Rebirth from the Ashes

Chapter 269 - Hit You Until You Apologize

“Since you don’t seem to know anything, I should tell you that she’s a player. You’re not the only guy who has a something special with her. Don’t be fooled.” Su Muxuan kindly looked at Fu Qingxuan. “I have a matter to resolve with her. You don’t look like an unreasonable man. It’s not worth your time to protect someone like her.”

Shen Xi was still underaged, yet she left so many men hanging. God knows how many more men she was going to seduce once she was an adult.

Those who were attracted to her were either idiots or low lives.

“Watch your mouth.” Clenching his fist, Fu Qingxuan could not hide the murderous intent in his eyes.

“Angry?” Su Muxuan let out a sarcastic smile. “Did the truth I speak of touched a nerve in you? Boy, you’re still young and can’t tell right from wrong. It’s not your fault you can’t see her true colors. If you don’t even understand this…”

Before he could finish, Fu Qingxuan hit him straight in the face and yelled, “I said watch your mouth! It’s not my fault that I teach you a lesson for having a foul mouth.”

Shen Xi watched as Fu Qingxuan and Su Muxuan engaged in a fistfight.

Both Fu Qingxuan and Su Muxuan were not much of a fighter. Fu Qingxuan looked menacingly at Su Muxuan. “Take back what you said earlier.”

It never crossed Su Muxuan’s mind that the refined-looking young man was a hothead. He pulled a long face. “I’m only stating the facts. You’re the one obsessed.”

With his eyes turning bloodshot, Fu Qingxuan hissed. “Apologize.”

Su Muxuan scoffed. “What if I don’t?”

Fu Qingxuan’s eyes were burning with rage like a provoked wolf. “I’ll hit you until you apologize.”

Only he was allowed to scold and bully the meanie Shen Xi.

The rest who picked on her should die!

Shen Xi always had the back of her own people. Seeing that Fu Qingxuan was on the losing end, she bent over to pick up a rock.

The fight between Su Muxuan and Fu Qingxuan was growing intensed. Su Muxuan started to feel fearful when Shen Xi, the brat, was walking over with a rock in hand. He threw the young man a grisly look and deliberately agitated him. “Face me one-on-one if you have the balls. Don’t rely on women and if you win, I’ll apologize to her.”

Su Muxuan reckoned the pretty boy was no match for him as long as Shen Xi stayed out of it.

Hearing his words, Fu Qingxuan caught Shen Xi by the corner of his eye, weighing a rock in her hand as she approached. He warned her, “This is between us men. Don’t get involved and watch me beat him into a pulp.”

Su Muxuan laughed grimly, “I guess you’re a man.”

Shen Xi stared at Fu Qingxuan as she frowned, “Are you sure?”

Fu Qingxuan’s furious eyes bore a hint of worry. He replied, “Stand back.”

Shen Xi was delighted. Their fight in her eyes was just horsing around. Fu Qingxuan even told her to stand back. What? Would she be splashed with blood?

Su Muxuan let out a sigh of relief as he saw Shen Xi remained at where she stood.

Mushi was the best fighter in the family and yet he could not beat the brat. A ruthless and wicked brat she was, even Muyan suffered in her eyes. It was unlikely Su Muxuan could defeat her.

The butler of the Huo family meant to send Shen Xi off but had to tell her to hold on for a while as he returned to retrieve something. Who knew he would come back out to these two young men going at it fiercely?

The girl of the Shen family looked calm while standing by to watch. For a moment, the butler had no idea what was going on.

He recognized one of them, Su Muxuan of the Su family. He was Su Yi’s eldest son. Su Yi wanted to buy out the Huo family’s Kesi technique for his own usage and had looked for the old master many times.

This time, his son came to visit and stuck around for a few days, forever insisting to meet with the old master.

The old master despised filthy businessmen who only cared for money. Handing them the technique would only insult the art of Kesi and the Huo family. Hence, the old master declined to meet them.

The other young man was rather good-looking. Even though he was caught in an embarrassing fight, it did not take away the young man’s natural air of nobility. However, the butler was not familiar with this young man.

“Young Master Su.” The butler shouted at the young men. “Stop fighting.”

There was no way the fight, which had gotten heated now, would cease when told.

Fu Qingxuan was peeved and unleashed all fighting potential in him as he was about to prevail over Su Muxuan. It was only a matter of time before he defeated Su Muxuan.

With eyes showing no mercy, Su Muxuan appeared grimacing. It never occurred to him that the pretty boy would go all out in the brawl.

The butler cried for them to stop, but no one listened to him. He walked towards Shen Xi. “Ms. Shen, what’s going on?”

Young Master Su may not be their guest, but he could not just turn a blind eye since he was here seeking for the old master.

Before she had the chance to say anything, Shen Xi’s expression turned stone cold. She lifted the rock in her hand and hurled it at Su Muxuan.

Su Muxuan was about to knee Fu Qingxuan in the groin. With all his strength focused on his knee, he was devious to give Fu Qingxuan the fatal bow.

He must not lose. He would never apologize to Shen Xi, the wicked brat. He must win no matter the cost.

Su Muxuan was close to succeeding when suddenly, horrible pain struck his knee. He fell on his knees in a thud.

Fu Qingxuan threw him an angry look. “You play dirty!”

What a treacherous man. He was going to pull a nasty move.

Su Muxuan was in pain and could not speak, yet still gave him the evil eye. “She got involved. You didn’t win either. I won’t apologize.”

Furious, Fu Qingxuan pulled a punch at him.

Shen Xi seized him by the wrist and pulled him away to leave. “Why do you have to stoop to his level? Does he deserve your attention?”

Fu Qingxuan showed her his claws. “You said you won’t get involved.”

Shen Xi raised a brow as she found it amusing. Instead of her usual indifference, she appeared rather cheeky. “I didn’t say anything. You were the one talking. Why are you so mean when I saved you? You won’t be able to find yourself a wife if he made the kick.”

Fu Qingxuan could feel the pain at just the thought of it. He scoffed. “I’m not going to find myself a wife.”

Su Muxuan was fuming as they engaged in conversation. His resentful and sinister eyes were fixated on Fu Qingxuan as he said, “A piece of advice for you – stay away from her.”

Fu Qingxuan looked at Shen Xi. “Do you know him?”

Shen Xi shook her head. “No.”

Su Muxuan flipped his top and lost it. “She doesn’t know me? What a mouthful of lies. I’m her brother. Don’t think for a second that she’d be nice to you if she can be so ruthless to her own brother. She’s an uneducated and vile little thing without any conscience.”

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