"But he is looking into our matters, doesn't that mean, he doesn't share the same sentiment as you."

One of their companions replied to Kumar.

Kumar shook his head and sighed as he looked at Noah. Gesturing her to explain to them.

"It is different.. We knew him for a long time, so don't worry too much. Even if he knew the information, we are not worried that he would do something to us. It is just that he would make use of it to concoct a bigger plan and get away with the heirloom by himself. He is skilled and he has a very competent team. His means are beyond ours. So, it is better to not let him know about this. At least, he shouldn't know how we did this and what our plan is."

"Whatever, if you ask me, it is better to kill them. After all, it is not like he would be sure that we are the ones who killed them. And the shadow mice don't have many abilities. Any reason could have applied for their deaths, he couldn't just pin them on us."

Another companion said from the side.

The shadow mice that were caught in the vines suddenly activated shadow elemental fusion and their shadows turned into armors as they covered the mice.

Their small claws turned sharper than ever as they spun and cut down the vines, they looked at the two companions with anger burning in their eyes and made their move.

The black shadows danced from one side to another as they left deep and long scratches on the companions.

They didn't kill them though, they just stood on a tree branch as they looked at Kumar and Noah. A large amount of shadow elemental energy gathered around them as they disappeared from the spot. This is the shadow transverse ability.

The shadow mice reappeared in the hiding spot of Sam.

Sam frowned when he looked at the shadow mice that appeared out of nowhere.

He is already pissed at the moment and now that he could guess that someone must have messed with his mice, he wouldn't let them off easily.

The shadow mice recovered a bit after taking a few sips of the Heavenly wine and explained the situation to Sam.

Sam understood what happened. He didn't expect that Kumar and Noah would be working together and they even had company.

And when he thought of the plan they had, he couldn't understand what they wanted to do, but from what he could speculate, the most probable plan would be turning the subordinate organizations against the Puppet organization.

That is a plausible situation that could cause chaos in the Puppet organization.

When all the subordinate organizations, rebel together particularly since their younger generations are involved, the Puppet organization is bound to make some concessions and they would need to give some explanation which couldn't be just given by anyone.

They would have to send some important members which essentially splits up the core members separately, giving them chance to deal with them and also a chance to concoct and execute many plans. Some of them could be used to cause a conflict between Puppet organization and their rivals and so on.

But these are speculations. Even though there is a great chance that it would be true, it is on the basis that Noah and Kumar are not working together with Dayus.

Meanwhile, Kumar and Noah were stunned by the shadow mice's sudden escape. They immediately had one thought in their minds.

Return to the Capital.

Since the information is bound to reach Sam, they could only execute it as fast as they could.

But as soon as they returned to the capital, even at their fastest speed, they were stunned by what they saw.

Sam and his team's posters are circulating around the city at the moment.

They hit a random bar and got the information on how Sam and his team became fugitives.

They went to their hiding spot and discussed.

Both of them knew that Sam is not silly enough to get caught by doing something like this, so they could guess whose plan is this. Dayus is the only one who didn't bother trying to hide his presence and all the players are sure that he concocting something like this.

But none of them expected that he would be insane enough to play with Sam. The hidden players are waiting for a good show.

Soon, the news about what happened in the valley came to the city along with the angry guardians who are carrying their youngsters with them.

They all arrived at the Puppet organization's headquarters demanding explanations.

Sam looked at the whole scene without any reactions, he wants to see how the puppet organization will react to this situation first, and then he will show what his reaction is to them. He would make the Brother One vomit a bucket of blood just from the sheer destruction he brought upon his sect by framing Sam for his own motives.

While Sam is looking at the city for further development, in a place where he couldn't watch, a meeting is being currently held.

Along with the head of the first branch of the organization and the elders, the brother one, the two groups that came from the other two branches are also here.

Apart from the members there is one person who is currently being pressured by the elders and the head of the branch to speak the truth.

It is none other than Dayus.

"Are you telling the truth? Are you saying that the two incidents are done by a single person?" The head asked once again.

Dayus decisively nodded his head and said.

"It is indeed him. He is the only one who has such means to use something to make people faint without any traces. In fact, he is an expert at various poisons. He must have wanted to cause chaos on both ends, by causing trouble between the branches and also causing trouble with the external subordinate powers."

Dayus' explanation sounded logical and he is calm. But only he knew that inside he is cursing Noah and her eighteen generations of ancestors.

He knew that Noah is in the city, he doesn't know if she is working by herself or if she is in alliance with others, but she and Sam are the only ones who can use wood element in players, the elders already identified that what made these kids unconscious is of the wood element.

He knew that Noah must have been the one who did it, but he decisively threw the responsibility on Sam as he doesn't want the organization to divert their manpower towards Noah. He wanted Sam to fall as soon as possible.

He is his biggest competition. He felt like he could handle everyone else. At least those are his feelings and he is that confident about his abilities. But no matter in terms of individual strength, manpower or resources, he is far behind Sam. As long as Sam is eliminated, he would be able to progress further.

For that he has been planning this for over a year and because of some encounters he managed to gain more resources from an external party and planned this perfectly, he cannot let others ruin this.

And thus the blame for this was also placed on Sam because of Dayus.

When the announcement was made, the whole city was in turmoil, in the minds of citizens, Sam is now an insane individual who doesn't know the difference between heaven and earth. Not only did he plan to kill the juniors of the puppet organization, he even planned something with the external organizations under the puppet organization and tried to sow discord between them.

He is really trying to reach for the stars with this.

Kumar and Noah were stunned and immediately panicked. Now, these two are also cursing Dayus and his eighteen generations of ancestors. They would rather take the blame directly and ruin their plan than let Sam take the fall for them. They knew the consequences would be dire.

Now they are thinking of ways to make sure that Sam doesn't misunderstand that they are in on Dayus' plan. They really hoped that Shadow mice reported everything they talked about so that Sam could deduce that they are innocent of this.


Sam smiled coldly when he saw and heard the whole situation.

There was a time when Orion emperor labeled him as a terrorist, then he showed them what the real terror feels like.

Now that these people also did something similar, Sam decided to show them how it feels to be targeted by him.

He is thinking whether Noah and Kumar are involved in this when they saw something.

Noah and Kumar ran towards the slums of the city and started calling out for the shadow mice to talk, they even placed some scrolls down and walked away so that the shadow mice could take them away.

Sam sent a shadow mouse to collect the information and bring it to him.

After getting the information, he smiled.

Noah and Kumar completely denied any involvement in the blame that was placed on Sam and they even briefly explained their original plan which is similar to that of what Sam speculated.

He sent back a message saying no problem to them through the shadow mouse.

After dealing with that, Sam then called his team and said.

"We are about to get busy. So, get ready."

With that, he directly selected the Puppet organization from the list.

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