Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 871 Another Survival

Sam felt excited because the twin-tailed Ocelots although small in size are great beasts and are good at fighting and also have great intelligence.

The large Ocelot is only a Transcendent stage one, so it is not a big deal for them.

Sam instantly captured the beast and its litter and threw them all in the divine dimension.

Then they continued their journey.

They walked most of the time as they tried their best to catch the beasts and to avoid entering the territory of some strong animal, Sam was using the crystal table carefully from time to time.

Days passed soon he almost felt like the divine dimension might even get cramped if he continued on like this. Of course, that is just his feeling and far from the truth.

But still, he didn't catch every beast that he came into contact with, he caught them if they have a certain specialty to them and if two beasts have too many similar characteristics, he just chose one.

They are following the pull of the Palace of inheritance tokens to walk in the correct direction and soon they reached the Palace of inheritance.

They are extremely surprised and impressed by the Palace of inheritance this time because every time the Palace is only from the interior and the entrance is always some kind of cave or a passage.

But now for the first time, a real Palace was in front of them. There is a large real Palace which is extremely majestic and luxurious at the same time.

They really wanted to enter it, but it is not time yet. Sam noticed some of the other players here and there, but the woman in the black still didn't come yet.

She must be waiting for the last minute to show up so that Sam wouldn't have a chance to deal with her.

There is another problem though. There are hundreds of beasts surrounding the Palace. There are too many of them and all those beasts are trying to enter the Palace from different ways.

They are trying to knock the large door down, knock some walls down, the windows, from the top, they are trying their best to enter no matter what that they even ignored the presence of humans near them.

But they are unable to even leave a nick on it much less breach it.

The Players camped for a few days and occasionally had to fight with the beasts that are wanted a piece of them.

Soon, they managed to notice some things about the beasts near the Palace.

None of them are below or above the transcendent stage.

All the beasts that came and surrounded the palace are transcendent stage, there are no consummate stage beasts and there are lower-level beasts of Pre-transcendent stage, this surprised them a bit and they wondered about something.

Everyone had similar thoughts and when the Palace of inheritance opened up, the thoughts turned out to be true.

All these beasts are permitted to stay here because they have access inside. As soon as the doors opened, the beasts flooded in without any resistance which is a clear indication that this time the Palace is open for the locals, and beasts are taking part in it.

The players also entered the Palace, Sam entered last as he looked for the woman in the black, but he couldn't notice her even with the crystal table which is extremely weird. So, he went in.

What he didn't know is that as soon as he went away on a tree nearby, a large human-sized monkey-type beast's fur started burning in black flames as the woman appeared out of it.

She is so meticulous as to use the carcass of a beast to cover herself up and stayed put to not attract his attention.

Sam also didn't doubt anything when he looked at the beast. Because he already knows that the beast itself has a timid nature and it doesn't like fighting with others, so its separate existence didn't surprise him and he didn't bother to check it completely in detail even with the crystal table.

So she managed to escape. One must say she is smart and … scared shitless.

She entered the Palace of inheritance along with the rest of the beasts that are slowly entering.

When all the players reached the hall, they noticed that even though the beasts entered through the same entrance they didn't come to the hall. They seemed to have gone to a different place.

They looked around and waited for the Avatar to appear, but to his surprise, Sam finds a familiar person appear in place of the Avatar.

It is Ling Tian.

"Hello, Players. I hope you are doing well.

This is the last Palace of inheritance and I wanted to make it special, so I came here myself. My name is Ling Tian by the way and I am some kind of personal guide for Sam substituting the god that chose him.

So, now let us go to the main topic.

This time, the Palace of inheritance works similar to that of the previous one, this is a survival game and you would have to fight all the beasts that came inside along with you and also the beasts that I brought from higher realms.

Mind you, I brought a lot of them and a lot of kinds.

But there is a twist, the terrain would be changing randomly along with the beasts in it and you wouldn't know when you would disappear and reappear in a different place and an ape you are passionately fighting might suddenly disappear and an eagle might on your back the next time.

Sam, you cannot use your gadgets. It might sound unfair, but the rest of the gods are crying like babies and particularly Hel, she seemed to be really pissed at you.

You can use beasts and necromancy though.

The goal is to endure it and stay for the longest time possible. If by any chance you appear near each other, you can fight and even kill each other.

The last to stand will win, there are no final rounds and final battles. You will get your reward after the task is over.

There is a twist here though. The points game this time was added to the Palace of inheritance.

The more beasts you kill the more points you get. There are thousands of beasts that you would encounter and you would clearly spot the difference between the beasts from this place and the beasts from higher realms.

You can keep the remains of the beasts you killed and if you can capture them, that is even better, you can keep them with you.

So, good luck with your endeavor and I will be waiting to see you at the end. I hope all of you stay alive by the end of it."

With that a door opened, the first one to move is the woman in the Black, the common enemy. She must have really been cautious because of all the enmity she induced from the rest of the players.

The worst part is that they don't even know her name and they still hate her to their guts.

The rest of the players entered the door and when Sam reappeared after walking through, he is in the middle of nowhere.

The surrounding seemed to be like a grass plain as he looked around and didn't find anything except for the grass.

After walked around to check the situation and soon he found out something, and Earthen Bison. This beast looked huge and its features are similar to that of the Blazing earth bull, but this bloodline is superior to most of the beasts from the lower realm and its strength is beyond comparison to the Blazing earth bull.

When it looked at Sam, the Bison that is peacefully grazing in the plain suddenly turned angry and furious and charged at him.

It is like a large brown streak as it ran towards Sam like a flash and tried to clash with him.

Sam frowned and extended his hands as he held the horns and stopped the bison in its tracks.

His legs turned rocky with earth elemental partial fusion and he used the strength to kick in and get support from the ground to stay stable.

After the situation turned around and he held the bison in its place without moving back too much, he tried to release his beast aura and subdue the beast, no matter what aura he used the beast is not getting subdued. It is too mad and too out of its mind. Its only instinct is to kill Sam.

Sam lost interest soon and his arms turned rocky with partial fusion as he used his physical strength to rotate the beast to the side as they wrestled even more before breaking its neck.

The Bison died in one swift motion.

He threw the beast away in the divine dimension and let Dia out.

"This place seemed to be a good fit for you, the grass is also of the rich earthen element, so enjoy your time a bit."

He didn't let the other beasts out. Since it was already told that the terrain would change randomly, he doesn't know what would happen and when it would happen. If there are too many of his beasts out and the surroundings are unfavorable to most of them, he wouldn't be able to take care of all of them in an instant. If it is only one beast, he can manage it though.

Dia looked around and started eating the grass, she is really delighted. Sam threw some grass into the divine dimension to grow it, while they are busy with that, they saw a few more Bison that just looked at him and are coming their way.

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