Raised in Dungeon
15 Chapter 15 : Dungeon Explorer and Raid
Dungeon explorer, is an appellation for people who try to challenge dungeons.
Dungeon explorers must be registered in the Explorer Guild. The guild is created by the government, to monitor and control the activities of dungeon explorers.
For humans, dungeons are not only a place to confine the demonic mana, but also a place to mining. Dungeon grows valuable minerals that are not easy to find outside the dungeon. The minerals that obtained in the dungeon can be sold to the guild.
In the guild, dungeon explorers are divided into 10 rank that named based on the rarity of mineral in the dungeon, from the lowest rank : copper, iron, silver, gold, crimtane, hellstone, palladium, mithril, titanium, and luminite.
The richer the guild in a region, the richer the region will be.
That is why, the landlord of Barkaley, Barony Barkalet, was having a hard time, because the dungeons in his land, were completely unminable for the past ten years. There was something strange with Barkaley's dungeon. Not even a single floor was completed in that dungeon. Usually the first floor can be cleared by the iron-ranked explorer, but this dungeon is different. Every single explorer that had entered the dungeon, not a single one had returned. As a result, other explorers are gave up on entering this dungeon. Over time, dungeon explorer no longer came to region Barkaley's guild.
To solve this problem, Barony hired a high-class dungeon explorer for just clearing the first floor. Barony Barkaley hired an explorer from the capital, a palladium-ranked party, Lavinia's party.
But, three months passed since Lavinia's party entered the dungeon, they never come back. People thought, even a palladium ranked party couldn't clear the first floor, that means almost no one could challenge that dungeon.
News about this dungeon, reached royal family's ear, especially The Fourth Prince of Wildenhall Kingdom, Leofric Regina Wildenhall. Leofric organized a plan to raid the dungeon.
Dungeon raids were usually done by the nobles, the reason is because a massive dungeon raid required a large number of soldiers. The dungeon was deep and each floor was very wide, plus there were many unexpected thing that could happened inside dungeon. So communication with the outside is important.
This time, dungeon raids was led by Leofric. But this raid was not approved by the council, because it was considered as waste of soldiers. There is no reason for council to send a large of soldier to unknown dungeon. Therefor, Leofric came to the Barkaley region and announced
"I will be conducting a dungeon raids. Anyone who participates will be given ten sacks of wheat, pay upfront, and five sacks of rice after."
Hearing that, many peasants and or commoners registered. About 100 men registered, and 100 warriors from Barkaley's family.
One of the peasants that participated is a red-haired 17 years old guy, Arthur Lambert. Who moonlighted as a cleaner in a suburban bar. He was an orphan who lived in his parent's small home with his sister, Susan. Their mother has died while giving birth to his sister, and their father died because of illness. Susan is currently ten years old, so Arthur should work hard for a living.
"Susan! It's true! The soldier just brought us ten sacks of wheat! The prince didn't lie!" said Arthur cheerfully.
But apparently, his sister wasn't too happy about it.
"But brother, you have to raid the dungeon, right? Isn't it dangerous? If I'm not mistaken, no one can return after entering the dungeon for a long time."
"It can't be helped, we need food. Later after the raid, I can use our remaining money to sign up for the explorer's guild. if I become an explorer, our lives can definitely change!"
Seeing her brother happy, she wanted to be happy too. Susan knew that her brother wanted to be an explorer, but since her brother had to take care of her, his dream must have been dashed long ago. And now might be the only chance for Arthur to become a dungeon explorer.
For a week, the commoners' warriors will be trained the basics way to survive in the dungeon. Barkaley's family provided armor, weapon, and a training ground. The training included: basic sword usage, basic knowledge of monsters, guard formations, and how to mobilize food in the dungeon.
That afternoon, when everyone had gone home, there was one person who kept swinging his sword at the target doll, it was Arthur. He repeatedly swung his sword vertically.
The eldest son of the Barkaley family, Waldo Barkaley. While out for a walk, he accidentally looked at the training ground.
"Do you know who he is?" Waldo asked one of the maids who was also passing by. The maid immediately replied
"It's one of the commoners' warriors. From the beginning of the training, he always practiced alone until the sun went down. He said he wanted to utilize the training ground as much as possible."
"I see…"
Waldo approached him and tried to call out to him.
But Arthur did not hear it. He kept swinging his sword with great concentration. Waldo had tried to call him three times, but Arthur still could not hear him.
