Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1177 - Crossing The City

As soon as they left, Sam started placing formation nodes in different spots within the creek. The nodes are made with normal formation flags instead of the liquid energy cells.

He used the shadow elemental energy to move around to place them as fast as he can.

After he was done with it, he came out of the creek and went back to the path as he slowly walked to the city in a black cloak. All three tokens are in his hand. As he neared the city gate and the guards are about to search him, he crushed a token in his hand.


The formations he set up started exploding at the very instant.

He made his move and took a dagger. Black smoke surrounded his body as he slit the throats of the guards one by one, taking advantage of the shock caused by the explosion.

He didn't bother hiding his presence and waited for the guards to come at him and he just went on a killing spree. Every stab was being made to kill and he killed ten guards in an instant and eight beasts followed them by the two more beasts barely staying alive.

At this moment, a flashy red light appeared in the sky.

Sam looked at the guard chief who is the only one standing along with his beast. The beast is of a dark elemental bear type. Sam looked at him calmly. Only his eyes are visible and the guard chief looked straight at them and asked.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?"

Sam didn't speak and directly went after the guy. The bear took the chance and came at Sam from behind, just before Sam and the guard chief were about to clash, he suddenly dissolved into his shadow and moved through the legs of the bear and appeared behind it.

He used his dagger to cut the back of the bear as he jumped upwards with all his strength.


The bear roared in pain and the guard chief was stunned. He ran forward and attacked Sam from the side, but he once again used his shadow ability to disappear and attacked the bear and this time with a stab on its neck and he stood on its shoulder as it tried to get rid of him.

The guard chief held his sword as he ran after the bear and tried to attack Sam, but he was unable to catch him.

Because Sam started moving around the bear's body as he stabbed it on different parts while escaping the guard chief's attacks.

The guard chief didn't dare to attack too rashly as the bear might die.

But from the looks of it, even if he didn't attack it would definitely die sooner or later.

He still hoped that he would be able to save it when the other guards arrived. But what he doesn't know is something else is happening in the city and the guards would be busy there dealing with that trouble.

They wouldn't be able to help him no matter how much they tried.

As the frustrated guard chief wanted to get rid of Sam even at the cost of the bear, Sam suddenly left the bear and jumped at the guard chief.

He slashed at the shoulder and slipped into the shadow before leaving another slash on the leg.

Before he could react, he once again clung to the bear.

Sam just toyed around with the guard chief to waste some time.


Inside the most luxurious inn of the city, two holograms are moving around in an area while a large tree is growing with a lot of vines creeping around.

Many guards are trying to fight the tree, but they could nothing as the vines are whipping around and destroying everything.

The exquisite furniture, the carvings on the walls, and the whole building are about to be destroyed.

Many fire elemental beasts and cultivators alike are trying their best to burn the tree down. But nothing is happening to it.

Noah and Kumar are currently on their way towards the rear gate while all the city guards are running towards the inn.

When they are almost at the gate, the formation discs projecting the holograms inside the inn suddenly disappeared and the tree also couldn't hold on anymore.

The guards relaxed a bit and half of them stayed back to investigate while the remaining guards went to the gate to assist the guard chief in dealing with Sam.

Sam saw the guards coming from far away and immediately made his move.

The bear was already dead. He stored it inside the spatial ring and channeled dark elemental energy throughout his body as he activated shadow fusion.

He stood still without making a move and the guard chief took advantage of the situation to attack him. Sam caught the arm of the guard chief and the shadow elemental energy enveloped him too and before the guard come and assist the chief, the shadow elemental energy surrounded them as they disappeared from the spot.

The guards were stunned and they stopped in their tracks.

They couldn't make sense of the situation.

A few seconds later a figure flew through the city and landed on the spot.

He has two wings on his back and his skin tone is dark blue which is similar to that of the fiend, but the body structure along with the facial features looked like an elf.

"What happened here?" He asked the guard who arrived in a cold tone.

"We.. we just arrived." One of them spoke with some hesitance. This made him turn to some of the people who are still standing a bit away from the entrance and he approached them.


Noah and Kumar already arrived outside the gate. They are in new disguises, different ones from what they wore when they entered the city.

They just waited a bit far away from the entrance.

They are a little anxious. After all, they created a lot of commotion and there is no evidence and trace of any cultivator there. So, the city will start a search and two people who ran through the city at the same time are bound to raise some suspicions. They need to get away from the city as fast as possible.

At this moment, a black mass of energy appeared near a shadow projected by a rock nearby and Sam appeared from it in his cloaked get up.

Along with him, there is a man who is barely alive with a lot of injuries.

Sam looked at them and let Sky out without explaining anything. The three of them boarded Sky and left the spot as they followed the path at a rapid pace along with the guard chief.

"Who is he?" Noah asked as she looked at the guard chief.

Currently, the guard chief is in a state where he is completely unrecognizable.

Every inch of his body is covered with the shadow elemental energy corroding it. The injuries have also seeped with shadow elemental energy and it is eating away at his flesh and bones.

"The guard chief at the entrance."

"Are you sure?" Kumar asked with a raised eyebrow. The guard chief looked nothing like himself.

"It is him."

Sam said as he finished off the guard chief and extracted the memory.

"He is too good of a memory source to leave him there. So, I just brought him with me."

Sam spoke as he gave the tokens to them and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Now, let us finish the traps as fast as possible. It is only a matter of time before they started searching for us along this path. We need to be done by evening and by night we go back and attack the city."

While Sam, Noah, and Kumar are discussing their plans, in the Farm town in which they got their first harvest of contribution points, a young lady is currently holding a meeting with the farmers of the town.

In the same conference room in which the Inner disciple put on a show for the farmers about the so-called threat, she is looking at all the farmers as they heard their rants.

If possible, she just wanted to kill all of them and be done with it. And if not for the elder sitting beside her, she would have done exactly that.

After the farmers are done with their rant, she stood up and bowed to them.

"I apologize for the grievances you suffered because of the incompetence of our disciple and the Myriad beast sect will compensate for your losses and I can vouch for that on my personal honor.

We request you to not leave the farm town because of this incident. We will provide extra benefits as compensation for you'¦"

She went on for a few minutes and finally appeased the farmers before sending them away.


As soon as they left, she slammed his fist into the stone table which turned into rubble.

She looked at the administrators that arrived and said.

"Tell me everything regarding the incident from the start to finish.. Whatever minute detail you know."

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