Both the clan leader and Baryn looked at Kumar in confusion.

"You can get information from him?"

"I can try. We don't have any enmity. It is just that we have different goals and they are clashing. We don't have enough enmity to kill each other. So, it is still possible."

"But how are you going to contact him?"

"We just need to be open about it. I will set up a meeting point out in the forest."

"Are you sure?"

"We have an unspoken code. We will do favors to each other, whenever we can. I will talk to him. You think of a way to stop a Divine Plane cultivator to take your baby away from you."

"You can be sure of that. I am setting up a formation around the house.  A divine plane cultivator has to open it up to get in to it. The transference scrolls, spatial blinks and most of the spatial transference cannot do anything to that formation.

And if someone touches the formation, I will know."

"It doesn't matter if he know about it. What if the formation is not enough to keep them out for long and you are busy dealing with these massive attacks?"

"I have a plan for that too. I activated all of our special formations. Most of the attacks with that level of Divine energy will be gone. They will be defended with the formation. I will only step up if the formation cannot take the energy anymore or if the attack is too big for the formation."

"That is good."

Kumar spread the word among the city and even the surrounding cities stating that he wanted to talk to Sam. He told a location in the forest for Sam to come and meet him. He waited for Sam.

He just hoped that the clan leader will be able to hold off against whatever it is that they are fighting against.

Meanwhile, Sam got the news faster than Kumar had hoped. But he couldn't help but smile as soon as he heard it.

"Things are a lot easier when you know how the other party reacts exactly to whatever you do. Kumar. Thank you so much, man. I do owe you a favor for this."

As Sam muttered to himself he took out his inscription pen. He started carving the formation discs one after another. And this time, he has the divine energy going through it the whole time.

He didn't even try to spare too much of his Divine energy into making these formations. Time passed slowly as he worked on the formations.

It is already night by the time he is done with it and that is also the time he removed his disguise completely. It is about time for him to leave the city, with the kid in his hand of course.

He used the dimensional drifter and disappeared from the spot.

He reappeared outside the forest in front of Kumar.

Kumar is sitting there on a tree stump as he looked around waiting. When he saw Sam, he is surprised for a moment, but he chuckled.

"Hello Sam. Nice to see you."

"I would say the same, but it is not as nice anymore since I have been seeing you for the past couple of days. You are not that pleasing to the eyes."

Sam said as he walked forward and raised an earthen rock and sat on it.

"So, how is your mission going? I am assuming it is to protect the children from being taken away."

Sam asked casually.

"I guess yours is to take the child away. Who should you take the child away to?"

"I would rather keep it a secret. You know how I am about information. You still didn't answer my question though. How is your mission?"

"I don't know. I need your help a bit with it. I feel like there is someone other than you is interfering in this and I want to know who and how to stop them."

"Why would I do that? The more people stirring up the water, the better for me isn't it? It will give me more variables to play around with."

"Come on Sam, if you are really capable of taking away the kid, you would have done it already. It has been a couple of days since you came to this place. You are being stopped by someone or something. I believe that the power you are fighting against and the power that is fighting against me are the same.

Let's help each other out. Once we get rid of the external parties, we can duke it out."

Sam looked at him and sighed.

"I am really sorry my friend."

As he waved his hand. A bunch of metal puppets came out and flew away with the formation discs.

Kumar frowned and looked at Sam.

"What do you mean? Why are you apologizing?"

"Because I didn't play fair this time. I couldn't help myself."

"What did you do?"

Kumar asked as he felt chills run down his spine.

The puppets took off faster and they started landing the formation discs at different spots around the cities. Small globes of different elemental energies started appearing around the city and they all started triggering reactions on the formation of the city.

Kumar immediately understood what is happening.

"That is your doing? How are you able to do that?"

"A new trick I picked up. From the formation of that city that we have been in? You remember the Osiris task didn't you?"

"That formation?"

"It is something called resonance. But a very overblown and overpowered version. It can just amplify a lot of things. Anyway, it is very hard for me to explain. But what is about to happen is not going to be clean."

As they spoke, the whole city's formation as put under immense stress. It is stressed enough to be completely strained. It is destroyed in the next second. The clan leader already came out and tried his best to stop all of these energy globes from going into the city.

At this exact moment, Sam took out his dimensional drifter and disappeared. He arrived right in the middle of the clan grounds. Right in front of the house of the clan head. Where the child was kept.

He looked at the formation and tried to use the dimensional drifter to cross it. But to his surprise, he wasn't able to. He thought for a moment and injected whatever Divine energy left in his body into the dimensional drifter and finally it worked.

He directly entered the house and stood in front of the child who is sleeping peacefully in the crib. There are a bunch of women who are resting in different rooms within the house and one of them is there keeping watch on the kid.

Sam didn't even take much effort to deal with her and caught hold of the child.

He used the dimensional drifter again and reappeared in the forest. He sat in front of Kumar once again.

"How did you do it?"

Kumar asked in defeat. He knew that it would be pointless to try at this point, so he decided to just give it up.

"Things are a lot easier since there are no restrictions on me directly. I can use my dimensional drifter."

"That is not what I am asking. How did you do the whole thing? How are you able to make this happen? We didn't fight, hell we didn't even come face-to-face with each other. But you still defeated me. How?"

Kumar's voice sounded very down. He never felt so defeated.

"It took a lot of thinking.

I came to the city and saw that you got in touch with the young master. So, I figured it is better to utilize that point. I picked a target and used that guy to score a residence and used the same guy to feed you information.

I let you know that I am in the city. Then I created scenarios. Scenarios of me fighting an invisible enemy. I made you believe that I cannot enter the city and then I also made you believe that someone else made me unable to enter the city.

Since you felt like my threat is completely minimized and there is a larger threat ahead in your mind, you didn't take me seriously. So, finally, things are where they are right now.

It was a very exhausting operation."

"I got played. Aren't I?"

"If you want to put it that way. Yes. That is pretty much it. But I can give you something to smoothly escape from this."

"What would that be?"

"You can blame this on two different clans." Sam took out the recording and gave it to him. It is the recording of the meeting between Shijin and Karn.

"Give this to them and you will be able to gain some credibility you wouldn't be able to get too much suspicion at least. And the attacks will also be blamed on those clans."


Sam nodded and stood up to take his leave.

"Bye Kumar. See you later."

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