Sam hurriedly came back to the city to meet with Ross and Chasin.

But by the time he went to the bar, there is another that was just leaving their table.

Sam frowned and asked.

"Who is that?"

Chasin gulped and said.

"We managed to find one of our spies within the city. We contacted him to see if we can get any help. He plays the role of a corrupt officer here, so he has some ties with the underground organization."

Sam's frown only deepened upon hearing this.

"How deep is his role in this city? How tight is his connection with the underground?"

"He has a pretty decent rank. But more than that, he can manage a bunch of his higher-ups smoothly. So, the Grin you mentioned actually has some contact with him."

Sam sighed in exasperation at this.

"Did you not here when I told you guys to fucking stay put here? Why would you go out of the way and call that guy? I said I am getting the info. Why would you do this?"

Sam felt like this guy is a complete idiot. No wonder even with the best talent his peers are crushing him with politics.

"Why? What is wrong with getting some info from my informants?"

"Because he is not your informant. We need to get out of this city, if you don't want to gather any attention.

The informant you mentioned is not your guy and even the underground organization is not neutral. It actually belongs to your cousin Shijin. They are operating based on his fucking orders. I just got the info straight from Grin, every one of the 'moles' that are supposedly working for other young masters in the city are all actually agents placed by their underground organization.

Just get the fuck out of the city right now. I will handle this.

As he spoke, Sam suddenly disappeared from the spot. He used the spatial element to reappear out of the restaurant and then used the shadow element to move around in the streets. He didn't even bother to hide his powers.

The specters and the shadows that are spread were all called over to find this man as he moved towards one particular direction.

To the place where Grin usually met with these informants to get the information.

He didn't really see the face of this guy and of course, that guy is also covering himself with a very well-designed cloak. Without focusing on it, he couldn't have seen his face.

He also felt like he should have let one of the shadows follow that guy right after the situation.

It would have been much easier to kill him then.

But at least, he knows where the destination is going to be.

It didn't take long for Sam to reach that location. It is actually an inn in an unusual part of the city. It is mostly a residential area which is not really a place where inns usually are.

He stood in front of the inn and then only he noticed something. He felt like someone is watching him and it is not just from a single direction. There are a bunch of people focused on him.

He frowned not knowing what this attention is for. But before he could try and understand what is happening, the target he came looking for arrived at the spot.

The target is also pretty agitated. He looked around and then noticed Sam. His eyes widened as he became vigilant.

Sam frowned at this. The other seemed to have recognized him already.

He didn't hesitate anymore. His body glowed with golden light and activated the light elemental fusion. He went straight through the chest of the target leaving a gaping hole.

He reappeared behind him and used soul extraction to get the memories of this guy. At this moment, he sensed an intense amount of killing intent swarming him from different sides.

All the people that focused on him before are dashing towards him wildly.

Sam activated the space element and disappeared from the spot. He appeared at the end of the street. By now almost five people arrived at the spot that he was previously in.

He took out his bow and closed his eyes as his energy moved in a certain way throughout his body. One could directly see from outside as the energy moved like a wave and entered the arrow slowly.

Before they turned around and ran towards him, Sam shot the arrow.

As the arrow made its way, the golden flames around it started to create four more golden sparks in the air and soon four more golden flaming arrows appeared out of thin air as they shot the five people.

The golden flames started burning them. The streets are filled with their screams as they tried to put it out.

By now everyone in the street had already shifted their focus to Sam and the five burning men.

Sam turned into shadow mode once again as he made his way to the city gate where Chasin and Ross are waiting.

He didn't even bother to wait or maintain discretion as he directly landed before Chasin.

When Chasin looked at Sam, he noticed that his expression is not so good. He frowned and felt his heart racing in trepidation.

As soon as Sam said that his informant is just some lackey to the underground organization, he knew the ramifications of what he did.


Before he could even open his mouth, Sam already caught him by his throat and raised him off the ground.

Ross was stunned and wanted to stop Sam. But he felt the killing intent drowning him. For a second he felt like he is being drowned in the sea of blood. He could almost feel his lungs being filled with blood.

He shook himself out of the daze as he looked at Sam in shock. Then only he noticed that he already fell on the ground. He is shaken just from the killing intent.

And that is not even focused on him.

Sam looked at Chasin, who looked he is about to foam out of his mouth, and said.

"How fucking dare you? All of your life could be sold and you still cannot afford my help. It is my pure generosity that I tried to help you and you dared to dig holes behind me? Who do you think you are, fucking worm.

I am telling you right now. From this moment onwards, you and I are enemies. I will let you go now. But the next time I see you, you are going die. I don't care if you are the young master Chasin that received the divine blessing.

I don't care if you are the greatest genius of your clan.

All of your ancestors wouldn't be able to stop me from taking your pathetic life."


As he spoke, he slammed him hard on the ground.

Chasin felt like his whole body is shook. Cracks appeared on the ground and he is pretty sure at least a dozen of his bones are cracked. Sam walked back into the city as if nothing happened and arrived at the same bar where he previously sat with Chasin.

When he first visited the place, he didn't get any attention.

He just looked like another person in the mix.

But now, everyone is looking at him. He observed the news spreading like wildfire within the city through his shadows and souls.

Particularly, the news among the circle of criminals.

Sam sat there openly as he chugged one jar of wine after another.

Meanwhile, Ross immediately carried his young master and decided to move. He knew that once the news is out, there is no way they could be safe here.

The city guards who saw the whole commotion might have already relayed the information to the authorities and all the authorities are very loyal to Shijin.

Within no time, just like how Ross and Sam expected the information has passed through the authorities and the thugs as well.

Sam still stayed in the bar for over an hour.

Even though he just looked like an irritable guy drinking his anger away, he is extremely calm. He was indeed frustrated because of Chasin's naivety.

But that is just it. That small frustration is not enough to make him go crazy. He is too smart to make such a rookie mistake.

The reason why he acted that way is that while killing the informant and the five people he thought of something.

He has a very short time limit to get one of the kids and he needs a very quick way to do that. Working with Chasin will indeed give him many more benefits in the future, but Chasin is indeed very suspicious of Sam.

It is to the point that he actually asked his informant about Sam and even described him to great detail to confirm that the information hasn't seen Sam anywhere in the city before.

He even revealed some of their plan which made the informant reveal the details to the rest of his colleagues in the underground circle.

That is why Sam was instantly recognized and he was targeted.

When Sam realized this, he decided to play this to his advantage. After all, there is an old saying 'Enemy of my Enemy is a friend'.

Even though Sam didn't believe in that sentiment, he is sure as hell going to take full advantage of it.

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