope of the Chinese music industry. He could make her a lot of money.

With his personality, he would stick to her for life if he acknowledged her. As long as he promised to sing, he would not go back on his word.

Thus, it did not matter if she had to suffer a little now.

Shen Feng would never listen to Shen Xi and pointed at Qi Xiu in anger. “What are you doing? My sister’s so nice to help you, and this is your attitude? Can’t you say thank you?”

Qi Xiu turned to look at Shen Xi and said in a cold and stiff voice, “Thank you.”

Shen Feng clenched his fists and wanted to rush over, but he was pulled back by Shen Xi. His chest was heaving violently as he pointed at him angrily. “Just you wait!”

‘What kind of thank you is that?! Who the f*ck does he think he is?!’

An ambulance came before the police arrived.

The paramedics then carried Xia Ze away on a stretcher.

Before He Lu left, she glared viciously at Qi Xiu. He was smart enough not to run away, but even if he was repentant and wanted to take responsibility, his life was over.

He Lu had already called Mrs. Xia to explain the situation. If the Xia family wished to, this man would suffer the heaviest penalty. He would be jailed and this criminal record would stay with him for life!

Xia Ze and He Lu left.

Their classmates wanted to follow them and said, “Feng, let’s go!”

Shen Feng looked at Shen Xi, sighed, and said to them, “You guys go ahead. Let’s get together next time.”

His classmates looked at Shen Xi with different looks in their eyes. They did not say anything else for fear of causing more trouble and left with Xia Ze.

With the Xia family’s power in A City, this bar singer was done for. One word from Old Master Xia could ruin his career in A City and even the entire country.

The group walked a long way before they started whispering in tones of disdain, resentment, and jealousy.

Shen Feng’s girlfriend was not a good partner. She helped outsiders and even pulled Shen Feng down with her. She probably had a shady relationship with that bar singer.

After Xia Ze and his gang left, the police arrived.

Qi Xiu looked at Shen Feng and Shen Xi, who were still with him, and said, “Officer, this matter is entirely my fault. It has nothing to do with them.”

Shen Xi raised her hand. “I’m his accomplice.”

Shen Feng paused for a moment. “I-I’m her family member.”

Qi Xiu looked at them with raised suspicion and could not guess what they were up to. Based on his observation earlier, he could tell that they were with that annoying guy earlier, but they seemed to be that guy’s enemies.

The three of them got into the police car.

Qi Xiu’s eyes were clear and cold as he looked at Shen Xi and said in a deep voice, “Just say it.”

Shen Xi said, “I’m from Cosmos Entertainment and have been looking for you for a long time. I didn’t expect to meet you by chance. I’ll be straightforward with you. I want you to join our company, so tell me what are your conditions.”

Qi Xiu sneered with a mocking look in his eyes. “I can have whatever I want?”

Shen Xi nodded. “Sure. I’ll give you the authority and freedom to do whatever you want with your music to ensure that no one will interfere with your ideas.”

Qi Xiu smirked. “Can you make this decision?”

Shen Xi looked at him solemnly. “Yes.”

Qi Xiu looked at the girl beside him that had a powerful aura. Her expression was calm and resolute, which made her seem reliable and confident.

However, he still did not believe her. She only looked to be about eighteen years old, so she was at most a scout. How could she make such a big decision for the company?

He knew about Cosmos Entertainment. It was a new management company that was formed last year. It covered the entire entertainment industry and was developing rapidly.

Qi Xiu was very optimistic about Cosmos Entertainment and believed them to be the future of the entertainment industry, surpassing those old entertainment companies to become a new entertainment giant in China.

Thus far, they had actors, screenwriters, directors, TV series, movies, comics, short videos, and other departments under their banner. The speed of their development was astounding.

Shen Feng saw that Qi Xiu was looking down on Shen Xi and snorted. “My sister is the Chairman of Cosmos Entertainment, so she has the final say in the company’s decisions. Don’t you think she could agree to your request?”

Qi Xiu was speechless.

He had met many talent scouts, agents, and music producers. Before he signed any contract, they would promise him the world, but when he was about to sign the contract, they could not keep up their end of the deal.

How different could she be as a young chairman?

Shen Xi knew that Qi Xiu must have encountered many pitfalls before, so he was extremely cautious, sensitive, and distrustful of anyone. She looked at him seriously. “I can give you everything you want, and I will respect your opinion. Just think about it.”

Shen Feng did not know why Shen Xi wanted this bar singer. He was handsome and had a nice voice, otherwise, he did not seem that special and even had a strange temper. However, since his sister made this decision, Shen Feng wholeheartedly believed in her.

Soon, they arrived at the police station.

Shen Xi and Shen Feng were making statements. The police brought over several witnesses, including the bar manager and waiter, who made a detailed description of the situation.

The bar had a surveillance camera. The recording showed two people getting into a conflict. Xia Ze smashed the guitar, and Qi Xiu grabbed his foot.

“Officer Xia Ze was the bully and smashed his guitar. I went over to help, but Xia Ze was annoyed and wanted to step on my hand. That’s why Qi Xiu grabbed his foot,” Shen Xi calmly elaborated on the situation.

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