All the projectiles that halted started disintegrating slowly.

Sam looked at Demeter that is standing far away. She is unlike Ares and Athena. Just like the rest of the gods, she formed into a large being and looked down on Sam from there. He looked at her and spoke in a slow tone.

"That attack right now is the stupidest thing anyone could have ever done. I am sitting here minding my own business. Unless you provoke me, I will not be meddling with your attacks on the city.

So, use your might elsewhere."

"Seems like you finally knew your place. But it is too late. Everyone in Olympus has been ordered to deal with you. You are now our primary target. As long as there is a possibility anyone from Olympus can try and take you down.

There is also a big reward on your head. There is no way I am missing out on that."

As Demeter spoke, she waved her hand. Another volley of projectiles were targeted at Sam.

Sam still didn't move. 

He just took another sip of the wine and watched as the projectiles disintegrated before they could even reach him. The spatial energy is very handy.

Demeter was obviously angry because of that. She looked at Sam while gritting her teeth and commanded the creatures. They suddenly sucked all the energy from the soil and vegetation around them to grow three times bigger.

Now the projectiles also became three times bigger and three times stronger.

This time when Sam stopped them from hitting him, he felt more pressure. He knew that his leisurely attitude might not be enough to defend against these attacks like it did before. Of course, right now not all the creatures are focused on Sam.

The clan leader, clan members and other people fighting against the creatures were absolutely delighted by what they saw.

They were happy that Sam was targeting. Which means, some of the fire power is being directed at him. They have some breathing space and there is a chance that Sam couldn't just sit back and take those attacks. 

They really hoped that he would make a move. 

They took this chance and launched critical strikes on the creatures. And of course, they might not be that powerful, they are not powerless to the point they cannot kill stationary plants. They destroyed quite a few of those creatures in a short amount of time.

Some of the youngsters even felt bloated to the point, they wanted to team up and go against Demeter herself. They felt like they could take her down if Sam still diverts her attention.

Sam of course noticed and there is no way Demeter didn't.

She became pissed. She is already angry at Sam by the fact that he is not taking her seriously. Now these small fries are trying to challenge her. She went berserk and started attacking by herself. 

She is also focusing mostly on projectile attacks as he targeted the key members that are leading the attack against the creatures.

The whole thing turned into a full on war.

Demeter's attacks are lethal and the clan elder who got hit almost died from the very first attack.

From within that explosion, the clan leader flew into the air and Demeter who saw his body levitating, smirked and jumped forward to throw a slap and kill him with it. But right before the hand could meet the target, two talons appeared out of nowhere and snatched the elder by his cloths.

Sky caught the elder and disappeared like a flash.

He flew to the estate and dropped the elder there before disappeared from that spot. Demeter looked at Sam with a frown. 

Not just her the remaining people involved also looked at Sam in surprise. But Sam didn't bother answering. If it were up to him, he would have just left these people to die. After all, he already lost the perfect record as two people died in the explosion of the formation.

Now, he doesn't care about that perfect record anymore. All he needs is to win this competition with a very large margin. It wouldn't change even if a couple of people are dead during these disasters. 

But the beasts didn't agree.

They are way too invested in this round of competition and Sam couldn't say not to them decisively.

So, they reached an agreement.

Sam and the beasts wouldn't be involved in an active combat situation unless their lives were threatened. The members of the clan and the city would be in charge of taking care of themselves. 

The only help they will have is the formation and then when people are about to die in the fights, the beasts will just save them in their last breath. They would be out of commission, sure. But they would be alive.

That is their game now.

Sam was really surprised by such a decision. He didn't expect them to be this involved in a stupid game. But he was amused by how much they wanted it to be this way. Their indirect involvement is a significance of how much they are angry at these people and how much they still want Sam to win this game.

Demeter stopped attacking the people and started focusing on her surroundings. She couldn't find a single trace of Sky or any other beast. Sam is still seen sitting there relaxed.

She gritted her teeth and made her move. Her target is another elder. 

Once again, right before the elder died, Sky came and took his away. When Demeter had enough of it and tried to target two people at the same time, both Sky and Yanwu appeared.

They took both of them away and disappeared like they were never there.

Looking at this scenario, the fighters from the city finally found some courage. They are sure that Sam wouldn't let them die, so they became much more daring and decided to play it rough.

They became reckless and started attacking the creatures and some long range attackers targeted Demeter herself. For the first time ever the planet members are fighting for their planet in these disasters.

The young masters of the other clans that are observing were really surprised and are in awe. Particularly the people that have yet to experience the disaster. 

They finally saw some hope and they are also relieved. Now even without Sam's complete involvement, they wouldn't be completely hopeless. Granted that Sam provided the formations of course.

Some of these youngsters are of course very strong in their own minds. They are thinking what they could do and how they could impress with those moves.

Demeter looked at Sam with an even colder look.

Sam shook his head at that.

All she can do is look, look and look even more. She hasn't done shit since the whole thing started. She is not as smart as other gods and her attacks are not even that powerful.

"I heard that you have quite high level beasts and it seems true. They also seem extremely loyal to you."

Sam just shrugged at her.

"Let's see if they will come forward, if you are about to die."

As she spoke, the surrounding spiritual energy surged into her body. The energy was so much to the point the formations fluctuated for a fraction of a second. The body of Demeter suddenly turned a few shades darker.

Sam has seen this before.

When Poseidon got too angry, he also overdrew the power from the nature. It seems like gods have limits set up on them when they visit these planets, and once they overdraw past that limit, something like this is happening.

Demeter raised her hand and aimed it at Sam.

All the vegetation in the surroundings. And by surroundings it is not just from the fields around them, instead all the vegetation from even forests miles away suddenly gained sentience and all of them started gathering vitality and created projectile weapons.

All of these weapons were aimed at Sam not even on the formation.

Sam could feel the killing intent. He could feel the pressure that he had never felt before. This woman drew more power than Poseidon. Sam could see the nature trying to reject her. The space around her is crumbling.

"You are a fucking idiot."

Sam muttered as he took  deep breath.

The next second within the surroundings of Demeter, a bunch of spatial fluctuations occurred and all of Sam's beasts appeared from there. As the projectiles made their way to Sam, the beasts didn't go to rescue him, instead they came to deal with Demeter.

And in the next few minutes, the people of this planet have witnessed a beat down of the century. A beat down from beasts to a god. A beat down they never ever expected to see.

Sam looked at this and sighed. His plans kind of failed. These gods are making it hard for him. And he had to witness this happening in the next few disasters as well. Until the last disaster was the only one left, Sam finished nine disasters in total in the next few days.

In all of these days, the residents of these planets didn't die in the disasters. They followed the same plan as they did with Demeter. 

And every time the gods focused more on Sam than the city. 

He just hoped at least in the last one Sam just

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