The reason Waldo was attracted to him was because of his gaze and concentration, so he didn't get angry even though he was ignored by Arthur.
As the sun set, Arthur stopped swinging his sword, took a deep breath, and put down his sword.
"Are you done now?"
Arthur was shocked.
"Mi-milord!" Arthur shouted nervously
"Take it easy this time... Let's forget our status first."
Arthur could only put on a forced smile. There was a great gulf between nobles and commoners. To the nobles, the commoners were completely worthless. Nobles could unilaterally imprison a commoner for life just for insulting them. So no matter how much Waldo asked to relinquish their status, there was no way Arthur would take it easy on him.
"Why did you always swing your sword until late?" asked Waldo.
"I-it's because I'm poor, so I don't have any equipment to practice with at home. But Barony's generosity allows me to use the training ground until late as long as I clean up afterward."
"I see…" Waldo said with a small smile. Then he continued
"I heard from the waiter that you have a little sister at home, right?"
Waldo's face suddenly changed.
"You'd better stop. Don't worry I'll still send you the remaining five sacks without making you go to the dungeon,"
"Dungeons are very dangerous, a youngster like you who only lives alone with your sister shouldn't die in a dungeon—"
"I SAID WAIT!" Hearing Arthur raise his voice, Waldo immediately fell silent.
After a moment, Arthur realized that what he said was inappropriate and disrespectful toward nobles.
"I'M SORRY!" said Arthur while he bowed his head.
Then he continued.
"I participated in this dungeon raid not just because of the rice. But because I want to challenge the dungeon, challenge myself! Ever since I was a kid, I've always wanted to be a dungeon explorer, but since I had to take care of my sister, I gave up and chose to work at the bar. I really hate it, I want to explore all the hidden things inside the dungeon!"
Arthur gripped his sword tightly and looked at his reflection in the blade.
"I am very grateful for your offer, milord. Maybe I still can become a dungeon explorer even without joining this raid, but if I don't join this raid now…"
Arthur lifted up his head, he looked straight into Waldo's face with bright-blue eyes with a sunset effect inside.
"I heard the dungeon is very scary, so if I ran now, I feel I won't be able to go any further in the future! I felt this was a chance that god gave me!"
The determination on Arthur's face made Waldo both amazed and discouraged. He already realized when he saw Arthur's face as he concentrated on swinging his sword. It was a face of someone who has determined to change his life. Someone who would try as hard as he could to move forward.
"I envy you," said Waldo.
Arthur was certainly confused. Waldo belonged to a noble family that lived well, in contrast to him, who was just a commoner even among other commoners. Just a little pipsqueak, dust inside the dust.
"Actually, I'm scared. This raid will probably be very dangerous because we're going to attack a dungeon that even the Palladium rank can't fight," said Waldo.
"As the first son of Barkaley's family, I have to accompany our troops and commoner troops. When I saw you practicing so hard, your eyes full of confidence it made me want to crush it. I didn't want to admit that the only one who was scared in this raid was me. I feel stupid now. Even though I'm a noble, I am just a coward who wants to drag others scared like me.
"Milord, that means about my sister earlier—"
"That's right, I wanted to scare you by making you think that you would leave your sister alone, I'm sorry."
"IT'S OKAY! MILORD! I understand your fear, for a poor man like me, that offer was our weak point. Honestly, I'm very happy to be able to talk to a nobleman like now."
Waldo smiled, he actually doubted Arthur's sincerity in his words just now, he could have said it just because he was afraid of him.
Waldo's hands were trembling because of fear. They had been like that since his father asked him to accompany the troops. Arthur, who noticed it, felt sorry for him. Just by looking at his face, Arthur wants to encourage him, this time, he really believes that Waldo is a good noble.
Arthur touched Waldo's trembling hand and said,
"Don't worry, sir, in a week, I will become strong and protect you, no matter what happens," said Arthur while looking deep into Waldo's eyes.
Waldo's hand stopped trembling, and suddenly he was not fear anymore. Seeing Arthur's eyes made him felt what Arthur said would be true. The persistence when he swung his sword, by that persistence, Waldo knew Arthur could be strong, much stronger than he could imagine.
"Tonight, bring your sister here, let's have dinner together," said Waldo, wanting to break the awkward situation.
Arthur immediately let go of his hand
"No, milord! Thank you!"
"There's no need to be shy, we're just eating, only three of us."
