The explosion that was created from the spear threw the wolf and the subordinate sitting on it to th side.

Both of them are injured, but luckily they managed to dodge the spear that came from the scroll holder.

The purple spear went past them and deeper into the woods.

It landed on a tree.


The explosion full of purple lightning. It is almost like a million lightning strikes are combined together and landed at a single point in a single moment.

The whole area turned to dust. It is a disaster compressed and left to run rampant in a very small pocket of space.

Sam and the other soldiers felt the after effects of the explosion from there. Their fight was disrupted a bit.

He looked at the subordinate that fell off the wolf stand up. He managed to heave a sigh of relief and said.

"Take the wolf and leave the place. The rest of you, retreat. Assist your injured friends. The priority still remains the same.

Stay alive at all costs. I don't want anyone of your to die."

"But Captain, what about you?" Vice asked as he looked at the charging scroll holders. Everyone is glowing with that purple light. It is way too flashy for anyone to not notice it.

"Don't question my orders now. You guys start retreating, I will cover for you."



Sam yelled in frustration. He really liked these guys for their loyalty, but sometimes it is way too much of a hassle for him to get them to do the things that are required. They are way too stuck up and he doesn't have enough time to convince them that everyone decision he is making is made for a reason.

They at least heeded his frustrated yelling.

Dayus closed his eyes as he heard the live reporting from his subordinates.

Sam covered the retreat as he threw the flags at the chasing party randomly. A lot of thoughts are running through his mind.

It is already a bit surprising for him that everyone stalled their attacks, but he could still understand it, as players are always wary of him and took measures everytime. But if that is not enough, the first group he met belonged to Dayus.

There is no way, in a normal scenario would Dayus be able to by pass Kumar's forces that easily to set up a camp here.

The rest of the players wouldn't let him. When it comes to dealing with Dayus, there are way more united than in any other scenario. But he still managed to get here.

If this is not enough Dayus has this extra skill that shouldn't be present here. He is very pissed right now. If someone could feel his emotions, they would be scared. They would be shitting their pants right now.

It is as if a raging volcanic eruption was condensed and compressed into the size of a cannon ball. He is that pissed.

Dayus gets to use his skill while he even fucking can't aim a fucking spear properly.

He looked at the sky as the wolf ran at its maximum speed. It is a great decision for them to come on the wolves. They are familiar with the terrain and they are much faster than any of them. Even Sam would have some trouble if he didn't use his elemental fusions to race it.

The soldiers are having a hard time keeping up.

Sam took a deep breath as he looked at their territory. The border is not that far away. Which means, the running time almost over.

He looked back to see how many people are still coming after him. How many people are still at his tail. There are not too many. But all the strong elites including the scroll holders that could barely keep up with the wolves are coming.

They might as well be some of the strongest under Dayus.

As soon as they entered his territory, Sam let his teammates escaped and took the central position in the formation by himself.

The needles appeared in his hand and the whole area sparkled with blue lighting.

Dayus is still getting the live updates from them and when he heard that there is a whole area with blue lightning, as well as Sam just standing in the middle of it while he let his teammates retreat, he felt like that would be the time for him to make a move.

He immediately left his tent and ran with lightning elemental fusion.

Meanwhile, Sam engaged with all of the scroll holders and other elites.

Just like how it worked with the flames, the formation once again worked the same with lightning and here every hit is much more destructive.

Most of the time the flames destroyed and turned everything into ashes, but here mostly, every single lightning strike burned them to crisp before blasting their body into very small pieces.

Of course, for some reason the scroll holders are much stronger than others. But one thing about them is that Sam doesn't have to fight them to kill them.

They are making it easier for him with their attacks.

One of the scroll holders used the scroll. It is burned into ashes as a single lightning spear attacked Sam who is in a stationary position for a while.

He used a lightning shield barrier to the stop the spear.


A massive explosive collision between the two lightnings.

Sam instantly felt his instincts scream to his mind. His body instinctually activated the lightning elemental fusion to the maximum limit. The purple spear dispersed a bit into the blue lightning barrier and then into the formation.

Most of it is assimilated as he painfully circulated it, but the problem came with the very faint hint of divine energy inside the spear attack. The energy went straight into his body, as if it is ravaging it.

Sam tried to scan his own body. He never wished for the observation ability more. He could feel the blood seeping out of his pores. It is murky, thick and dense. It is almost like he is being squeezed out of get that out of his pores forcefully, but of course, it is the other way around. It is being forced out from inside.

He forcefully pushed through the pain and redirected this divine lightning back out of his body. His fusion that turned to partial fusion with all the blood that is coming out him, once again slowly turned to full fusion.

The lightning went through him back into the formation.

It went straight to a different scroll holder who got ready to attack.


The lightning explosion made the guy die out instantly right after he released the spear. But the spear missed the aim and went far into the forest.

The aftermath of the explosion actually killed the first scroll holder who was right beside the second scroll holder.

So, two of them are down and Sam had some divine energy added to his lightning attacks as he destroyed the rest one by one.

He took some more spear blows and he gritted through them as expected. Even though he went through some severe torture and he felt like he is being suppressed and getting tired, he is also taking the remaining people down pretty easily.

Soon, the subordinates died one by one and he sat on the ground dead tired.

The residual effects of the Divine energy in his body made him feel like he weight a ton.

He barely managed to grab himself onto the wheel chair, before he let the wolf out once again.

With the support of wheel chair he threw himself on the back of the wolf.

The wolf couldn't run as fast as before, because Sam would be thrown off, so he is a bit slow.

But still it didn't take long for him to get to his camp.

Only he didn't feel any relief when he arrived there. His heart is gripped with horror. He looked as Dayus stood there with his spear and purple lightning surrounding him.

Sam's subordinates are trying their best to defend his attacks. All the wolves are dead and the subordinates are on their last legs.

Dayus sensed Sam's presence and smiled at him, before he took off into the air. He stepped on the air while he threw the spear at one of the subordinates before he ran away.


Sam yelled on top of his lungs, he didn't have any energy to make a move.

All he could do that ask his wolf to stop the attack and luckily it did. Right when the spear was about to lodge itself into the subordinate, he was tackled by the wolf to crash into the ground on the side.

The spear went past both the person and the beast. Sam heaved a sigh of relief, but only before he could really feel that relief, another spear came out of nowhere and went straight through Vice's chest.

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