Rebirth from the Ashes

Chapter 313 - Blacked Out

Shen Tang initially wanted Shen Xi to accompany her to that blind date, but Shen Xi and Shen Feng had already gone out, so she had to go there on her own. After hearing what that person’s cousin said in the flower store, Shen Tang did not have much hope for this blind date.

This was probably her last blind date to satisfy her parents’ wishes. Once she moved to the capital, she would be too busy for dates.

Shen Feng was familiar with everything in town and had enquired about the man’s information. They squatted by the only road that led to the cafe, waiting for their target to fall into their trap.

Fortunately, the town only had one main road while every other road was a stone pathway that was too narrow for cars. Thus, one could only ride a scooter or walk. This was the greatest convenience for them at this moment.

Zhang Zicheng has just had a good time coming from the foot spa. He looked refreshed and went alone to the previously agreed location without his cousin and friends. He even looked into someone’s car window to fix his hair.

‘F*ck! This town is so small and shitty that it doesn’t even have a proper road to drive on!’ If this cafe was not located there, he would have driven his Lamborghini to show off his wealth to the blind girl’s family.

He looked at himself in the mirror and thought he was handsome. Based on his looks and family background, that blind girl was in luck to meet him. He wanted to see if she was really as beautiful in person as she was in the photos and hear her sing.

Recently, this blind girl has been popular on social media. Zhang Zicheng felt that her future must be very promising. The entertainment industry was very competitive. Even though he studied film directing, he knew his abilities.

His family was one of the richest in the county, but in the capital, he was a nobody. The people in the entertainment industry were most concerned about social circles. Many directors were the rich second and third generation of big families in the capital, so they were very arrogant and would not accept him into their circle.

Zhang Zicheng was also not particularly talented, so it would be difficult to make it big with his own ability. Thus, he had to find another way, and that he would need a cash cow.

During this period, he had been auditioning many women, but Shen Tang was the most suitable. She was blind, good-looking, and had a beautiful voice. She was the best candidate that he could control. As long as he did a little marketing, she would surely go viral.

He planned to marry her and make her popular, so she would be grateful to him and would listen to him. Although she was blind, she was incredibly beautiful and could bring him lots of benefits, so he could overlook her disability.

Zhang Zicheng would have a wife and several mistresses outside. From time to time, he could go to the club and KTV to have some fun and live like a king.

He was excited as if his good fortune was just within reach and would soon be realized. The more he thought about it, the more self-conceited he became.

In the afternoon, most people were at home, so the road was quite empty.

He had just turned a corner when his mouth was suddenly covered from behind while someone dragged him into a dark alley. Before he could react, he blacked out.

There was an abandoned cement factory that had been deserted for several years. It was dark there.

Shen Feng felt that they went a little overboard. If someone found out that they kidnapped this man, they could be sent to prison. He looked at Shen Xi and thought, ‘This isn’t our original plan!’

They had agreed to capture him and ask him about how many girlfriends he had, how many women he slept with, and how many women had abortions for him. They certainly did not talk about kidnapping him! ‘This girl improvised too much and got him here.’

Shen Xi looked at Shen Feng, who was standing there with a bucket of water. She shouted, “Go on, splash it on him so he’ll wake up! If you don’t wake him up, how are we gonna question him?”

She deliberately altered her voice and made it sound so low and hoarse, like a middle-aged man’s voice.

Shen Feng watched her take out a knife that was as thin as a cicada wing. The blade exuded a chill, which made his heart jump. He quickly pulled her back and whispered in her ear, “What are you doing?! Don’t make this a big deal!”

This girl was clearly trying to hurt this man. He had not even gone on a blind date with Shen Tang yet, so why was she doing this?

Shen Xi looked at his naggy face and walked over to take over the bucket of water, then poured it over Zhang Zicheng’s head.

Zhang Zicheng’s teeth chattered from the cold. He slowly opened his eyes but found that it was pitch black. He tried moving his arms and legs, but he was tied up. Thus, he struggled violently and was scared out of his wits. He asked in a trembling voice, “Who are you? What do you want? Are you trying to get money?”

Shen Xi kicked him in the shin and watched him flinch. She sneered and said, “Don’t move.”

Zhang Zicheng was so scared that he dared not move. This was the first time he encountered this kind of situation, so he was scared senseless. He tried very hard to stay calm and negotiate with them. “My family has money, so don’t kill me! I’ll give you whatever you want!”

“Tell me, how many girls have you slept with?” Shen Xi stood across from him and looked down at him.

“What are you talking about? I’ve never slept with anyone…” Zhang Zicheng did not know what they wanted to do or why they asked such a question, but he instinctively denied it.

“I see… since you’re not willing to behave, why don’t we play a little game? I’ll ask, you answer.” Shen Xi approached him with the knife and tapped the cold blade against his face twice. She laughed in a deep voice and continued, “If you get the answer wrong, I’ll stick this in you.”

Zhang Zicheng was so frightened that his body trembled violently. “What… what if I got it right?”

“If you got the answer right…” Shen Xi saw that the man’s body was slightly relaxed, so she smiled gorgeously and said, “No reward.”

Shen Feng saw that she was saying such ruthless words with the most innocent and kind expression, and felt his scalp tingling. He even comforted himself. ‘She’s just joking, right? There’s no way this girl will actually stab someone…’

“Let’s begin.” Shen Xi laughed. “How old were you when you lost your virginity?”

Zhang Zicheng answered, “Eighteen… no… fifteen…”

Shen Xi asked, “How old was the girl?”

Zhang Zicheng replied, “She’s my junior high girlfriend, one year younger than me.”

Shen Feng spat. ‘F*ck, this animal!’

Shen Xi continued, “How old was the youngest girl you slept with?”

Zhang Zicheng thought about it for a moment. “Just her, my girlfriend. 14 years old.”

Shen Xi stabbed the knife in his thigh and twisted the blade. She had a bloodthirsty smile on her face and gave him a cold warning. “Think before you answer.”

Zhang Zicheng let out a miserable cry. “10 years old!”

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