For the next five days, Waldo and Arthur practiced together. Waldo taught some of the swordsmanships that his master had taught him to Arthur. They became so close that people said they looked like brothers.
Then came the day, when the raid began.
There was a large cave buried halfway into the ground. When looking inside, there would be stairs all the way down.
In front of the dungeon, the noble's troops and commoner troops gathered. In the front of the troop, stood the main party members consisting of 5 mythril-ranked dungeon explorers led by Prince Leofric. One of them, Mathias, came forward and told the soldiers
"I've investigated this dungeon. The maze and passage inside this dungeon frequently change. There will be five different passages inside, so we will separate into 5, but don't worry, if you always take the left path, you will reach the end of the room, where we will all meet. Don't ever try to go back, no matter what, because you'll get lost."
Suddenly, Waldo's body starts trembling and sweating. He had not felt this for the past five days. He thought he had overcome his fear. But his fear seems returned when he stood in front of the dungeon.
"Milord, take it easy, but be watchful, I definitely will protect you, no matter what happens," said Arthur as he held Waldo's shoulders.
Waldo smiled a little, then said,
"You know, Arthur. I'm engaged to the daughter of Earl Boldenville's family."
"EH?! An EARL?!"
"That's right, I have always been close to her. Actually, I don't have romantic feelings for her now, in fact I think of her as my younger sister. They offered this engagement, it seems like she asked for it. She is weak but pretends to be strong and always depends on me. The real reason I am scared might be because of her. I cannot think of how she lives without me by her side."
Then he continued with a smile
"Just like me, you also have a younger sister, right? There is no way you are not scared. This time, don't just protect me, protect yourself. I will also protect you, let's fight together."
Arthur was stunned, after hearing Waldo's words, he realized that the closer the day of the raid, the greater the doubts that were inside him. He didn't want to leave his sister, Susan, alone.
"Very well, milord," Arthur replied with tears in his eyes.
The raid began with 200 troops divided into 4. Simultaneously, they descended.
Not too far, they had reached the beginning of the first floor. The place was large and grassy. There were small animals like rabbits walking around. The rabbits were the foodstuffs that the explorers used to cook. Although it was underground, it wasn't too dark. Many blue-colored crystals were shining to illuminate the room.
Ahead, there were five passages, the way deeper into the dungeon. The passages were illuminated by torches that were also blue, which were sticky on the walls.
Prince Leofric and his party entered the center hallway. While soldiers entered the other four. Each troop had a commander. Waldo is a commander in his group. Arthur walked right next to Waldo.
Two hours passed, and they had been walking for two hours, yet they hadn't found a single monster.
"Is it possible we're lost?" said one of the soldiers.
"That's impossible, Mr. Mathias is a mythril-ranked dungeon specialist. There's no way he could get lost on the first floor," Waldo replied soothingly.
"Maybe the monsters here have been killed by the explorers who keep disappearing in these past years?" said Arthur.
"It's possible monsters are created from evil mana, actually, they could be reborn every month, but since the last time the Palladium explorers entered, maybe they did something so that there are no more monsters near here."
After 3 hours passed, the soldiers had lost their alertness. They felt that no one would come. Some were already sleepy; others were holstering their weapons.
But suddenly
"STOP!" shouted Arthur.
Everyone was immediately shocked.
"Monsters?! There's a monster?!" they all panicked.
"Not monsters! don't you smell something intense?" asked Arthur.
"Don't surprise us!"
"Yeah, you commoners, you just want to show off, right?"
"Shut up," Waldo defended Arthur.
But Waldo was also a little skeptical of Arthur.
"Come here!"
Arthur ran, and as Waldo followed him, so did all the soldiers.
Until they reached one of the doors in the dungeon.
"The smell is coming from here."
Everyone could smell it.
"There's something inside," said Waldo.
Waldo's hands were trembling again. He tried to reach the doorknob. There was something inside, possibly a monster. If it was a monster, then when he opened the door, he would be attacked by a monster.
"Should I open it?" Arthur offered.
"No, I need to overcome my fear."
Waldo held the doorknob, then he slowly opened the door.
The room was dark, with only one blue torch on the wall for light. So Waldo couldn't see too clearly what was inside. But when he stepped on the purple liquid at his feet, he realized that the room was full of goblin corpses.
At the end of the room, he saw a black-haired boy holding a sword. And behind the boy was a woman sitting, with messy clothes and appearance.
"Why are there humans here?" asked Waldo in confusion.
They met up with Allen and Lavinia.
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