Sam could feel every bit of energy within the valley.

He could feel every single particle of spiritual energy flying around and taking everything that is alive.

He felt one member after another of Dayus's subordinates and even the body that was hosting Dayus was currently being destroyed. Not even a single trace of their bodies or lives was left behind.

In a few minutes, everything clashed. All the zones started spreading out more and more out of their boundaries and clashed with others.

The clashes made the valley distort. The elemental energies that are compatible caused a new type of disaster and the elemental energies that are no compatible created a different kind of disaster. But one thing is for sure, everything in the valley, every inch of it has changed.

The chaotic storm made the place unsuitable any sort of life form and over all of this, only one patch of the area, the one patch that was Sam's base is the only one with any vegetation left.

The grey wolf squad healer looked at this and started shivering. He fell to sit on the floor as he drenched in his own sweat. He looked at Sam's back and felt like he is looking at the manifestation of death itself.

Even from far away, he could feel the power of the elemental energy storms Sam has created. And in his eyes, it is not Sam, it is Brice who had done this.

The Brice he knew is a person who has been wronged by the clan time and again. The clan elders always took the side of Brice's rivals over his, just because he didn't have a good backing.

Now he is afraid, since he saw what Brice did to the people that just came at him in a battle, then what could he do to the clan that has been unfair to him time and again.

He felt that Brice had finally lost it.

Sam controlled the storm to stay outside the basecamp and opened his eyes. He planted the tapestry needles in the ground and looked at Brice's subordinates and the Grey hound members.

"I will write down a special method. A few formation blue prints, a set of inscriptions and arrays that would help you stabilize the storms in this valley.

You can follow the map and instructions.

The valley has a lot of natural spiritual energy, but it has been absorbed by a bunch of weeds and useless vegetation, now it has been cleared.

Once you follow my instructions, the valley and its zones will be revitalized with the same elemental energy as the storm that they are suffering.

The whole valley will be a place with multiple elements all balanced together. You can cultivate all kinds of rare herbs here. You can even use the neutral zone here as a farm for the beasts. Particularly, the beasts that I have collected.

They grow on these neutral crops and herbs very well. They will provide a great force for the clan.

Anyway, you will have all the instructions from me. You don't have to worry about the valley anymore.

Now, can you guys leave me alone. I have some thoughts to organize."

Everyone left the spot without a second thought. They didn't even wait for a second. In fact, they are looking forward to leaving the spot and the only thing that stopped them is their fear of Brice.

They didn't know if he will be angry and divert a bit of the destruction towards them.

As they left, Sam sat on his wheelchair and looked up in the sky.

"I know you are watching Hel. What you just saw is the tip of an iceberg. The competition is officially over. The whole valley is mine and the duration is just halfway.

Whatever badges you have, should all be awarded to me. You don't have a choice.

And before you close this round off and send me back to hell, I have some demands and the first of them is that you come down here. Appear before me, in any shape or form so that we can have a conversation.

I will give you the rest of my demands later.

You might be thinking, why you should listen to me, but if you don't do that, I will be doing the same thing, I will be repeating the same behavior in the remaining rounds.

I will destroy the whole competition, not giving any other player a fair shot. The whole thing will go down the drain.

So, the remaining gods should decide if they are willing to let their players be treated like this. The only way for them to not be treated is for Hel to come and meet me.

You decide. You have until the end of this round of competition."

Sam didn't speak loudly. He just spoke in his normal tone. But he is sure that the gods are listening to every word he said and he couldn't be more right.

At that exact moment, Hel is looking at the screen. She looked at Sam's face. Or rather Brice's face.

She felt like that face didn't suit Sam. It felt so inferior and unsuitable for a person like Sam. She couldn't be more right.

And the scene of Sam destroying the whole valley and everyone within in just a couple of minutes kept on replaying in her head. Her back is covered in cold sweat. She involuntarily started gulping.

She has been immortal for so long. She has been a god that ruled over one of the largest territories of hell. She is so strong and powerful that she didn't even remember the last she sweat like that.

But Sam, who is decades if not centuries away from attaining her level of strength made her feel afraid. She felt small for some reason.

She shook her head and came out of the shock. She knew that Sam would follow through with whatever he said if she didn't make a decision now.

But before she could grant her request she needs to conduct a meeting. The only thing is that she is way too slow. The other gods are already on their way to conduct the said meeting. In fact they all gathered before they messaged Hel to come and meet them.

She disappeared from her spot.

A few realms away.

Hel appeared on a seat at a round table.

Everyone is dead silent.

Even the gods that started out at the game but got eliminated because of their players' death came along. They are all looking at the situation with glee.

Of course they are not as cheeky as Gambler himself. He is grinning like an idiot as he looked at a screen again and again.

He saw the elemental energy storms destroying the valley from different angles.

"To think he did all of this from weaving. Hel, I need you to make things tough for him more and more. I want to see what kind of weird things he will pull out."

He is the first one to speak and those are his first words. The rest of the room turned silent.

Particularly, people who had their players still in the game and out of them Zeus had the worst expression.

Because he is the one that brought this to all of the gods. And he is not naïve enough to believe that they don't know anything about it. He is sure that they are in clear of what exactly happened and who is responsible for it.

The only reason they are stopping without making any fuss is to not burn the bridges completely.

"What do you guys want me to do?"

Hel asked without responding to Gambler's snide remark.

"You have to meet him. I would do the same if I was in his position. I would have done it a lot earlier though."

Sun Wukong spoke as he chugged a gourd full of wine.

"But don't you think, this will set a precedent for the other players."

Indra spoke trying to resist. It is because he doesn't have to worry about his own player. He doesn't have a player in the game. So, he is all up for making a mess out of the whole game. He is willing to enjoy the show from the side lines.

The gambler didn't speak. He just kept on replaying the scene with that unnatural smile.

"What do you think Gambler?"

Hel asked him.

"I don't care much. It is not like you are doing everything asking me. It is always your choice. So, make your choice again this time."

"Go and meet him. You made so many moves against him already. This is the least you can." Karthikeya also supported before leaving the meeting.

He didn't want to continue the fiasco anymore.

Hel understood that the decision is not going to vary much for the rest of the gods. So, she made her move.

She decided to meet with Sam, the very next day.

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