Three days passed.

Sam mostly stayed within the lab at that time. He brainstormed the plans to deal with the six subordinates and to a certain extent, he managed to come up with some tricks that he could use.

He had very little contact with the Gaja clan members outside the lab. Even the siblings just came to the lab to hang out with him. But of course, he contacted Demon Soul swordsman again.

To ask if Gail could come. The old man agreed without any resistance. But Sam wanted to resist when someone else asked to come.

Gamin and Yuvana cornered him to ask the old man once again, to let them come with him too. Sam didn't even know what to say at that time.

He was caught off guard and no matter how much he tried, he couldn't get out of it. So, all he could do is call the old man once again and ask his permission.

"I don't have a problem even if you bring the whole Gaja clan."

Even the old man was done by that time and Sam just decided to tag along with whoever comes next. Luckily for him, no one else tried and he was left alone.

After these three days though, Sam finally met with someone who came here to take him and others along with him.

It is a man in dark-cloaked robes and a walking stick. He walked slowly to the meeting spot outside the premises of Gaja city.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Sam. I will be your guide to the Blood Iron league's headquarters. Please 0follow me.

On our way, if you have anything you need, whether you want to take some rest, want to hunt or eat something, all you have to do is inform me and I shall arrange it for you."

"Thank you."

"It is my task to make your journey as convenient as possible. No need to thank me for that. Would you like to start right away?"

"Yes, please."

"Then let's go."

The person was very polite and calm. He constantly asked Sam whether he is comfortable with the journey or not and tried to facilitate everything Sam might need to have a comfortable journey.

As for the three overly powerful people that tagged along, they didn't get the same treatment.

Half of the time, the man directly ignored the existence of these three people. He didn't talk to them, didn't ask them to follow him, and didn't even make any eye contact. But the three of them ignored all these and just followed.

They are way too excited to meet Demon Soul swordsman to care about these minor details.

After a few hours of a journey through hidden space gates that connected different realms, they finally arrived at the headquarters of the Blood Iron league.

Demon Soul swordsman waited at the entrance and welcomed Sam.

"Finally, you are here."

He greeted Sam with a smile and then looked at the three people that came along with him.

"The infamous powerhouses of Gaja clan. Gail, Gamin and Yuvana. Nice to meet you. I have heard a lot about you.

And it seems like the rumors and sayings don't do justice to your presence.

Come on in."

"It is such an honor to meet you, Sir. I have heard so many stories about you."

Gail said with a smile. Sam knows that smile all too well.

Gail is currently ecstatic that he has been approved and acknowledged by his idol. He turned to look at the couple and found the same smile on their face too their smiles and too broad and they are in too much shock to even talk to the old man.

"You had quite the name here, didn't you?"

Sam asked the old man casually.

"I kinda did have a great name back then. Now that I am out of the scene for so long, I am surprised people still remembered me."

"Maybe you stirred up too much trouble at that time."

"That is true."

As they made small talk, the old man led Sam to a certain place within the league.

"Here is a meeting gift for you. I am sure you are looking for this person."

They opened the door and inside the four of them saw someone they are familiar with. It is Butler Si, Sivan's most trusted aide.

Sam was taken aback.

He almost forgot about the Butler for a while when he was dealing with the Mari clan and Sivan, but when he was looking through the memories, he got reminded of the Butler again.

Butler Si is the most loyal subordinate Sivan could ever even ask for. He gets things done. He makes Sivan's life a million times easier. In fact, one of the reasons that Sivan lost this quickly, is because of Butler Si's absence.

He didn't want Butler Si to come after Sam in the name of revenge. A person this loyal can do some serious damage.

It is a point of concern and he was about to put up a search party for this guy. But now he doesn't have to go through the effort.

As he was thinking, the old man spoke.

"The snake bitch tried to catch him with a lot of effort. But he made perfect use of his space element and acted as a slippery eel. But we came across one day and I caught him after learning his identity.

I kept him here since you are already busy with the war yourself. I didn't want to add an extra-label.

If you want to kill him, you can do it or if you want to leave him, you can do that too. But I am sure he is not much of a problem for you at the moment."

"Thank you so much. That is one headache gone."

"Great then. We can keep him here, for now, you can visit him before you leave, you will have enough time to make a decision."

"That would be great. Thank you so much."

"Let's go and have something to eat. I personally went hunting something. You will like it."

"I also have something you like."

Sam took out the heavenly wine gourd and showed it to the Old man.

Both of them went to the dining room along with the other three who are completely silent.

At least until they reached the table. After making some small talk, the three of them got familiar with the old man and they started bombarding him with questions.

They acted like restless kids as they asked about various battles the old man has previously participated in.

Sam almost felt ignored. Even though he doesn't crave attention, it is kinda weird for him to be ignored, since he is the one who even brought them here.

But he didn't care much.

After a very long meal, they finally gave the old man a break.

"I would like to spend some time alone with Sam if you don't mind." The old man asked directly and the three of them didn't even dare to voice their opinion, they apologized for intruding and left.

"Seems like your name commands enough authority. To think that I would see these three behaving this well."

"Perks of being old I guess. The more I hear them, the more I realize that I am way too old and the world seemed to have just left me behind. So many things have changed."

"Well, not that many. For example, people haven't changed. That is for sure."

"Anyway, before I show you what I wanted to show you, why don't you tell me what you wanted to know?"

"Right, I want to ask you about the Divine formation mountain."

As soon as those words left his mouth, the old man's expression changed. He frowned and asked Sam.

"Why do you need to know about them?"

"Because they kinda are behind Sivan's disappearance? They just took him from right under the nose."

"The disciples took Sivan away?"


"And they have Mountain Master's orders to do this?"

"I don't know. Probably not, because this happened because of the personal rivalry in a way. Why?"

"If it is Mountain master himself, I would advice you to stop the pursuit right now, but since it is the kids, there might be a chance."

"Chance to do what? Mediation? I am not interested in that."


"They know too much already. Even the information they are holding against me will cause me great trouble if it was leaked to the rest of the world.

I don't want that looming over my head."

"But if you clash with them, you will have to clash with the Mountain Master. He is a dangerous person. You might not want that in your current state."

"As I said, I don't have any choice. That is why I need information."

"Alright, let's see. What do you know until now?"

Sam went on to say everything Gail said to him a few days ago.

"You really did have a lot of info. There is nothing much that I could add to it. In fact, you are well informed about the subordinates than I.

But I can tell you more about the mountain master."

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